Friday, August 25, 2006

Alex Jones and David Icke

incresingly ive begun to suspect these guys are agents of misinformation.

for one alex jones has such commercial backing that it would be hard for him to really stay independant, he seems to support this myth that the founding fathers were heros, that america was once free, that if we just get back the constitution everything will be alright.
Maybe he doesnt see it but for thousands of years every system that has ever existed has been created by the elite and is for their purposes.
Whether we go back to gold, get the constitution back or what have you these guys hold all the cards and those things wouldnt really phase them.
i think he is a leder put out there for us to follow and get us to believe these myths which may cause us to lost sight of what we should be doing.

David icke also seems to be leading the public on a wild goose chase...which 99% of his work is good stuff i believe we should alwys be aware that some of it is pure bologne.

i really wouldnt trust anyone to tell me what to think bout x and y issues....sure look at their research but filter out the stuff that looks bogus to you and take what feels right to you, after having reserached yourself.
but never follow any leader except your own intuition and spirit, dont hold these people up as heros and never trust anyone unless you know them personally.
Dont join any group or movement as any and all groups of people will be quickly infiltrated and controlled by elitist agencies and will quickly become toothless.


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