Saturday, September 13, 2008

Brief analysis of the environmentalism scam

recently ive been having to go through a dark night of the spirit, one which im sill very much in the middle of, hence the lack of writing on here, i am sorry for leaving for such a long time.

well, a short summery of the world at large is in order, as many may have noticed we are flying like a juggernaught toward the elitist agenda and the main tool of public control at the moment is still environmentalism.

It is a particularly insidious form of control as it uses humanities own instinct to protect the planet and preserve what we need against itself, as i have pointed out in the past the media has always beeen used to have us accept each new update to their system, as each update brings us closer to the final spiritual and human oblivion our mystery school masters have in store for us the media is there to program us in to playing along with it, sinse the masonic henchman h g wells wrote war of the world we have been programmed to accept an outside threat that will oneday threaten our very existence and so to fight this threat we must join in unity and singularity to fight this evil (a new world order you might say, which is incidentlly the title of another of Wells' books), this story im sure seems familiar as it has been the plot of hundreds of science fiction books, movies and tell-levi-zion shows.
Fiction is a very powerful tool of programming, do not be fooled in to believing that commercials are the most dangerous programming medium, by far it is the fictitious story, movies/sci fi series in particular that are the most adept at programming the human mind, while dazzling the viewer with fantastic effects, rivetting plots and emotionally gripping love stories the programmers slip in their hidden message.

when watching fiction and emotional stories our imaginations and emotions are strongly stimulated and while this is occuring the part of our minds that would usually analyse the morality or truth of a statement put to us is switched off or distracted and it is here that the fiction puppeteers can slip subtle values, conclusions and ideals in to our minds via the plot, the actions of the characters and their reasons (ive seen ghastly torture presented as ok in movies as long as the 'hero' has a 'just reason' for dong so, which leads the viewer to forgot that no just reason ever exists for such evil, this is incidently how the US media attempts to justify the torure within its own prison camps through shows such as CSI and the shield), through these methods they can implant beliefs or acceptance of events in to us for when these things become reality later on in their system, or for what is occuring in the present

i would suggest that the mass of childrens and adults films that portray robots with humanity and human cyborgs and the elites agenda for one day robotising humanity are not coincidences and movies such as the matrix that pretty much fully lay out their agenda right under our noses are forms of programming in themselvs, this method of showing us in fiction what we are to have thrust upon us in reality later on is called predictive programming, when it happens in reality after witnessing the mountains of media preparing us first even the most bizarre and inhumane things will seem oddly familiar and inevitable, our futures can be whatever we wish if we truly assert control over them, but the elites seek to condition us that their 'manifest destiny' is the only one possible.

However returning to the main point of this blurb (environmentalsm), the environmental movement was cooked up as this present age was being created, this has been on the cards sinse the new age was planned in the 1800's and launched in the 60's, this new age where the earth and animals will be worshipped, were we will be seen as merely animals and evolutionary mistakes that somehow sprang out of monkeys, all things that devalue our own perception of the importance of human life and humanity, an age where the value of human life is degraded so much that babies are being murdered in the womb, human dna is mixed with animal dna and fed back to us, where we are injected with flesh from foetus'/babies and where we are considered nothing more than biomechanical machines...this is the age where the masonic final and ultimate revolution that huxley speaks of is made reality so a step towards this is foisting upon us a belief system that recycling, the earth and cutting down c02 is more important than our lives and worth.

The great con of this environmental revolution is the external force that threatens us all that we must unite (the sci fi films have made sure we understand this) agaist and fight together and accept a new regulated way of life where beurocrats and scientists run our lives to make sure we protect the environment, for if we dont accept this we all shall die, this force central to the scam is global warming, and with the media banging on about it night and day and with it suddenly becming the focus of every advert and corporation to 'be green' (a masonic term in itself, meaning to become like the green man, a symbol similar to pan, a human who is animalised (goat like...remember we call our children 'kids' now, if a kid is a baby goat then who is the adult goat?...ever heard of the NANNY state hmm?) and removed from persuits of the higher spirit, content to lounge around fullfilling its basest pleasures, a beast of nature...which is how high masons already see us) this repetitive conditiong is the same technique as the phrase weapons of mass desruction, the fact is that carbon has never governed the climate and if you do your jistor the earth has always gone through cooling and warming stages due to the movements and proximity of the sun and how the slight fluctuations in its output change the earths temperature slightly, incidently as well we have stopped using coal in our factories, a hundred + years ago sulpherous clouds of choking smog would hang over our major cities, we no longer use coal and our air is the cleanest its been in centuries,

However it lines many 'green' corporations pockets, it creates a food and fuel shortage by promoting things such as corn oil deisel as fuel as this would require far more energy to produce than petrolium and would cut food stocks, it creates a way for us to be cajoled in to accepting control to save the environment because it is alleged that WE are the root of the problems, even us breathing out creates C02 , its the perfect way to restrict our movement and to have us comply with any and all tyranical rules that they allege will aleviate global warmng and the elites have been spraying the skies and creating tesla and haarp technologies as well as simple cloud seeding to create weather disasters themselvs if some people are reluctant to accept this theory that it is us who are responsible for a change in climate, rather than the elite's spraying and any incidental natural phenomena (if there is really ideed any natural heat rise that isnt linked to haarp or other similar technologies).

Finally as well as the above factors the elites always put out ever single culture, counter cultre and counter counter culture for people to follow and then be lead astray by the elites that created them in the first place, even the patriot annd 9/11 truth movements are rife with elite controllers and disinformers, the likes of david icke who has you swallowing all sorts of lizard stories and alex jones who blennds 9/11 truth with patriotism and christianity, there is not one movement, group. religion, system, -ology, -onomy or belief system that has not been created by the elites and given to us, the ain is to catch even those who believe they have broken free of the system in some kind of web then lead them in circles, anything that a large number of people are following, any belief system or mystical pactice you can go to a guru to learn or buy a book from any book shop and study is most oviously elte created and controlled and with most of these groups and beliefs a simple look in to its symology, history and philosophical and founding roots will usually uncover masonic influence and creation, the new age mostly being strait out of hermeticism and madamme blavatskys school of theosophy...well environmentalism being part of the new age is now different, it is such a brilliant method of control however because even those who believe they are in opposition to this system and who believe they are counter culture very often will still accept and embrace environmentlism, many even believe it is contrary to what those in authority are planning and that it is helping to fight the power strutures that be, but really they are just walking strait in to the web, not inclusing the world wide one i am talking to you through....if youre on the world wide web, doesnt that make you fly? and being caught in a INTER connected NET would be just as bad ;-)

Ok well i have to rest now this has cause my back and arms to hurt and ache all over so i better stop here, but this isn the last youl hear of me so keep a lookout folks ;-)

i have yet to chek the spelling or even read it over, this is a flow of free thought...i may however edit it when my back's recovered.