Friday, April 07, 2006

ID cards

By 2008 in the uk they've openly said there will be a national ID and it will be illegal not to carry one eventually (they're calling it vouluntary at the moment but they're saying it will be needed to like drive and work and get a passport and stuff, thats a very bizarre idea of voluntary 'its voluntary but you cant live your daily life as normal without it' ) just think about that, it will be illegal for you to simply EXIST without government permission.
That is a fairly pure form of tyranny.
In my book the only laws that should exist are those that prevent a person harming another person or their property, all others are unjust.

RFID is also a very real danger, ive seen an increased media focus on it recently, people having them to get into 'trendy' bars, some police forces are getting them in the us, i heard tesco is sticking it to many of their items, the president of mexico and his close workers have them, i saw a story lately of people who got them to 'feel safer', stories of people who got them to open their doors, get on the internet or do their shopping or have their medical records...and ive noticed in 9 out of 10 news reports its always good and convinient, they may mention that people interested in civil liberties are worried but its always discussed like civil liberties are old and unfasionable.
Its of great concearn coz people take a lot of notice of the media, its everywhere these days.
i've read technology magazines about it saying even though they have a short range they can boost the signal through cell phone towers and link the chip to gps, so essentially you can be tracked everywhere.
I've also heard discussions that the new UK id card could have GPS and i believe this to be a stepping stone incremental method of getting people used to having tracker chips and theyl eventually be requiring implanted ones like these 'trendy' night clubbers and stuff. Having looked into the Verichip, which is the main manufacturer of rfid their chip is made in such a way so the flesh becomes intertwined with the chip, i believe its called 'bio meshing', its done so the chip doesnt travel n get into a vital organ and stuff but that also means you can never take it out once its been in a few months.
I'm going to resist this comming national ID which has been openly called for and which i believe we will ultimately get.
one more terrorist attack or national emergency and we will have one. I've heard with any country that tries this there is always about 40 per cent of a population that refuses to go along, so i hope we will have strength in numbrs; however they are waiting until theyve swung public opinion a bit more with scare tactics and media hype.

i have heard that legally under the european court of human rights the id cards are legally questionable but i seriously think whatever its legal or not they'l do it...and after another emergency even if its illegal theyl probably be able to do it unquestioned.
Also a few years ago Blair gave himself emergency powers acts which means if he declares a state of emergency parliament is dissolved and law is directly dictated by him, this is why im banging on about bird flu coz i think this may be used (even if it never really travells to humans) as an excuse to get pushed through whatever draconian legislation blair wants. Emergencies for thousands of years have always been used by those in power to create tyranny that people normally wouldnt accept.
If not bird flu it'l be another terrorist event or whatever emergency they can cook up. I also think the tyranny will not just end with being made to have a plastic card, id cards are usually stepping stones to facilitate and make more efficient greater tyrannies, for example in appartheid there was a system of pass papers within africa, a pass paper was needed to travel and do nearly everything...once everyone became dependant on these papers they simply revoked the papers of the black people. The other purpose of an ID card is not just to monitor, catalogue and gain intrusive information of people but also to create a dependancy on the essential services that can only be gotten with the card. You then revoke the card from the groups in society the government doesnt like: protestors etc. Revoking the card can be used to very effectively marginalise 'enemies of the state', you're spotted on a cctv camera protesting? your face is run through the database, your id card gets voided and you suddenly find you cant rent a car, get a bank account, join a college, get a passport, drive a car, possibly your power is cut off etc etc


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