Friday, April 07, 2006

Free Aldous Huxley speech

aldous reflects on brave new world and 1984 and how he believs the dictatorships of the future will be a mix of the two...a mix of pleasure and substance saturated apathy with jackbooted harsh slavery...the drugs and pleasures are there to keep you fairly happy with your conditions when you wouldnt put up with it if you were sober.
i think he is an excellent futurist and has got the present day down to a T...many of us because of the awefull drugdery and pain of our lives of servitude are developing whats been called 'mentall illness and depression' which i believe is nothing more than the surpression of our true human spirit and the obvious oppressed feeling that goes along with that....and to counter this 'depression' we are increasingy not trying to confront it we're taking every drug we can get our hands on...ritalin, prozac, valium, lithium.
and as our technologies increase we can only really get more extreme in our efforts to escape this horrible slavery.
even huxley says in the 60's he witnessed people with their brains wired to a pleasure machine...pressing this button all day to escape the horror of it, even for 100 years weve had electroshock therapy that doesnt help depression but simply puts the patient into a forgetfull stupor by electrocuting the brain.
skip 40 years ahead and we have designer drugs for specific neurochemicals, we have new devices emerging that have tiny hand held remotes linked to a chip in your brain, we have television that is becoming ever more hypnotic and sedating, we have mind numbing agents like flouride in the water, theres even discussions of adding SSRI's to the water en masse, theres emersive video games that simulate a reality you prefer were true, we have the government selling us cocaine, heroin and arresting people for it in a bizzarely cruel trick orwell himself would have troubling thinking up...we are increasingly taking every avenue we can out of here because we are in slavely but rather than admit that and try to do something about it a large proportion of people like to slip into a more managable dreamworld.
a dictatorship that can make people love their servitude by pleasuring them to apathy will be far more stable and effective than one that doesnt manipulate this drive.

heres the clip, my only problem is the yuppies at berkely university laughing in places...this is a real and terrifying situation.
scroll down to the 'aldous huxley' and click 'program' it will open and stream in realplayer.
direct link:


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