Monday, October 11, 2010

physics professor resigns aps due to corruption, greed and the lie of climate change

In the next few posts i am publishing a resignation by a physics professor from a physics society due to the massive levels of corruption, greed and plain lies surrounding the scam of climate change.

We must always remember that while the methods employed in scientific empiricle research may yield verifyable and repeatable results the week point in science today is that grants are given to scientists by elite big banker funded foundations who have a long term agenda to amass as much power as possible and because of how most people unquestioningly accept the words of scientists as fact, it becomes a very useful tool of propaganda and climate change is a major weapon in the war on humanity.

Scientists are human and thus corruptable, if you dont support the party line that you are told you lose your funding and you are broke, those who pay the scientists can buy any results they want. Below is a part of a resignation letter from an outraged professor who's had enough of the tyranical scientific establishment and the greed that controls it.

Its in parts as its long n wont fit. Please read, its an awesome argument.

'Dear Curt:
When I first joined the American
Physical Society sixty-seven years
ago it was much smaller, much
gentler, and as yet uncorrupted
by the money flood (a threat
against which Dwight
Eisenhower warned a half-
century ago). Indeed, the choice
of physics as a profession was
then a guarantor of a life of
poverty and abstinence —it was
World War II that changed all
that. The prospect of worldly
gain drove few physicists. As
recently as thirty-five years ago,
when I chaired the first APS
study of a contentious social/
scientific issue, The Reactor
Safety Study, though there were
zealots aplenty on the outside
there was no hint of inordinate
pressure on us as physicists. We
were therefore able to produce
what I believe was and is an
honest appraisal of the situation
at that time. We were further
enabled by the presence of an
oversight committee consisting
of Pief Panofsky, Vicki Weisskopf,
and Hans Bethe, all towering
physicists beyond reproach. I
was proud of what we did in a
charged atmosphere. In the end
the oversight committee, in its
report to the APS President,
noted the complete
independence in which we did
the job, and predicted that the
report would be attacked from
both sides. What greater tribute
could there be?'

more in the next post.


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