Friday, April 07, 2006

The finnish government is trying to force my friend to be a millitarised slave

this isnt realy a new story but it highlights another tyranny and injustice in the world: 'national service'.

Here is what he said...i post this because it is a little talked about injustice, but in my opinion is an extreme form of fascism, i dont use that as a cover-all term; i mean it in its litteral sense as a political system/philosophy.
This is lifted strait from a forum, but he presents the details of his case very well

"Guys, as I may have mentioned at some point, I'm looking at a period of military service, probably the full 12 months since they'd classify me in the A category because of my good health and physique (which I would lose without a shadow of a doubt over the course of that year), starting this coming july.
Here in Finland all men from the ages of 18-29 are required to participate in military training for a length of time, usually 6, 9 or 12 months, determined by several factors, including their physical health, high school grades and so on (there are very few volunteers for the longer training runs any given year, which is no surprise, so most of the time they force them onto those deemed 'higher ranking officer' material).
The military advertises itself as "Finland's Great Outdoor Exercise Camp that Turns Boys into Men", but everyone knows this is a very misleading sales pitch. The troops are effectively demoralized and kept in crappy conditions, being forced to endure weeks of intense cold weather during outdoor training exercise runs. Everybody is sick all the time from their immune system being down due to stress and weather exposure, and it has been demonstrated by studies that only the very obese actually benefit in terms of bettering their physical health via weight loss (since they serve inadequate nutrition and calories) in these conditions.
It's a government violation of basic civil freedom to have a military institution of this kind, especially when it could be replaced by a professional military with less personnel and more equipment (foot soldiers = useless cannon fodder in the only kind of hypothetical war scenario we would be looking at; against the Russian military and their tanks and planes) and thus give people a choice in the matter.
We do have another option, to do a full year of civil service, but that's just a prettier term for working for the government, without more than a paltry monetary compensation, for a full year. I detest the idea.
Not only do I oppose the military because it wants to rob me a year of my life, reset my hard earned body back into the shape it was before I started lifting 3 years ago, destroy what little is left of my mental health, and shave my head like I'm a goddamn concentration camp inmate, but also because of the basic fundamental opposition I have towards any institution that treats people like disposable cattle, and seeks to destroy their individuality and basic morals. I've read about what military training is geared to accomplish in terms of the kind of changes it affects on the human psyche. I don't want that brainwashing bullshit forced into my head.The third option is going to jail for a year. I just might if everything else fails.

A good friend of mine is currently going through 9 months of training. He was promised he'd only get 6, but they shafted him and slapped on an extra 3 since no one was volunteering for the longer field medic training (never mind the 12 month drill sergeant or other officer training), AGAIN.. no surprise about the lack of volunteers.
Anyway, my friend went in with about as good and positive an attitude as is possible for anyone facing such a situation, saying things like "it's just 6 months", and "I'll survive", but now he's completely morose and broken when he gets home on his weekend leaves. I've told him my views on military training and the meticulous brainwashing and dehumanization it forces rookies in training to endure, and he now agrees 100%, calling bullshit on the very foundations of the whole institution. And he's not the only person who has had such a dramatic change of heart during training: a lot of guys I've spoken to say that the only joy in their life is when they get back on weekends and get so wasted that they simply phase out for one night without being able to think. I don't drink, so how the hell am I supposed to unload the psychological trauma during the shitty 2-3 day breaks every week or two weeks? No way hose. This man is going to find a hole in the fence and slip through it. Great quotes btw, Simeon. And thanks! I just wonder why more men don't think like I do? Why do they let their government do this to them? Maybe because it's easier to let others do the thinking for you and tell you what to do than be a strong individual and stand up for yourself? I've never really "run with the crowd" and I've always made my own choices, independent from what is socially acceptable or considered "normal", so I suppose it figures. I know for a fact that the pressure to live up to the government's and society's expectations is a major motivating factor for a lot of young men. They want to be sheep and fit in with the flock, probably thinking it would make them less of men or some other bullshit if they refused.

post 3:
There are a dozen ways for a resourceful person to wiggle out of military service. For example, my uncle feigned insanity. He's a really dramatic person and he could convince you that day is night and black is white if he wanted to, so I'm not surprised at all that it worked for him. My other uncle, from my dad's side of the family, was less fortunate; he didn't really have any good excuse not to go, so they just came and dragged him out of his home and off to prison (apparently he didn't believe they'd actually do it). He has a natural tough guy look, kinda like a Sicilian mob enforcer, so he didn't really get hassled in the pen by the other inmates. In spite of that, he said it was the toughest year of his life. He had two young daughters at that time, who were deprived of their daddy (and vice versa) for a full year. That must have taken a toll on him."

my reply:
"mandatory military service is the height of tyranny.
its ordering you up like a slave, forced labour and depersonalisation.its the state telling you that you are not a free citizen and that it can just turn you into a loyal minion at will.
as a human being i believe you have certain rights no state or government can take away from of them is the right to live and work in the way you wish and the freedom to do as you wish with your body...this mandatory military service stomps all over this.
i would fight this with every ounce of strength i had...i personally would rather go on the run and have them arrest me against my will than just give up my personal liberty and become a slave of the state.heres some albert einstein quotes that sum up how i feel about this particular brand of slavery:

"He who joyfully marches to music rank and file, has already earned my contempt.
He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action. It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder."

"My pacificism is an instinctive feeling, a feeling that possesses me because the murder of people is disgusting. My attitude is not derived from any intellectual theory but is based on my deepest antipathy to every kind of cruelty and hatred."

"It is characteristic of the military mentality that nonhuman factors (atom bombs, strategic bases, weapons of all sorts, the possession of raw materials, etc) are held essential, while the human being, his desires, and thoughts - in short, the psychological factors - are considered as unimportant and secondary...The individual is "human materiel."

"To my mind, to kill in war is not a whit better than to commit ordinary murder."

and the most poignient (sp?) is this...

"the pioneers of a warless world are those brave men and women who refuse national (military) service"

i believe the military to be a band of mass murderers under the guise of state legitimacy, it is one of the most pure expressions of the illuminati mentality.severe top down pyramidal heirachy, you're told what to do, think, say, eat and sleep, you're kept in line by fear of punishment and you're forced to obey people more indroctinated than you without is an illuminati wet dream.
i personally say fight it with all your might."

this may seem like just a random forum discussion but it highlights hte tyranny of forced military service...
being dragged out of your own house and being forced against your will to be brainwashed and abused?
children deprived of their father for a year?
imprisonment if you dont submit to the demands of the state which are to give up your freedom and personality and become a mindless piece of cannon fodder.
people reduced to mindless drunks at the weekends to block out the horror of it.
being forced out into inhumane conditions with insufficiant nourishment that end up with wasting and constant illness and fatigue???

this is a fully fledged nazi practice..this really is in league with 1984


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