Thursday, March 21, 2013

uk policing/taking out 'contoversial' personal blogs! plus why science is now a useless religion

(i apologize for the confusing personal pronouns and past and present tense mix ups, i've done my best to correct them, i write through free flow of thought otherwise if i stop all the time I'll forget where i was in my point. i've done my best to correct them, trust me I'm not illiterate i know my mistakes i just type whats in my mind as fast as i the process of correction now) this WILL NOT STOP those who love freedom, i will be releasing the address to my YouTube page with some of the videos at 2 hours each and will be pounding away at both this blog and my YouTube page it was bad enough where the police announced they can monitor ALL electronic communication in the UK but now they are North Korea or communist China style censoring and removing blogs basically that criticize elitists think about this; if your system is so great...why must those who disagree be removed? surely it would show itself to be self evidently good for everyone?

by this system i in part speak of this mass takeover of infiltrators even at the local council level where the rand corporation created Delphi technique is used to promote the NWO system via the slowly freedom crushing actions of agenda 21 in variously named local forums that sound innocent but mean that every little town and city has these evil UN agenda meetings with names like 'meeting for urban planning in Cambridge' 'public forum for development in Wiltshire' etc

by the way when you trace the money for those meetings you will find its top of the pyramid its Rockefeller fronts controlling: Siemens, IBM, general electric and all the old nazi companies still carrying on the eugenics that fund the agents in the audience, the agents using the delphi mind control technique on the community leaders that will be at these micro level myriad meetings and they call them public but if you come in and non aggressively and calmly point out this is agenda 21 and mass eugenics you will be told you're causing a disruption and the speaker will get the local POLICE to throw you out for voicing facts at a public community meeting! this is because it dents their delphi mind control, if it were a real community get together you'd be able to say what they want.

but yeah my original question: if agenda 21 is so great for us and sustainable development is such a great thing, if club of rome invented global warming is self evident why the need to attack, discredit and remove people and media/blogs that criticise it??? hmm? if this is all done with true good intention why are the jackboots needed when you question anything at these sustainable development meetings? why does all mainstream media take it as gospel this is true when the scientists responsible for making these graphs were found tampering them openly and this happened in a university in the very town i am in.

the problem with science is that it is a religion now because people have absolute faith in it, its espousers have a special language only THEY understand and they have a special white robe and a special title to signify their rank in the religion, now this would be fine if science did what it claimed, use empirical observations that demonstrate a fact about the world and are able to then repeat the conditions and get the same result...that is what many think science is, that it is this unshakeable truth machine with no agenda...

but in short money exists, already that destroys any hope of true unbiased science, if men will accept money to kill in the army they will to lie on global warming or whatever nonsense they need to promote and the implicit trust the public has in science is astoundingly effective with reverential religious status.

the problem is people trust scientists and the fact is scientists are human beings with weaknesses, indoctrinations to see what they're told to see, education in the sciences has been worldwide Rockefeller led, and finally the biggest problem is they've been taught 'science' the way the Rockefellers tell you science is which of course has to be mostly junk to hide the truth but then the scientists can't just explore the workings of nature and the universe by themselves they need MONEY and the biggest scientific grant giver is...(drumroll) the Rockefeller foundation!

and the scientists may go in wanting to do good but they will soon be inventing military technology, new deadlier vaccines, spy nanodust, injectible nanochips that could attach to your brain, spy drones, high tech viruses that kill you exactly at retirement age etc because the funding tells them to do so and when they need the public 110% convinced of say global warming (to steal all energy and land and have everyone in middle ages crammed conditions)the scientists paid millions just says whatever the Rockefeller foundation grant giver told them to say, they will give the results they're told to for 20 million pounds believe me! and herein lays the reason why science does NOT work, aside from philosophical dissections that show this from the likes of descartes and the logical positivists...

simply the existence of money and huge multi trillion pound foundations with a global domination agenda easily readable by the works of the members in these organizations...or simply reading the entirety of agenda 21; the UN's agenda for reshaping the world in the 21'st century that they have been sneaking in to every government and even local council since ww2, these huge organizations like the Rockefeller foundation have all countries at the top of the pyramid beholden to under everlasting debt (owned by in other words) by systems like the fed. reserve and fractional reserve banking.

hell banks are now deciding to simply say in Germany and Italy 'let us steal 10% of all your money or we will keep everything you have in your accounts. THATS power.

by the way twas the Rockefellers who outlawed all other forms of medicine around 1912 and promoted only the drug and slash alopathic medicine that cures nothing but makes huge profit when before that there were many many schools of medicine with different approached like nutrition experts working with herbal experts and experts in eastern healing but this combination wasn't money making, genuinely cured some diseases...infact most diseases and so they created the highly restrictive fda to kill the true cures to things like cancer...whats more profitable? curing cancer easily with say cannabis/thc which harvard recently showed kills cancer cells or keeping them on very expensive meds and keeping the environment very carcinogenic so they make billions just buying endless poison to 'fight' cancer?)

the probleme is we have a very naive public we need to shake out of their box most people are generally good people and so measure themselves against others 'well i wouldn't tell such a large lie, they wouldn't either, you're crazy'

WRONG there is such a thing as a psychopath, or systematic doctrine where a huge lie may have been concocted by a psychopath for elite gain and then others are propagandized into the belief, which has happened to most these days and its a small psychopath elite that are stealing all your money, your rights, your very right to exist, so i am BACK on this blog because i will not have the uk government saying what blogs are ok or not, if you're correct and i am just a nutt6y cook why do you need to get rid of what i say? surely it would be shown to be self evidently false and thus ignored if untrue and so not needing any censorship? but no when they want the power to take blogs away i would suggest to you it would be those blogs that have the potential to reach others with the truth...and the delicious irony when you do it you are simply highlighting that what that blogger was saying was completely on their button and you were too scared of the truth getting to us 'useless eaters' and so you vindicate the abolished blogger and demonstrate the very tyranny that abolishing free speech many blog about!!!

so i address the system, the snowball is too big, we all know you're scared, everyone now basically know on a higher or lower level that they're being conned and the tighter the chains the more will cease co-operating with your system