Sunday, October 25, 2009

corrections/ solutions

Corrections to previous posts:
Hi folks, I wrote two posts ago that Alan watt's books came out before glen kealeys magazines but I had mis-dated a recording where I heard Alan saying he just finished his first book, so at the moment as far as the evidence goes it seems glen kealeys work came first. On YouTube as well you can find a recording of glen kealey claiming Alan watt called him and said that he took a trip to India recently (not sure when this conversation happened) and glen asked him how he paid for it and Alan said that the Sufi’s paid for it! I have looked in to Sufi philosophy myself and it does seem very close to some of the things Alan watt promotes and a Sufi teacher must also only accept donations, the point is that you could class Sufism as a mystical secret society within Islam, however this is all just hear-say and assumption, whatever the situation it is always worth remembering that we should only be reading and listening to researchers as a way to gather knowledge and wisdom, if we end up angry when we find they are not as honest as we thought then we may want to look at ourselves and question why this matters to us, do we get angry because we elevated these people to gurudom? it’s a question that is always worth asking ourselves because human beings for thousands of years have looked for a god on earth, a human being that can be worshiped for their knowledge and wisdom or for their power, money, status, strength or mystical energy, and I have seen many people treating Alan watt like he is more than a human being; as if he is superhuman and a guru to be followed and worshipped and whenever we choose to put a human being on an alter we are setting ourselves up to be controlled and ultimately hurt when we realise that they are human.
In my view if you really must worship something it should be creator, the intelligent being/entity/energy that created us all and is within us ALL, but personally I don’t see why the true creator would want to be worshipped, we see creator as if it is a human and would be interested in praise and worship, I feel that this world is a place where creator has put spiritual super beings in to matter to partly give creator the experience of existence and life (in the form we have it here) and also partly for us to show who we are, spirit on its own cannot demonstrate its will, it cannot act and have consequences on anything solid and matter on its own has no intelligence and simply exists so I feel spirit was put in to matter (humans in to material bodies) to 1) experience things and gain wisdom and knowledge as an aspect of the creator and 2) for us to affect things in the spiritual world to show creator the strength of our spirit, to show who we are with this wonderful opportunity to have an effect on the physical world; do we spend our lives involved in base physical things such as money, pleasures, entertainment etc and just give away our spirit and become nothing but matter and never having made any mark upon the world or do we realise what is truly important and start living like free sentient human beings who have the RIGHT to affect change on this world and do some good and strive to be spiritual complete beings? by this I mean we speak out against evil whenever we see it whatever the cost, we treat others as the aspects of creator that they are and be humane to others by helping those in need, treating people based on who they are rather than classifications of race, by standing up for those who cannot do it themselves, by making evil men and women aware that we will not tolerate perversion, evil, deviance and tyranny in OUR world, they may own everything with their imaginary money but that doesn’t change the fact that it is OUR world and we have the right to choose the direction it goes in and the power lies with us all to choose a path of humanity, higher consciousness and love or to carry on down this road of evil oblivion which will end in utter extinction of human beings, in particular sentient human beings.
in reference to the point I was making at the start of this paragraph I believe this is how we worship and praise our creator, not with worship and words but by living as s/he intended, living as natural human beings, gathering knowledge and wisdom, living a life based on humanity, love and the pursuit of worldly and eternal truths and by acting in a humane and truthful way, I believe that every action we take affects everything else in this world on several levels, it affects our spirit, our soul, everyone else’s soul and spirit, creator and all other levels of existence, everything we do and every choice we make is extremely important and really does matter, and it is the individual soul that matters just as much or even more so than a mass mob, we are an aspect of the creator and we are a microcosm of the macrocosm and have more power and importance than we are led to believe. I feel making this world ours again on a physical level begins by first making those evil monsters that control this system aware that we are awake and we don’t allow tyranny, that it is simply unacceptable.

I think we start this by having meetings of people who decide what we feel is best for the police, civil servants, bureaucrats etc because they are meant to work for us!

in Britain the police used to be answerable to the local residents and a policeman could be fired by the community, that doesn’t happen anymore and over here we now have the police killing people with batons, shooting people in the head at point blank range and even the courts don’t prosecute them, so at the very beginning we need to keep an eye on them, demand constant transparency and make a (perfectly legal and law abiding) annoyance of ourselves, when a local civil servant/police officer abuses someone or is found to be corrupt we have a meeting and if we don’t like it we write letters of complaint and make the public aware of it by speaking out, bullies do not like to be exposed and when it happens they run away/resign rather than fight because they are cowards at heart and I feel if you can do this just once it will scare all the other corrupt police and officials in to line, but the key to all of this is whatever you do do it legally because they will try to arrest you for the slightest thing so make sure you're all clean as a whistle.
I also feel demanding what groups and secret societies these people belong to is important, because for example in masonry you swear on your neck, heart, testicles, eyes etc that you will obey the order first and foremost, that the Masonic oaths come before all other oaths, that you help a brother mason and lie and stick up for them whatever they do, all these things always create corruption, this is why secret society membership of those in government and civil service is such a serious issue because their allegiance is to the secret society not to you and they will obey agendas they do not understand and these agendas are nearly always about enslaving the public, even if they weren’t you can’t have people who are supposed to be serving us serving some other organisation we are not allowed in to, and also grown men do not take oaths on their lives and body parts in haste, those oaths are very serious and they ensure that however much they try to tell you they have quit or don’t have to obey their oaths they can never be trusted again, when you sell out once you now have a price and they will sell out again and again, to be honest if we really were to get the world back to being ours again the whole system that we have now would have to be stripped clean because the whole structure and everyone in it is based on masonry and corruption, you would have to scrap most of the government and if you were to choose to have a police force they would have to be from the citizenry, answerable to us and the training would have to be rewritten from scratch because the training now is all about how we are the enemy and their only friends are the brotherhood; the fraternity of police which is linked to the world wide Masonic brotherhood.

But i do feel all of the solutions possible always start with you, the only person you can change is yourself, gain wisdom, knowledge, become sentient and understand the world and start treating others as precious and god given and as you would like to be treated but by the same token do not tolerate deviants and psychopaths and when you see anything like this immediately make it clear that this is not tolerated and stand up to anyone victimising or abusing anyone else and make sure that the abuser knows they wont get away with this again, we need to stop letting the psychopaths run everything, even at the bottom of the pyramid everyday psychopaths rip off, abuse and run rough shod over good people and nothing is done, this must change, I'm not going to promote any particular actions or whatnot on this issue because that is for your conscience to decide.

i hope you're all well out there, i see that i do have at least one reader and for me it is not about quantity, if one person wakes up and becomes sentient that is a miracle and is what i am here for.


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