Saturday, January 26, 2008

poignient radiohead lyrics

We're rotten fruit
We're damaged goods
What the hell, we've got nothing more to lose
One gust and we will probably crumble
We're backdrifters

This far but no further
I'm hanging off a branch
I'm teetering on the brink
Oh honey sweet
So full of sleep
I'm backsliding

You fell into our arms
You fell into our arms
We tried but there was nothing we could do
Nothing we could do

All evidence has been buried
All tapes have been erased
But your footsteps give you away
So you're backtracking

Ah ah ahYou fell into our arms
You fell into our arms
We tried but there was nothing we could do
Nothing we could do
You fell into our, ah
You fell into a

We're rotten fruit
We're damaged goods
What the hell, we've got nothing more to lose
One gust and we will probably crumble
We're backdrifters

[in interpret this to mean the vast web of re-editing and retelling and reworking of history and even recetn events, they can flat out change the records of events now beyond recogniton and no one remebers, as in 1984 they were alies with the taliban not long ago when they needed to use them to ight the soviets now that their culture conflicts with the nwo standardised world culure they must be destroyed.
wall street unded hitler into power through IG Farben and the UBC with the directorship of gw bushes gran daddy then went to war with germany.
rumseld sold all the weapons to saddm hussein then went to war with him.
its an old game]


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