Friday, April 07, 2006

Mental prison

i've been thinking this for years, that any perception we have of reality only exists in
our brain as an electrical signal, whats 'out there' is only really a sea of
electromagnetic signals. also i dont like psychology or science but ill pragmatically take bits of it if it helps with an argument, however it was found that we edit out or put in 50 percent of what we see based on belief.
so how we interpret those electrical signals is simply based on belief. Now this has huge implications, we are day by day having our belief moulded by media, education, social norms, propaganda etc. Whats to stop the world being completely different from how we see it but we percieve it that way because we have been 'programmed' to.

This is why i am very open to any theories that arnt immediately proveable by empirical
verification (sight) i think a large function of the media, education and such is to deeply
entrench a belief in what is real and so we will all experience that.
They can literally create a reality suited to what they want to achieve.

Theres something very wrong with how most people react to any information that does not fit
with the 'official' view of the world for example; you talk to someone about aliens and
they will laugh at you or get scared and call you insane, now im not saying people should
believe in aliens, that's not the point. The point is you have to ask yourself are we really
mentally free if most of us react with such gut emotional denial when presented with
anything not supported by the mainstream channels of information? In a mentally free society we should react with open minded inquizitiveness to something we havnt experienced, not immediate denial and fear...that's not mental freedom.
i honetly think most of the population has had their minds heavily pounded shut by
education, the media and mass belief. For example the information i talk about isn't even
very well hidden, you even use google for a few mins and you can verify anything i
say, whats really going on in the world is completely plain and under your nose but so
severe is the mass conditioning that most people wont either look for it; or if they do find
it they will immediately react with fear or ridicule and you can have all the evidence you want
for something, ive met many people who wont even listen to the evidence.
I am of the sincear belief that most of the population is in a kind of mental prison created
by systems who's very aim is to achieve that...we're told how and what to think through all
of our formative years essentially by government agencies known as state schools and we call
ourselvs free???
This is why these people are getting away with the further enslavement and stealing of our
liberties and its not really a hidden thing, its just its not on tv or in the news paper so
they dont bother to look and anything contrary to whats on the telly is a 'conspiracy
theory' when all this stuff can be found out just by looking at government white papers, CFR
meetings, UN documents, actual laws and bills.

This is happening coz people bury their heads in the sand and pretend everythings all right,
thats why i believe our most powerfull tool is distributing information as much as we
can...its information or the controll of it that is the real power in our current systems of
soon however it will be real 1984/brave new world style physical controll..and i mean the
likes of technological devices in peoples body, have a listen to aldous huxleys speech here click 'program' and itl come up in real media with a 45 minute lecture he gives on this very
subject, saying how hes discovered to his horror that the world of brave new world is
comming to pass, and he said this 40 years ago!
i think if we dont all stare reality right in the face and achnowlege what we're dealing with
we're going to be in a hell on earth.


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