Thursday, April 13, 2006

The bentham predicted

The Panopticon: A Mass Surveillance Prison For HumanityLatest trends in Big Brother outstrip Orwell's worst nightmare
Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson January 11 2006
The Panopticon is defined as a prison so constructed that the inspector can see each of the prisoners at all times, without being seen. This is an accurate description of the accelerating movement by western governments to erect giant, powerful, all-pervading mass surveillance, tracking and control grids that will keep all populations firmly under the baleful and watchful gaze of Big Brother.
We are still debating the NSA listening to foreign calls from the US when the NSA admitted twenty years ago that they were listening to domestic US calls under the Echelon program. This is de-classified and public but the media acts like they don't know about it.
Why is there even a debate about if they are tracking and tracing us when RFID transponders are going in cars nationwide to follow our every movement?
This system has already been partly implemented in Britain with barely a whimper of dissent.
You can call your cell phone company, ask them where you are and they will tell you down to a few feet. That is a federal operation that's hooked into the NSA right at this moment and about to be hooked into every major police department and squad car.
Your name, everything about you, what you're doing, where you're going and the cop can punch in a few keys and use your phone as an audio sensor.
Major cities such as Austin, Texas installed gunshot detection microphones. The government assured us that they respect our privacy but the very companies installing them bragged about how they can listen to a kid on the street talking to his friend two hundred yards away.
And now, from Rochester New York to Austin Texas to Chicago, the government has announced that they are being used as microphones and they will be used to listen to us.
Consider today's BBC report concerning CCTV surveillance systems in an area of London which is planned to be expanded to include, just on its first implementation, tens of thousands of other citizens in other areas.
The government funded program, called ASBO TV, invites residents to pay £3.50 and have access to a TV channel that enables them to monitor 400 different CCTV surveillance cameras and report on suspicious or anti-social behavior, comparing suspects to an on-screen rogues gallery.
This combined with the government's encouragement for Londoners to report their neighbors for suspicious activity, of which potential signs of terrorism include owning a vehicle, living in a house or getting a refund on a credit card, fuse the infrastructure of a classic total surveillance state, with civilian tattle-tale squads forming the modern say Stasi. Meanwhile, posters at bus terminals inform Londoners that they are 'secure beneath the watchful eyes' of Big Brother.

The exact same program was announced for the US years ago in the New York Times. The difference is that in the US they plan to force people to watch the system either over their computer or cable system. It will be classified as 'public service' to pay for speeding tickets and eventually as a mandatory function of your civil defense Homeland Security draft duties.
Starting at two hours a week and, if you wish to be paid, upwards of twenty hours a week, you will monitor the cameras for signs of terrorism and also, as admitted in the New York Times piece, for crime.
The latest artificial intelligence systems, for example DARPA's gait analysis program, which made headlines in 2003 for claiming to be able to identify terrorists by the way they walk, are not yet perfected and the involvement of the general population gives Big Brother the added advantage of pounding into people the feeling that their behavior is being monitored at all times and that if they step out of line in any way they will face the consequences. This in turn makes people self-regulate their actions to the point where exercising even basic freedoms becomes a potential precursor to being disappeared. In addition, using a method called the Delphi Technique, the general public are more likely to support the idea because they are hoodwinked into believing that they are involved in it and are part of the power structure. Therefore they feel their time is invested in the common security of everyone.
In effect, by an incessant demand that people report any suspicious behavior, they’re creating terrorist cadres that don’t exist to justify police state legislation under the guise of protecting the public.
And they’re shifting the surveillance grid into areas where its not mechanized, to become self-regulating.
Because if you pound it into people that everything they’re doing is constantly being monitored, which is part of the motivation behind the NSA spying furor, it has the effect of making the people regulate their own behavior and have absolutely no confidence to exercise their innate freedoms.

