Friday, April 07, 2006

martial law, dictatorships and concentration camps in the USA

This is a quote of a forum post i made quite a while back but i think it deserves to be on here.

i've known for some while that when a code red state of emergency happens in america the FEMA (federal emergency management agency i think) controll everything, theyre pretty much given complete rule over everything.
now there are recent laws that have come in that allow the president to just decide that a situation is code red, when code red is announced the US constitution will be disolved, civil liberties will not exist, the army will controll everything and will not be answerable to anyone...martial law basically.if you do a tiny bit of research on it that is what happens.
So america is litterally ready to be turned into something more severe than a fascist state at pretty much any time, at the will of the president everything you think to be america will freedom, nothing.
See what happened to the constitution there? through a sneaky few acts/laws and things they can disolve it whenever they want.America could be on the brink of a total militaristic take over on the say of the president or a 'terrorist' attack.Of course i say it could be coz we can trust our governments can't we? It's not like polititions and the military to abuse their power at all is it? it's not like the american government enjoy using brute force on civilians is it?
anyone looking for background info have a look here out all the official US government websites, it's all on there.

found this on a us military site basically the real reason is in the last few lines of their goal "Conduct a mid-intensity combat operation in an urban environment against a backdrop of civil unrest, and restore order"in non orwellian speak, to detain civilians when martial law is declared.
an independant journalist managed to get to one of these sites where they were conducting this mock up, they basically practice arresting civiliants for no reason when martial law is on, keeping them in a detainment (concentration) camp and denying them food, water and rights when they ask for it.
those are the best pictures there, however i have seen, read etc etc many many many articles and photographs and videos of american concentration camps, us military training to get civilians into them, the fema practicing for lock down, stockpiles of 'you are now under martial law' signs etc etc .

ive been quiet about stuff like this for ages but i dont care anymore really.
im tired of shutting up because the information i have doesnt agree with conditioned reality that the media and government feeds you.
"it'l never happen here" are the 4 most famous last words, wake up america, wake up everybody, your governments ar'nt there to help you...when you let others be they governments or anyone else take your power they will invariably bite you in the ass.

dont let the other flashing banners and other content on the site distract you from what you are seeing happening in those pictures, dont rule out the information just cause you dont agree with the source...they are practiving arresting civilians and the military are doing the law enforcement.1. that is martial law2. why would they practice it if they dont intend to do that?3. they are practicing rounding people up when/if a chemical/bio attack happens, however the only people capable of that kind of attack are america themselvs...why would they practice for an attack no one extrernal to america could pull off? unless... will this happen in your state?...25 years in jail for protesting and being defined as a terrorist for which you can be imprisoned without trial for'internment camp' stuff^^ bearing in mind governments will allways have 'reasons' for putting people into camps, like creating false terrorist threats and telling you you'l die if you dont get put into one of these.
^^lawyers review of current law

im of the opinion that this willl happen, america will go to a state of martial law and i doubt it will go back.
as the current president george bush said " a dictatorship would be a lot easier"i think we are on the brink of major changes to the point of martial law in many western counties, a perminant state of martial law where we will just be cattle herded around by the end of a gun."

Im sure the spelling isnt upto much but i thought id leave it untouched, i re-posed it for the informationed contained in it, it's several forum posts on one quote.


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