Thursday, April 13, 2006

My myspace page

Dang the post i wrote got deleted, it was very well written too.
Anyhow this will be written poorly but i was saying that recently the owner of which used to be a haven for free speech has sold his website (and his soul) to the fox network.
And in true fascist (government influenced media/corporations) style they have deleted 200,000 profiles under the far sweeping cover all guise of 'hate speech' or 'innapropriate content' which is a thin viel for dissent.
I believe fox's purchasing of this website is a further attack on our internet is the last bastion of real free press.
The criminals that run the government have noticed that people are waking up to this agenda and that they are engaged in an all out information war which we will win because the truth always does.
Now the internet is the last free open source sea of information so they are putting out as much propaganda and as many attacks on cyber-liberty (my new term) as possible, and myspace is a huge network used by many to blog and so forth.
I find it disgusting that the owner sold out to the disgusting, war hungry, bush worshipping, brainwashing neocon FOX (666)network.
This man should be utterly ashamed of himself...if i had a website of such free speech and unfettered diversity i would not sell it for a million dollars, i would rather die than put the freespeech of millions of people in the hands of such evil corporate slimyness as FOX.
He will certainly reep what he sows here, he has contributed to tyranny everywhere.

I happened to have a myspace profile and i will not be scared into submission.

To this ends i have directly voiced my opinion on fox in no uncertain terms.
If my profile disapeares i will use every media outlet at my disposal to get the word out of this assult on my right to free speech.

----edited out----
the content was as follows
" Fox has bought myspace and has deleted over 200,000 profiles for political content

Myspace recently has been bought by rupert murdock and the fox network, and politically motivated profiles/blog entries or anti fox network profiles are being deleted...infact so far 200,000 have disappeared for political content.So i will openly state here that i oppose the fox network and fox news...its news reports are mostly completely fabricated lies and they just seem to be a propaganda mouthpiece for the bush administration and if my profile disappears you know why...and if it does i would ask you to reconsider your membership to an organisation that would deny you the right to put whatever you like in your blog.

They seem to think that the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent iraqis is a good thing, that unquestioning belief of the government line on 9/11 is a good thing and i even saw a show where the newscaster actually said 'anyone who disagrees with the president is and enemy of the state' and that it should be illegal to criticise the murder of hundreds of thousand of people.
Fox is the most disgusting example of government propaganda i've ever seen and its not without consequence, when you convince people to look the other way when the military kills innocent children or when the ballots are fixed by machines without any vote record or when the government carries out terrorist attacks to blame their enemies and oppress the people you are openly perpetuating this hellish situation.

When we deny what is going on in the world and become apathetic and self centred in our view of the world and the plight of the millions of people that die because of the evil scum running the world we allow these things to continue.Myspace recently has been bought by rupert murdock and the fox network, and politically motivated profiles or anti fox network profiles are being deleted...infact so far 200,000 have disappeared for political content.So i will openly state here that i oppose the fox network and fox news...its news reports are mostly completely fabricated lies and they just seem to be a propaganda mouthpiece for the bush administration.

They seem to think that the killing pf hundreds of thousands of innocent iraqis is a good thing, that unquestioning belief of the government line on 9/11 is a good thing and i even saw a show where the newscaster actually said 'anyone who disagrees with the president is and enemy of the state' and that it should be illegal to criticise the murder of hundreds of thousand of people.

Fox is the most disgusting example of government propaganda i've ever seen and its not without consequence, when you convince people to look the other way when the military kills innocent children or when the ballots are fixed by machines withot any vote record or when the government carries out terrorist attacks to blame their enemies and oppress the people you are openly perpetuating this hellish situation.

