Friday, September 01, 2023

Hi folks,
I am still here. As in alive at least.

I don't have much to say other than an update on this fact.

I had someone email me once from this blog, the only email I have ever gotten from here. I was struggling at the time and did not reply for years, I would like to offer my appologies; if you are reading this and have emailed me and you still want to talk please do send me an email again at

The question I got was what mymessage is here exactly.

Some of my message is the idea that the initiation of force (violence) is universally immoral and that the logically consistant application of this idea leads to a necessary rejection of the legitimacy of the state which I give this definition:

"a human organisation which maintains a legally legitimised monopoly on the initiation of force within a given geographic region"

Other messages follow from this such as taxation being theft and sometimes extortion.

I also study the symbolic world view which is difficult to explain here but if you can grasp phenonomenology that is a good start.

As well as psychology.

Politically though I would say my general message is I see the government as pretty much a mafia that has set itself up as the only allowable mafia and has gotten millions of people to believe this through propaganda and mind control (there is a reason why the government funded 13 years of your "education" and it was not to give you the tools to think for yourself.)

I would suggest that everyone question heirachies based on tyranny, force and violence and to never obey any order or law or command that violates your own moral compass.

This is part of my message and is all I have to say right now. I guess one last message would be to learn who you really are and arm yourself with the tools to truly think.

If there is further interest I could post a whole load of links to videos and books which convey some of the way I think or which have in part influenced my thinking.

All the best,


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