Friday, September 01, 2006

Some thing to think about

whenever i hear of atrocities commited by a person in a uniform...i hear the same disgusting excuse 'i was just doing my job'.

i hear this said about the fascists at the airport when they rifle through your belongings, strip you of your dignity and technically assult you with unwanted contact.

if you are harming another human being, if you are mentally physically or spiritually torturing, hurting, imprisoning and bullying another human being because its your job, you are not a human any more.
you are a zombie, a robot to be automata that can be wound up and sent in a certain direction.

i made this forum banner to reflect how i feel about this mentality.

when you do give up your spirit, you become a vampire...a spiritless creature that will feed off of other people's suffering.
If your job is to do this to people...even if you're a security guard that has to harras people who 'look suspicious', think about what you're eating, think about the bed you're in and the water you drink...because you have gained all of these things because you make people suffer, you are eating and getting fat off another human being's suffering.
you may as well be drinking their blood when you get back home.

look at these pictures and think about what you're doing.

are you a cop and you have to put people in jail for smoking plants?

are you a customs official that invades peoples privacy for money?

do you watch cctv cameras for a living?

are you a marketer that makes brainwashing commercials?

are you a prison guard?

do you hound people for taxes?

are you a soldier that kills for a living?

think about how everyday what you do means you make other people's lives a misery, and how you're feeding off human misery everyday.

i hope you sleep like a baby tonight.


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