Thursday, April 13, 2006

AOL's disgusting web of propaganda and spying

Those in the UK will have had the misfortune to see the AOL advert in the UK a few months ago saying in a cruel and twisted piece of double think that the internet is George Orwell's 'Big Brother'.
Their solution seemed to be implying more restriction of the internet.
Annoyingly I cant find a clip of that specific advertisement but here's one very similar:

They're asking if the internet is the ultimate invasion of privacy.
And here is the transcript of the now removed video, from memory I can tell you pictures of Big Brother, Hitler, Bin Laden, nuclear bombs etc. were flashing in the background, things absolutely nothing to do with the subject but used as great psychological triggers of 'evil' and fear.

The transcript is as follows:

"Voice over: Some people think the internet is a bad thing.
Images Blue-print of computer circuit board, close-up of eye.
Voice over Thanks to the internet, your identity can be stolen, your home invaded and your savings robbed without anyone setting foot inside your door.
Images traveling down the line image, stick men, revolving head, hand opening window as old couple and std sit at table in background, blue-print of house, house exploding.
Voice over: The internet is one of the most dangerous weapons every created. A way for the unhinged to spread evil, free of supervision or censorship.
Images Atom bomb, lies transmitter, b/w Nazis (3), skin-heads, KKK, Osama Bin Laden, headlines.
Voice over: A place for mankind to exercise its darkest desires. Images Porn: silhouette, director viewing, close-up , girl looks at camera.
Voice over An open market where you can purchase anything you want. Images Products flash up and then baby with price tag.
Voice over: Orwell was right. Images 1984 footage
Voice over: The internet has taken us to a place where everything we do is watched, monitored and processed without us ever realising.
Images Kid on hobby-horse, surveillance cameras etc. Voice over Some people think the internet is a bad thing. Images View of old man looking at CCTV camera.
Voice over: What do you think?
Super Discuss
Dissolves AOL"

Now on immediate inspection that question is a piece of propaganda, the internet is simply a tool, it is people's, corporation's and government's abuse of this tool that could lead to the loss of privacy...your privacy is only lost when some one attempts to take it, while things like internet cookies are part of the integral structure of the internet it still takes someone to read them, so again you cannot blame a tool for how people use it, the internet is not invading our privacy it is people who abuse it.

Now the next point is that AOL has done a huge amount to monitor and restrict free speech:
"The U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) claims America OnLine is providing the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) "unlimited surveillance" of their members, according to the London-based Financial Reporter newspaper. According to a recently released DOC report, "AOL works 'closely' with the DHS to supply information on any AOL customer. It reportedly allows agents from these entities 'free and unfettered' access to AOL Hq. at Dulles, Va. for the purpose of 'watching over and keeping surveillance' … on the millions of AOL customers."
The recent approval by Congress, of the Patriot Act extensions permitting "warrantless searches of persons and property," have apparently provided legal cover for this cooperation. And the Reporter notes, "[w]hile information gleaned from delving into personal computer messages is supposed to be kept confidential, it appears that the DHS has exceeded their brief and obtained what appears to be strictly personal information which is then circulated to entities outside the DHS."
It also quotes the DOC report as stating that since "news of this surveillance has leaked out" it is "causing serious concern in the American and European business communities." However, the DHS has downplayed privacy concerns and claims companies are merely worried that their information will end up in the hands of competitors."

Now with that considered there is a webpage that is impossible to refute, aol on one of its OWN web pages admits it works closely with international law enforcement and intelegence agencies to 'keep us safe'.
Have a look for yourself:

"Our Commitment
AOL UK is committed to helping its members understand the potential dangers of the Internet, as well as its many benefits. To this end, AOL joined the Virtual Global Taskforce safety initiative – an alliance of international law enforcement agencies working together to make the Internet a safer place.
This is in addition to a number of innovative safety and security features that are included in the AOL subscription, such as Parental Controls, spam-blocking tools and moderated chat rooms for kids and young teens.
In addition, AOL provides extensive advice to members at AOL Keyword: Safety and within other areas of the AOL service.
AOL UK also works closely with government, industry and law enforcement agencies on the issue of online safety.
For more information about AOL’s safety and security features, please call our Member Services team on 0870 320 2020. Please note that the AOL Member Services customer and technical support line is charged for. Please see AOL Keyword: Support Me for details of call charges on this number."

