Friday, September 25, 2009

hi there...swine flu stuff

i wouldn't exactly say im permanently back as i don't have the Internet any more but I'm using a public computer to do this as i have to say something about this swine flu bullhonkey.
I've seen this coming for some time, firstly i'll state the obvious: it has been on the agendas of many elitist think tanks and masterminds to use vaccinations for their eugenics agenda, i dont have much time to go through all of the groups and individuals and to be honest alan watt has covered this to death and he has loads of stuff on that on
Right obviously the plan is to heard the public in to getting poisoned by scaring them in to taking a vaccine, you can google to find the eugenics agendas of the UN, who, world science meetings and most western governments, i have a book called 'eugenics' by David gaulton, i got it dirt cheap and its a mainstream widely available book which shows you the history of its application to eliminate the non productive members of society, the UN has defined good citizens as a 'good producer/consumer' and if you consume and don't produce there's no room for you, this is why the vaccines are given to the elderly and sick first as they don't produce, never mind that the elderly have wisdom and value in and of themselves as do all humans by virtue of them being human and precious but anyhow yeah it shows you in the USA, Sweden, Germany, France, UK, Australia and many other countries have practiced eugenics to the present day, all the countries named have forcably steralised women by their national laws, I'm really sorry i cant quote the actual data here but i don't have the book with me but the book does site government documents showing these eugenics programs.
Anyhow the main point here is i need to get across to people how serious this situation is, from what i can see the uk government for example has purchased 90 million doses and doctors have described the coming vaccination program as a 'military style operation' (very ominous considering that a needle/dart with live viruses and poisons in it is what i would consider to be a weapon), now 90 million vaccines is the entire population of the UK and the government has been hinting at compulsory vaccines (why buy that many at great cost if they dont mean to use them?), the US in many states has already implemented compulsary vaccines with the police forcibly vaccinating people and 'quarantining' (double speak for imprisoning without trial) them.
now many people these days have lost all idea of their essential human rights and regularity and commonality of vaccinations has distracted people from its seriousness, this is an invasive procedure that invades your immune defences and the state forcing this in to you IS assault, you are being stabbed with poison by force and don't let double think convince you otherwise.
Aside from the fact that there have been many vaccines that have been 'accidentally' infected with the simian 40 cancer virus, live bird flu, HIV (in fact this is the main way that most people in Africa contract aids, via the UN vaccines), when lab protocol (bio safety level 3, google it) makes 'accidental ' contamination impossible, it would take prior knowledge.
just google 'vaccines contaminated' and you get tonnes of verified stuff.
now this link here has a comprehensive list of adjuvents:

i can say though that they do include: thimerosal (mercury), aluminium, gelatin, human serum albumin, formaldehyde, aspartame (a sweetener in an injected vaccine?oh but it is 10% methanol), antibiotics, egg proteins, yeast proteins and squalene.
well a cursory knowledge of chemistry and, well, the world in general will tell you that aluminium, mercury and formaldehyde are all toxic, mercury obviously being a deadly heavy metal that can cause autism (my own father got a form of autism (aspergers) from a small pox vaccine and it is irreversible), aluminium has been linked and to be honest with my own research (even googling can tell you this) it CAUSES Alzheimer's, formaldehyde metabolises into formic acid which can cause brain damage, blindness and all sorts of other things, human cells are obtained from aborted babies which is obviously cannibalism (i cant think of anything more degrading to your moral fibre) and the best of the lot, squalene , this occurs naturally in your synovial joints so when your immune system has finished destroying the injected squalene it then attacks the lining of your synovial joints where your natural squalene occurs and causes permanent rheumatoid fever and arthritis and i would suggest its responsible for all the juvenile arthritis that never existed before 1950 (the decade when compulsory vaccines were issued in the west) as well as all the odd new immune system diseases that have emerged since the 50s such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue etc, how does the human immune system change in 50 years without an outside influence? that would require evolution over thousands of years (if we are to believe Darwinism) to develop naturally like that.
my back is really aching now so i'll stop but i hope you see how serious this is now, you have the right to decide what goes in to your body and anyone forcing a needle containing poison in to you is assaulting you and you cannot allow the government to cross this line, if they can do this to you without resistance it means they can get away with any other kind of invasive and harmful attacks on you, in fact there are many things such as losing fingers or bones broken which would at least leave you healthier than if you received squalene (you can recover to a degree, you cant from squalene or cancer viruses), you wouldnt let the state assault you in any other way, why let them put poison in you?

links and sources:

90 million uk vaccines:

ordinary flu vaccine and gbs

squalene clinical evidence

forced vaccine in some states

UNICEF vaccines contains sterilising agents (eugenics)

bayer sold intentionally HIV contaminated vaccines

eu labs find contamination

bird flu contamination

cancer viruses