Friday, April 07, 2006

Bird flu

i'm not joking, this will be used as an excuse to remove even more liberties in the name of
security, as foucault pointed out medicine employs a certain amount of compulsion to it, by
claiming its for the good of everyone they have more of a percieved legitimacy to
quarentine, imprison, controll and monitor people than many other institutions.

now with this government's record of removing civil liberties every time theres an emergency
i dont see why this event will be any different, its the perfect excuse.
FEMA in the usa for example has licence to put folks in camps in any alleged emergency
i think we all need to watch out for the government trying to lock us down(restricted travel,
road blocks, kurfews, id cards, registration, 'relocation', martial law etc) and take
our freedoms if this bird flu thing spreads.i honestly would rather die of birdflu (which i think is highly unlikely considering how
many have died so far..statistically i heard theres more chance of a meteorite hitting me at
the moment) than be hearded off to a camp for my alleged safety.

A prime example of what im saying, have a listen to what bush says here:
"If we had an outbreak somewhere in the United States, do we not then quarantine that part
of the country, and how do you then enforce a quarantine? When -- it's one thing to shut
down airplanes; it's another thing to prevent people from coming in to get exposed to the
avian flu. And who best to be able to effect a quarantine? One option is the use of a
military that's able to plan and move."
The MILITARY , or in otherwords martial law.
i think if this thing breaks out, or more easily for them we're told its broken out this will be used as an excuse for tyranny and thats
all that martial law is; and you got it from the horses mouth there.
The biggest thing to worry about is not getting sick but how the government will use this to
their advantage, considering the US and UK both have governments that kill iraqi civilians
indescriminately and call it 'liberation' i dont think they can be trusted...i agree with
the nietzschean idea that power is and always will be something man strives for, and i think
governments are always after this too...i cant think of any government that over time hasnt
ended up oppressing its citizens in some way or another, even the so called liberal european
countries like finland have forced military service, a good friend of mine is having to dodge and weave to stop this forced slavery.
He's resisting such tyranny...hes a top guy.


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