By announcing all this they’re shaping individual behavior, which means that they don’t have to worry as much about what slips past their surveillance grid, because people are cowering in fear of speaking out or being active in any way.
And for the elite that self-regulatory little brother syndrome is going to be ultimately more successful for them, because a dictatorship by fiat rather than force is something that’s far easier to package and sell to the wider population.
The government has been caught using chemical and biological weapons on the American people ad on the British people. They cannot be trusted to do anything and they have no moral authority. We have former and current Bush administration advisors advocating torturing children. Statistically, governments have been found to engage in more criminal activity than the general member of the public. It is not because we have something to hide that we don't want this. It is because we don't trust the government on the basis that history and common sense shows that they do this to enslave and abuse populations. Corrupt people want more power and control.
A government engaging in escalating criminal actions and becoming more and more secretive should not be watching and tracking us as if we're all criminals. The same goes for CCTV surveillance. That's not freedom. Would you let a convicted murderer and pedophile watch your child 24/7?
The often peddled mantra of 'why should you care if you have nothing to hide?' is manifestly ridiculous in light of the fact that we have a government that has everything to hide and yet we're the ones under suspicion.
We are told by the government to make our lives completely transparent or go to jail while the government itself becomes more secretive than ever before.
Why should they know everything about us when they won't tell us anything about them?
Would you walk up to a gang of criminals and give them your credit card and PIN number?
The British government told us that the ID card would make our information more secure. Blair said this would protect, not infringe our liberties. And how did they propose paying for it? By selling the information of 44 million British citizens to private companies. How secure is that?
High level dictators will put in thousands of viceroys and minions who will all set up their own petty little empires in your neighborhood and make your life a living hell.
This control grid is being implemented not just so it is there in place but so they can abuse us further. The more we put up with and become acclimatized to it, even more control will be layered on top. This control grid is being constructed so they can enforce mandatory psychological testing and drugging, now a proposed federal law, to be done nationwide under the New Freedom initiative. It is so they can enforce conscription and the national draft, it is so they can enforce their feudal land grabs under zoning laws.
They did not ask us if we wanted any of this. They install the surveillance grid and then claim that we agreed to it. They were erecting license plate readers in Indiana six years ago and now they are going in nationwide. London is already fully covered with an automatic tracking and taxation camera control grid.
Small towns in Florida were already running scans on cars three years ago and that program has vastly expanded across the country. They put the system in place and then announce it. Notice how they put the cameras in first and stated that they were just for traffic. Then they announce that squad cars were going to be hooked into the cameras and now it's happening.
They did not ask us, but retroactively, when we do hear about it in polls, almost everybody is against it but they just don't care. In Texas we beat the law that would have put RFID tags in inspection stickers, after polls showed a 95 per cent plus opposition to the plan. And what happens? The Texas Department of Transportation announce that they are going to put two million in this year without even asking. The law was defeated but they are just going to go ahead and do it anyway because they are criminals.
There are no ifs, ands and buts about it. We have criminals announcing that they are watching us and that they want to institute yet more expansive and wide ranging systems of surveillance.
GPS surveillance systems in cars are about to become mandatory and are in all new cars as standard. The British government has announced a taxation by mile program that will track every car on every British road. The exact same systems are going in the UK, the US, Germany and western Europe, betraying the organized global design of this movement.
They have told us that our digital cable boxes and TIVO systems are recording what we watch to create psychological algorithms which are stored on government databases. These systems track what we watch, for exactly how long we watch it, and what our psychological score is based on those factors.
Imagine having millions of your choices over the years stored on centralized government databases. It's already happening.
Similarly, supermarket loyalty cards hold the same data and Walmart in league with the Defense Department has ordered all major supermarket chains to switch from barcode to RFID tracking so that every purchase you make emits a radio frequency from the store shelf, to your home, to the landfill.
The introduction of the national ID card and blanket surveillance and recognition systems in the UK and US is one step further towards the mandatory implantation of ID chips in all citizens. Does this sound outlandish? Implantable chip technology has been in existence for a decade and discussions on ID chipping humans is in the news regularly. Tommy Thompson, the former Health and Human Services Secretary in the Bush administration, promised to have a chip implanted and is now touring the country lauding the virtues of ID chips. During the the confirmation hearings for John Roberts Jr., George W. Bush's nominee for Supreme Court chief justice, Roberts was questioned by Senator Joseph R. Biden on whether he would rule against a mandatory implantable microchip to track American citizens.
No matter how diabolical and unbelievable it appears to the rational thinking person, the government's of the west are doing it.
Cameras in school bathrooms, security blimps in major cities watching us as we step out of the door. Surveillance systems used on insurgents in Iraq are here.
This is systematic. They built the electrically wired cage around us and then they turned it on. The state is doing all this for the moment when they take your pension funds, private property, and guns because you won't be able to resist. Big Brother will be two steps ahead at all times and there will be nowhere to hide.
A once free people are being totally enslaved and they have no idea as it brazenly unfolds in front of their very eyes.


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