Thursday, May 12, 2011

no violence

by the way, i promote no violence of any kind, no crime of any kind, i promote no revolution...i simply suggest that we start behaving like human beings and we simply stop obeying, we don't listen and we go and live self sufficiently and rely on each other to get by rather than the state...

so any law types or anti terrorism types looking here you wont find incitement to anything, the state is more than equipped to counter flash mobs and riots so there's no point in that and all revolutions were infiltrated and then controlled anyway so there's no point in that either. you cant fight for peace.

i don't promote breaking the law or hurting a fly, just simply stop co-operating with this psychopathic bullying system and just start being human again. grow some veggies together, co-operate with each other, help each other, research who's in power and how we got in this mess, bullies often disappear once you ignore them.

There is enough hate, and violence and bombs in the wont make the world better by adding to it.


my email please contact me

want to talk to the writer of tyranny watch?
my email is

all are welcome.

Also i had a friend called monolith/ sorry how things went with us, i know no other way of getting in touch with you, i consider you a friend for life and if you'll tolerate my neuroses, my anxiety and my problems i'll stick with you through thick and thin. i also now how the means to visit you!
if y


Documentary about people who attempted to live outside the system called 'crass'.

I'm sorry for the delay in posting, times have been hard for me...heres what i wrote in reply to this video.

"i've been suffering for so long because i feel so trapped and suffocated by our inhumane system.

i cant smoke the medicine i need cause the state says so.

they force money out of us to wage brutal, barbaric and psychopathic wars.

we are weighed down in chains of our own choice, we've chosen to stare at TV screens, to look the other way when our Iraqi brothers are being tortured, raped and slaughtered, we look the other way when ordinary good people have their liberty stolen because they've been smoking the wrong type of plant, we look the other way when the state announces all electronic comms are to be monitored.

We acquiesce because at the moment its the most pleasurable thing to do, we can just sit back, eat our junk food, watch the football or whatever else is on the hypnosis box and just ignore it, that's all the system has to give us:lots of propaganda to watch, enough food so we don't get annoyed and a big brother watching over us to make us feel all safe. he may cart you away at 5am under the patriot act or the UK emergency powers act whenever he likes and he may create war after war that kills millions but hey at least we're nice and looked after.

As for crass im glad someone somewhere has given it a go but it terrifies me that crass is the only instance of this happening, human beings are such beautiful, mighty, powerful divine beings, we've just forgotten this and allowed a small psychopathic 1% of the population to hypnotize and domesticate us...the genius of it is that we all believe we're free and so we don't do anything! just try stepping even a tiny bit outside of the set routine you've got yourself in and you'll see how free you are.

Walk around naked, stop paying taxes, smoke some hemp in public, sell items in the street without a 'permit', busk without state permission, have a cigarette in a pub, try to protest within a mile of parliament without asking with your cap in your hand first, try to make money without have half of it stolen by the state, try refusing to give the state all your personal information when it comes census time and see how free you are.

Recently it was census time in the UK, and if you didn't give the state all the personal information it demanded of you the fine is £1000...they pretend you can do what you like and they're here to help but when it comes to something important to the way a tyranny works such as the monitoring of everyone the claws come out then...OBEY US AND GIVE US YOUR PRIVATE INFORMATION OR YOU WILL BE PUNISHED...OBEY US OR PAY

Crass were asking where the angry young men and men have gone, well here's one."