When we deny what is going on in the world and become apathetic and self centred in our view of the world and the plight of the millions of people that die because of the evil scum running the world we allow these things to continue.
The crimes of nazi germany partly rest if the shoulders of those who didnt say anything because it wasn't their family that was being persecuted and it didn't really interfere with their lives so they didn't really care.However your family is in danger and your survival is in danger when you live under a government that will kill hundreds of thousands of people and then lie to you about the reasons for doing it, or a government that wants laws so it can imprison without trial and deport people for torture.
Just because it isn't happening to you it doesn't mean you're safe, none of us are safe when we have a government that will do such disgusting things...if they'l do it to other people im sure they'l have no trouble doing it to you, and one day when the tyranny has gotten so bad and we're nothing more than barcoded cattle we're all going to wish that we stood upto this system of evil and did all we could to get informed and then informed others.

Just because you can for the moment tell yourself this isn't happening and carry on in your little complacent bubble of media, consumption and self pleasure it doesn't mean this is going to go away.
You know deep down that something extremely dangerous is going on, that we have governments that are killing en masse, that are passing even more draconian laws that take away our freedom.
Im just here to say that if you stay in this little distanced bubble most are in the real worldisn't going to go away and if we don't get out of this brain deadening world of self pleasuring mass media like tv, music, advertising and consumption and oppose what's happening to us we're going to dig our own of tyranny and opression only work because most of the public pay no attention to the world they're in and so when the time comes to put them on a national id card database, put a microchip under their skin or take them off to a camp under the excuse of bird flu or staged biological attack they will willingly concent to this tyranny and willfully believe whatever lie they're tolf to get them there.
Tyranny can only prosper with our willfull concent either by our willfull lazyness and complacency not to inform ourselvs or simply by our spinelessnes of going along with whatever authority says.Theres only a few thousand people that run these whole systems and it can only suceed if we all let it.You think that a government that gets away with taking more liberties and gaining more power is going to stop once they know they can get away with it?
Liberty isn't just some concept, liberty is the basic natural right to live in the way you wish, when you lose liberty it directly affects your life.Most people think theyre free because they go about their everyday activaties and didn't notices any problems with their tiny range of activaties.i mean you coul still go to work and get home and eat your dinner in nazi germany withour noticing anything you can do today.Most people assume that therye free when they don't test this theory but you try to protest within 1km of parliament you will be arrested...this man faces jail for drinking tea near parliament

In america now any activaty can have homeland security knocking on your door and under the patriot act, the domestic security enhancement act, victory act 1 2 you can be secretly arrested and executed and under national security they can order your neibours and the press not to even talk about you disappearing...and this isn't even for if you've commitied a crime its completely on their say so.
So understand that the loss of liberty isn't just some philosophical mumbo jumbo it means the loss of your basic right to exist and it will affect you and its a matter of simple survival to defend your freedom because without it the state can and will rule your life and even take it if they want.
Back to my first point i detest fox news because it perpetuates this disgusting idea that the state taking our freedom is good, that killing thousands of innocent people is good, blindly following an all powerful leader is good, that not questioning obvious events of government terrorism is good by doing this they create a populous of people that will unquestioningly walk strait into the metaphorical sheep pen.
Fox is the most disgusting outlet of propaganda i have ever seen and i will not be scared into shutting up by this band of neocon fasctist propagandists.I find it disgusting that they are deleting profiles for political content, this has the hallmarks of tyranny as the restriction of free speech always does.
I am only posting here again as a message to these tyrants that there are more and more people that you can't shut up and eventually you will be seen by everybody as the frauds and tyrannical propagandists you are...and god help you on that day.
I have not broken any of the agreements i signed when i joined myspace so if my profile disappears is is purely for political content."

If my space tries to deny the existence of my profile i have a screen shot of it here:

i have that text in full on the front page and blog.
If my page is deleted i will make it my personal mission to disgrace the name of fox and myspace...i may not have many connections but i have great strength of spirit as many will tell you.
I will press my cause untill i'm heard.

I havnt been censored yet because i only just voiced my opinion...but if i am they'l wish they never did, i will call up every talk show i can find, email every news network, every newspaper, tell all my friends etc.
These bullies only get away with all they do because we collectively let them...if alll 200,000 of them had done as i will do fox and myspace would be in a public relations nightmare.

If you have experienced the tyrannical hands of myspace email


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