look at it

this is just one of hundreds of thousands of children killed in Iraq by the forces of the system we all inhabit in the west, if you're in the UK, us and aus then your governments, the system that runs your country and your tax money are directly doing this.
This is brutal mass murder, you trust your system now?
you respect and trust a system that does THIS?
The agenda here is that the middle eastern culture are too old and belong to the previous age of this system, the western system has since been updated in line with the long term agenda and so because subverting, decaying and perverting the culture (as with the west) would be too difficult they simply are eradicating these countries.
For anyone who doesn't research far into the deep working of this beast then on a very immediate level it must be apparent that the rulers of this system are murderers, despots and tyrants...they can be nothing else if they are able to commit mass murder.
you kill one person on the street and you go to jail, you kill thousands in uniform and they give you a medal, it is simple propaganda and the effects of programmed opinions o think that one sort of murder is bad and another good, that is the very definition o double think as laid out in 1984, the ability to believe two contradicting premises at the same time when it suits the doctrine of the system
murder is good when in uniform, bad when out of it.
A man stealing your car is bad, a man in a uniform 'impounding ' your car is acceptable.
Someone following you around all day with a video camera would make you angry, yet the CCTV cameras are fine.
Someone stealing half your wages every month wouldn't be acceptable, the state stealing 50% of your wages is.
This is simply a result of indoctrination, it is totally illogical to hold these two premises at once, and so if you do you must ask yourself how you came to these conclusions.
The symbols and 'legitimacy' of the system are used to perpetrate dastardly and evil deeds by these tyrants with complete immunity from suspicion...your money is stolen, people murdered, your property stolen etc and is all gotten away with because its done under the officialdom of the state, this my Friends is a very old ploy, we must break these programmed ideas and see things for what they are,
a war is just mass murder.
Theft will always be theft.
killing is always evil.
Theft is always evil.
Infanticide whether you're sticking a needle in your womb, bombing them from a plane or going on a school shooting sprey will never be anything other than evil.
Doesn't matter who your are and what organisation you're in, these things are always universal constants, ask yourself if you would accept these deeds being undertaken by one of your friends...extortion, murder, theft, if you wouldn't accept your friends doing this....then why accept it from those in 'authority'?
This system is and has for thousands of years committed millions of acts of brutal, rape, murder, conquest, thievery and tyranny....why the hell should we still trust these bastards? would you trust someone on your street whom you know is a murder? if not then why trust these lot.
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