Now lets see what's on the 'Virtual Global Tyran...i mean Task force' website.
The first thing that strikes you is the staggering illuminati symbology of this, anyone with the slightest knowlege of occult symbology would be staggered at this:

As you can see the company who's logo is famously an eye of horus/lucifer has joined forces with an organisation of law enforcement that has a logo of a pyramid/triangle with a giant eye on top and the eye is the sun!

Interpreted upside down its a snake head with one eye sticking its tongue out.

Thirdly it could be a man with his hands behind his head as the police order you to do before you're arrested, considering its a law enforcement agency this fits very well. Possibly the lack of a face signifies he's been beaten or discearn.

Going further into the website you see all the usual rhetoric about saving and helping the children, a very tired excuse these days, it seems if they want to make any restriction on us its 'for the children' which makes it easier to force people into agreeing, ' you're not for hurting children are you? then you must support us'.
Looking at the police forces involved you see:
*interpol: an organisation historically under nazi control at one point and the second largest organisation in the world spanning 184 countries, think of the surveilence capability AOL has with that.
*Royal Canadian Mounted Police
*U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement: the largest investigative arm of homeland security and has all manner of tools at its disposal including unmanned surveilence drones
*Australian High Tech Crime Centre
*Paedophile Online Investigation Team- UK
*UK national crime squad

Other corporate members incluse
* the uk football association
*british telecom
*telstra big pond (australian isp and email provider)

I have listed the corporations so you can discearn whether you want to have dealings with these companies that work with international law enforcement to watch your communications.

Now i distinctly remember a few years back when i had an AOL account that the end user licence agreement said the FBI can pop in any time it likes and have a look at my email.
Well now ther'ye not hiding that kind of thing away, there openly lording the fact that they have a partnership with organisations like interpol and homeland security to look at your communications...and they have the nerve and the sheer two facedness to say that the internet could be bad because it is an invasion of privacy!
That the internet is Orwell's big brother?
The internet is a tool for instant world wide communications and global free speech, if it does become used like Orwell's Big Brother it will be because huge corporations are teeming up with international law enforcement and spying on people's communications.

Big Brother from 1984 was the symbolic figurehead of a society of mass surveilence, propaganda, double think and control...and what's AOL doing? It's taking part in mass surveilence, its putting out propaganda pieces suggesting that the last tool for free speech we have is big brother while simultaniously suggesting the internet should be controlled as it breeds terrorists.

And in fact carrying this policy out, calling thsemselvs (this mass surveiling, propagandising, double thinking orwellian scum who are very close to having big brother type power while having links to interpol ...a world police) our 'protectors' while claiming the last outlet of free speech we have is big brother!!!
It's a real masterpiece of orwellian call freedom big brother, and to call the people who acting like big brother (themselvs) our protectors.

Just plain open in-you-face double or even tripple think, and worryingly people are responding to the polls and the message boards, so many people must think it's a valid debate to begin with thus accepting the double think.
For example at the time of writing this 74% in the poll think the internet aids terrorism. :-S

after edit:

"The internet is one of the most dangerous weapons every created. A way for the unhinged to spread evil, free of supervision or censorship."
balderdash! spreading evil? news flash!!! this is free speech, all these people have done is voice their opinion whether you think its 'evil' or not.

"A place for mankind to exercise its darkest desires"
You'd rather these things festered and the people actually acted on them?
As long as these 'dark desires' harm no one theres no problem...and if they do they don't disappear when the internet does, its not the internet's fault that perverts exist.

"open market where you can purchase anything you want"
er and?

'orwell was right'?

well he's right about dictatorships forming and huge powerful entities like international law enforcement spying on us through our isp's, mr creepy aol voice over man.
but does a society of free speech, free action and free trade sound like 1984 to you??? no that sounds like the internet to me.

Does surveilence by a taskforce of hugely powerfull international law enforcement with propaganda designed to promote our increased surveilence for our 'safety' sound like 1984?
Yes it does, and thats exactly what AOL is doing...if the internet mutates into a big brother system its coz organisations like aol have made it that way!



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