Friday, April 07, 2006

Rant (Strong Language)

Now i know what 24, threat matrix, csi and all these other propaganda shows are telling you but under NO circumstances is torture good and if you think torture under any circumstances is acceptable you really need to look at how much your mind is affected by the media.

I'm disgusted by these shows and people like alberto (bushes little torture minion) gonzales and jon yoo (presedential advisor) saying that bush is above the law and he can torture people and even crush children's testicles infront of parents if bush wants it.
What kind of fucking world are we living in?
People in governments saying leaders can dictate whatever they want???
Wars that kill children, families and anybody unfortunate enough to be alive there and sold as 'liberation'?
Members of government saying torture is good, programs on tv showing torture as necessary, laws that now stop us saying anything contrary to the government...things like fox news saying anyone not in full support of everything the murdering lying elitists say is an 'enemy of the state'?
Have i woken up in 1984???
and im called crazy for saying these things are going on????
get your head out of the fucking sand that is this little dream world of consumerism, education , employment and entertainment and look at what your governments are doing and ask yourself if these are the actions of a government that really respects freedom and fairness...cause what im seeing is a nazi-esque nightmare...torture, wars of conquest, propaganda, laws that totally melt the constitutionin america, mass surveilance, forced id cards by 2008 the england , laws that restict speech, people imprisoned for 3 years for simply questioning history??? (by i may add the unelected centralised dictatorship knows as the EU) I've seen fbi leaflets defining terrorists as people who make 'frequent references to the constitution', and people who are for the constitiution...i'm in the uk where its even easier for the government to do what they want, but the constitution was the only thing keeping the government from eating you alive....its just been flushed completely down the toilet and most people think this is good to keep them are you safe when you have a government that wants a legal framework where its unhindered in its ability to do whatever the hell it wants to you?
Think long and hard about a government that wants to get rid of laws that give you the right to your own property or the right to speak your mind and freeely associate...and a presedent that calls these basic human rights like speech, property ownership and self defence a 'goddam piece of paper'.
and im called a conspiracy nut for just pointing out things such as real laws, newspaper articles and things that can be found by looking in the library of congress!!! Everyday there seems to be a new thing that gradually eats away at our freedom and basic right to exist. Eventually we're gonna have nothing, and when that happens everyone is gonna wish they talked about this while they could...everyone is gonna wish they researched this and told everyone they could about it before it was too late. You hear survivors of nazi germany asking why they didnt react, why they didnt do what they could to oppose this, why did they believe the government, why did they just sit around going with the flow while all this murder, torture and tyranny was building up, asking why they just gave up their basic rights like that.and we're gonna be asking ourselvs the same thing in a few years unless we all start researching this stuff and doing something about it.

We ARE in 1984.
Welcome to a world where military murder is 'collateral damage', wars of conquest are 'liberation', torture is 'extreme interrogation', ministries in government that attack other contries are ministries of 'defense', propaganda is 'spin', where kidnap and torture by the state is "extraordinary rendition", where thought crimes are called 'hate speech', where identity cards that will be used to track, trace and control you are 'entitlement cards', where a panopticon system of cameras that watches you where-ever you go are 'security cameras' shows that actually have people clammering to live in a house where theyre watched and monitored non stop, london police ad campaignes that tell you to report your neibours if they own a garage or live near the river, initiatives for kids to tattle on their parents, police training children in school how to be ordered around at gun point and taken to camps (ive seen the footage with my own eyes). This is a nightmare and all the denial and nightly news in the world aint gonna stop this.


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