Friday, December 28, 2007

The thing

The thing by simeon heath-moss (c)

"the thing that sent me to that place, the thing that stroked my arms and face, the thing that fell amongst the bells, the thing that laid my path to hell.
the thing that struck my head clean off, the thing of which i bore its wrath, the thing that removed me of my face, the thing that sent me to that place."

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Quite a good HAARP video...very worth watching

heres an ok HAARP video, they dont really discuss its full uses though, it misses a lot of history and they dont point out that its this thats causing weather change (one billion watts into the atmosphere as it says in this video) from 'global warming' (and not natural carbon dioxide) and this is on the same frequency of the human brain and so can manipulate thoughts en masse, they do say it can do this but they dont really make it clear THEY ARE DOING THIS and are using it to keep the population of the earth sedated.
they do however bring up the fact that it can be used to cause earth quakes, and theres been no shortage of those in the past few years.

They also claim haarp is safe when the originator of this type of technology; nicoli tesla publicly voiced his fear that it could easily cause the atmosphere to explode or set on fire.theyre also trying to tell us that altering the ionosphere doesnt affect the earth, even though they say it can control weather, cause earthquakes, heat the atmosphere, and as tesla said explode the atmosphere.
Also the way our body works is based on many magnetic and electrical our nutrients are accepted by the body, how the body repairs itself, how enzymes are processed, how the chemicals that transmit messages around the body...all these things rely on the correct magnetic fequency, and i have no doubt the constant pounding were getting from haarp is messing with these processes and is causing a lot of illnesses.
An old old method of controlling a population is simply to keep them ill, not too ill that they cant work but much too ill that their survival capabilities are pretty much shot....there are poisons in every method possible: food, air, water, vaccines, the true medicine that really WORKS is kept from us and were fobbed off with primative chemical drugs that simply add to our toxic state while rarely ever helping a condition and along with haarp which disrupts our human processes that rely on the correct magnetic frequencies being achieved we are being kep constantly sick but with enough energy to work; sick people dont protest, people in pain generally care less about the world around them and generally wont protest or spend a long time really researching to get to the truth because pain and illness is a huge destracting and draining experience.
Even in egyptian times to conntrol slaves the masters would have them on a poor diet, fed enough to work but too sick to be running away or fighting back against the well fed strong guards.

With the history of the elites for thousands of years of trying to gain control, control the public en masse, use every weapon they can get their hands has been the nature of tyrants for thousands of years to control their subjects by every method they have and if they become to many to control to cull them back.

Also the military own this machine, i find it stunningly obvious what its going to be used for, the militarys role in every society that has ever existed is the killing or controlling of other human beings and to keep social order within the country theyre in, and very often this means the military is turned against the citizens of its own country to get rid of disobedient people or groups.
The military simply isnt there to help people or to investigate scientific projects just out of interest...they are there to control and kill people and when you look at the plans set out in the new american century documents bought out by the current people in power having airforce supremacy is one of their aims.

Note the weapon they mention here too involving an output of electrons causing a gas thousands of degrees hot, they dont miss a trick with their symbology...its called Shiva: the destroyer.

I would also like to point out that it is just an absolute over the top joke to be suggesting that terrorists could make these kinds of weapons themselvs, these things cost millions upon millions to make and 'al quaida' is allegedly attacking us with bombs made of chipati flour and cars set on fire, aparently led by a man hiding in a cave!
If this is used by 'terrorists' you can be sure that it is our own governments doing this because they are the ONLY organisation who could afford such a thing.

I would say however that looking at who ownes and built this HAARP device that it is ALREADY in the hands of terrorists (definition of terrorism from "the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes. "...that sounds like the US government to me, if the iraq wear isnt violence for a political purpose i dont know what is!)

One mistake they all make on this video is they are saying that the military dont know what theyre doing with HAARP technology.
however i would say that they know EXACTLY what therye doing, the real elites technology is 500 years ahead of us AT LEAST and i would say that theyve been working on this for a long time and are very aware what this technology is doing and are intentionally using this as a weapon to control the minds of the publics, to control the weather, to use it as a weapon in the future, to bring about the changes that are alleged to be a part of global warming to convince people to change their lifestyles and go along with the NWO 'green' agenda, they will use it for population control by flooding or burning the population and most people will have no idea that the elites are intentionally doing this to them as most people have no comprehension that such a technology exists and this is where their advantage lays and they can use the effects of haarp for m,ass social change, the changes in weather will and are already being blamed on our lifestyles and this is being used as the perfect excuse to control how we live, what we may and may not consume and this is the methjod that will be used to bring about this new world order, and the environmental movement is so blindly trusted people will walk strait into this.
it will end up with everyones lives rigidly watched, controlled and directed and the excuse will be for the sake of the planet.