Abuse in healthcare. My personal experiences with CAMEO Cambridgeshire. Do not trust them!
Hi folks,
Some time ago, almost 10 years ago I was having trouble with hearing voices. I had a stay in hospital and on leaving my brother waned to get me some more help than I had right now.
This was the start of a year and a half of horrific psychological, mental and emotional abuse from this "mental health team" AKA CAMEO Nortj.
They would talk about me to each other in front of me like I was not there.
They would accuse me of lying about work I had done to improve my life.
They would shame me at every opportunity for anything I did they they didn't like.
They would speak about me to other healthcare workers in very derogatory and often disgusted and angry tones. They would talk about me like they hated me.
Every week for a year and a half they abused me in some way or another. Putting me down, pouring scourn where they could, judgement, disgust, mockery, constant shaming tactics and denial and gaslighting when they were called out on the things they would do.
One example is one time after a year and a half of abuse I had already attempted suicide a few times to get away from them and they had bullied me to the point that I was literally shaking when they were around and this horrible "healthcare worker" called Tammy then proceeded to tell me "I'm sick of you doing all this" and then proceeded to do a mocking impression of how I would be shaking when they were around.
I had to just refuse to have them in my life, of course to get me in a meeting with one of them so they could have it look like I discharged in a way that makes them look good, they had someone from another service to lie for them so they didn't know I was seeing them.
They did incredible amounts of damage to my mental welbeing and to this day I still haven't properly healed
If you or a family member happens to be in need of help with things like hearing voices and you're in Cambridgeshire find a private therapist you feel safe with, DO NOT USE THE NHS and certainly DO NOT INTERACT WITH CAMEO.
They will utterly destroy whatever mental wellness you have left and damage you for life, that is if you do not sucessfully do yourself in trying to get away from them.
They are in the business of keeping you sick so they stll have endless patients.
They do not want you to be well and they have no clue how to go about helping someone improve either.
Edit: I just checked on their website, they treat people as young as 14! I weep for whatever young adults might be burdened with having to deal with them.
Some time ago, almost 10 years ago I was having trouble with hearing voices. I had a stay in hospital and on leaving my brother waned to get me some more help than I had right now.
This was the start of a year and a half of horrific psychological, mental and emotional abuse from this "mental health team" AKA CAMEO Nortj.
They would talk about me to each other in front of me like I was not there.
They would accuse me of lying about work I had done to improve my life.
They would shame me at every opportunity for anything I did they they didn't like.
They would speak about me to other healthcare workers in very derogatory and often disgusted and angry tones. They would talk about me like they hated me.
Every week for a year and a half they abused me in some way or another. Putting me down, pouring scourn where they could, judgement, disgust, mockery, constant shaming tactics and denial and gaslighting when they were called out on the things they would do.
One example is one time after a year and a half of abuse I had already attempted suicide a few times to get away from them and they had bullied me to the point that I was literally shaking when they were around and this horrible "healthcare worker" called Tammy then proceeded to tell me "I'm sick of you doing all this" and then proceeded to do a mocking impression of how I would be shaking when they were around.
I had to just refuse to have them in my life, of course to get me in a meeting with one of them so they could have it look like I discharged in a way that makes them look good, they had someone from another service to lie for them so they didn't know I was seeing them.
They did incredible amounts of damage to my mental welbeing and to this day I still haven't properly healed
If you or a family member happens to be in need of help with things like hearing voices and you're in Cambridgeshire find a private therapist you feel safe with, DO NOT USE THE NHS and certainly DO NOT INTERACT WITH CAMEO.
They will utterly destroy whatever mental wellness you have left and damage you for life, that is if you do not sucessfully do yourself in trying to get away from them.
They are in the business of keeping you sick so they stll have endless patients.
They do not want you to be well and they have no clue how to go about helping someone improve either.
Edit: I just checked on their website, they treat people as young as 14! I weep for whatever young adults might be burdened with having to deal with them.
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