Monday, August 07, 2006

no longer is the label of fascism a vague accusation of totalitarian government.The government more and more has been taking peoples land from them by force (swat teams)...with no rembursement, no money ...nothing.literally theyre just taking peopls land off them with armed squads of thugs under the guise of 'preservation', but as always the land a few years later is sold to private corporate interests for next to nothing.
in some occasions they will take your land off you if a corporate interest wants it, you will be evicted by force without recieving any money for your property, in some cases people have been CHARGED for the costs of bulldosing the property and been charged rent on their own house if they try to debate the actions in court.
when corporate and government interests merge like this its fascism, and when you have no property rights and you can have your land taken off you by the government that is also a feature of fascism.

heres just one case but there are thousnds of instances of this happening.
*the usa now has militarised police.
*indefinate imprisonment and loss of citizenship for any offence.
*no free speech except in special 'free speech zones' if you dont have free speech everywhere then its not free speech.
*the government now pays national and local news stations huge amounts of money to run stories that the government writes for them.
*under the patriot act, the victory acts and various other pieces of legislation you can be indefinately imprisoned, deported, tortured and secretly executed and any witnesses to it can be silenced under the national security act.
*government working with corporate interests to by force steal private property (the very definition of capitalism is an economic system where land is privately owned, when the government can just take any land it likes that is by default not capitalism, its not socialism as its not being taken for the 'common good' coz its being taken for corporate interests...hence fascism)
*we have police and army interchangably working with each other (martial lw)
*already set up and staffed concentration camps.
*psychiatry has become part of the legal system meaning you can be indefinately detained, force drugged, ECT'd etc etc under the diagnosis of 'mentally ill' by a'vbe committed no crime except that you think differently from their riggedly defined norms (thought-crime), i have seen cases where people have been forced drugged and institutionalised for years because he said he didnt trust the government and he thought 9/11 was an inside job..his mum told the cops, the cops told a shrink and they got him institutionalised and drugged and they only let him out when they drugged him so much that he said he liked bush ('and he loved big brother').
*we have a media saturated by subliminal messages, i have learned to teach myself how to see them...and EVERY..I REPEAT EVERY form of printed media or electronic media is soaked in computer screen will be a tesselating tpestry of subliminal messages: words made out of lude but psychologically penetrating images...all interwoven.
*we havea society brainwashed and doped by psych drugs which are little more thn chemical lobotomies, televeision which is a visul lobotomy, substances in food most people dont know are neuro toxic, flouride in water which depresses a part of the brain responsible for independant thought.

not only do we have all the features of fascism but we even have some aspects that nazism (camps, mass flouridation) or stalinism (land grabs, subliminals, propaganda, mass psychiatry) had.the soviet union was worse for mind control..only relly because psychiatry was more developed nd en masse than nazi germany...psychiatry really is directly a decendant of nazism and soviet communism, its thinnly vieled mind the soviet union it was packaged as 'mental health'...illnesses of the mind and the friendly state is here to help...and later it was used against people who were not communist or marxist then just nyone who rgued with the state; marxist or not.all psychiatry is is defining what is normal or abnormal (usually from the majority mindset) then persecuting nyone who steps outside of these rigid can be claimed to be mentally ill if you dont agree with science, if you are a spiritual person, if you have a differing political views.


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