Sunday, January 27, 2008

im not scared

were all supposed to keep our heads down, never contradict anyone in power, never disobey an expert, never say anything out of turn and to stfu incase the authorities 'get' us.

Wel ill say it now, im not buying it, i would rather die being tortured to death for saying the truth and excercising my freedom than live a ccomfy lie never having lived and never having used my god given right to say what i wish.
i woul d rather spend a day as a lion tha n a lifetime as a sheep.

if we allow ourselvs to be muzzled and silence for the sake of avoiding being terrorised by this fascist system then we have given away our rights, our reedom and our spirit.

i am not a piece of chattle, i am not an animal, i know how this system works and i know wht all the worlds symbols, esoterica and codes mean, i see through the matrix and i know what the plan is for this system...i am neither profane nor squared.

i am a human being and as such i will not be silenced, i couldnt care less what might be done to me as my life isnt worth a darn thing if i spent it cowering and never speaking the truth for fear of reprisals.



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