Tuesday, November 18, 2008

poem by me

The trap
"brain online in dream land, dark prisons created by the slaves hand, addiction to the masochism, that's what happens when you love the system.

cruel games on the world stage, the manipulating dark mage, the fools still graze on psychiatric molecular pie...anything to shut up their third eye.

beaten souls struggle on, even when their lovers are now gone,
the pained ones kill their memory, wasting their lives in a haze of ephemory.

munching pac-men they're soon to be, with a brand new virtual masonic reality,
plug yourself in...its fun to play,we'll make your troubled mind just go away.

you're children now you're not adults, say the dancing prancing men of cults, sadly to their will many shall bend, to sentience they will put an end.

the squared men must be resisted, to the truth must our race be assisted,
our survival depends on waking up, we must see it for what it is or humanity's kaput."
by simeon heath-moss 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008


im sorry to say that my soul mate and lover of 3 years is dead, she was also my pupil, she promised to allow me to be a teacher, a real teacher, something that has been long lost.
she was unique, while she had difficulty breaking her programming on some areas she was always willing to learn, she was a rare perso who could love...reallly love, to a depth no one else could, she loved me as a woman should love a man...with complete trust and love.
she was a real woman, they are hard to find these days, this system is designed to destroy the family by programming people via tv in things such as comedies and drama to be opposed to the opposite sex, male ad female have nev er been more at war due to the steriotypes and programming fed to us by the media and the way the west is structured, being a mostly tertiarty economy makes the hard rough jobs that only men are willing to do most of the time obsolete, men have now even become useless for procreation...by design, now men are quickly becoming rejected and isolated...this is the tip of the ice berg, but this is not about that...all im saying is, my woman was never like this.
she was so so loving, warm, nurturing and loyal...very rare qualities in times where women are encouraged to be more like men than they should be, times where both sexes are being destroyed in favour of the masonic hermaphroditic agenda...somethig i have explained in parts on this blog, too complex and deep to start now.
even though she had been attacked much more than others in this war against humanity she had survived, something i have always been proud of.
she was my soul mate, my one and only...and i dont expect to find another, because she doesnt exist.
in short she loved me and i loved her...and now shes dead.

i dont care anymore about this, when we were together we had to keep it a secret, she was scared that some people may discriminate against her for being older than me, in many ways i was older than her, i taught her what i know, she always took my decision as final...i felt like i was older than her a lot, i had to calm her down a lot when she would get upset or angry, i chose to be with her, it was not any sort of predatory act on her part, i was more at ease with the age gap than she was.
rest in peace eve, im always yours.