Friday, April 07, 2006

Things are not helpless

i dont want this blog to give the impression things are hopelessly lost...i am writing this blog to get people informed about whats going on and then motivated to inform others about it...once enough of us are in the know we can defeat all this simply by mass disobedience.

heres something else lifted strait from a forum post of mine but it makes this point so its relevent.
i appologise for all the '...' i can write properly but that was intended as a spur of the moment forum post and so is this blog :-P

"i firmly believe however that information dissemination is the most powerfull tool we alex jones says we're fighting an information war...these folks are experts at 'information management' or propaganda they keep this system going simply by convincing people they dont exist...which requires networks upon networks of mental systems, polarities, paradigms, beliefs and propaganda.they cant keep all of us in physical slavery so it must be done to our minds, the most powerfull weapon we have is to get this information out of whats going on.once ya tell one person theyl hopefull tell someone else and theyl do the same n it can snowball like that, one guy i like for example..alex jones started out with no viewers or listeners whatsoever...he got sum time on access tv, a few people saw him, those few people told a few other people and so on.he now gets thousands of unique hits a month to his website and hes reached people in all different countries with this information, he was on uk channel 4 a while back he has 12gb of information (self made movies, tv shows, radio interviews etc) on his site, he now has ex cia officers, ex government officials, members of congress, professors, mates of bill hicks, hes had sum hollywood folk on there, he was in waking life even information really is the most powerfull weapon...they cant make a population of people be their slaves if theyre wise to whats going on.i think its a bit of a myth that individually we dont have power...its thinking that that stops most people doing anything.i mean i remember alex saying one time he found out about a 'terror drill' near him where they were going to practice blowing ships up...and in most terrorist attacks you end up finding out a bit later that the government has terror drills at the same time to throw the real law enforcement off track, ala the fake dril on 9/11 to throw off norad.he went on and on about it on his radio it all over blogs, emailed the agencies involved incessently sent letters to them and the drill was that may not have become a real attack but the point is we all could have done that in the previous attacks...i really think we can make a difference but its the illuminist implanted belief that we're puny and powerless that stops us.their power lies in deception, at the very top theres maybe 3000 of them maybe less, they physically cant restrain us and while there are still great swatches of people asleep we'll never know what we could have done if we dont try...with every person that wakes up and notices that theres laws in place that remove all civil liberties, that remove the constitution,that there are concentration camps being built and staffed as we speak and there is documented legislation to support it, that we live under a government that does secret mind controll experiements on unwitting populations , that members of the current administration wrote up a document planning exactly what theyre doing now , that compulsary id cards have always historically been used for the government to pick out subversives, remove their card and the privilages with it and marginalise them...once you have to rely on a card to drive, travel, work etc that also means the government can take those things away from you...erm yeah the more people look at things for themselvs and not swallow the news, apply logic to the flimbsy explanations you get off the news and stop accepting the coverall propaganda line 'official sources say' the less power these goons have..with every person that wakes up they lose power.their power lies in thought controll...the most powerfull (and only) antidote to this is to tell folks about it, which i think has more punch than we give it credit for, this is only happening because we're letting informed population wont (let it happen) and the viewers and readers of the people getting this information out is going up and it does work, it multiplies exponentially.i firmly believe however that information dissemination is the most powerfull tool we alex jones says we're fighting an information war...these folks are experts at 'information management' or propaganda they keep this system going simply by convincing people they dont exist...which requires networks upon networks of mental systems, polarities, paradigms, beliefs and propaganda.they cant keep all of us in physical slavery so it must be done to our minds, the most powerfull weapon we have is to get this information out of whats going on.once ya tell one person theyl hopefull tell someone else and theyl do the same n it can snowball like that, one guy i like for example..alex jones started out with no viewers or listeners whatsoever...he got sum time on access tv, a few people saw him, those few people told a few other people and so on.he now gets thousands of unique hits a month to his website and hes reached people in all different countries with this information, he was on uk channel 4 a while back he has 12gb of information (self made movies, tv shows, radio interviews etc) on his site, he now has ex cia officers, ex government officials, members of congress, professors, mates of bill hicks, hes had sum hollywood folk on there, he was in waking life even information really is the most powerfull weapon...they cant make a population of people be their slaves if theyre wise to whats going on.i think its a bit of a myth that individually we dont have power...its thinking that that stops most people doing anything.i mean i remember alex saying one time he found out about a 'terror drill' near him where they were going to practice blowing ships up...and in most terrorist attacks you end up finding out a bit later that the government has terror drills at the same time to throw the real law enforcement off track, ala the fake dril on 9/11 to throw off norad.he went on and on about it on his radio it all over blogs, emailed the agencies involved incessently sent letters to them and the drill was that may not have become a real attack but the point is we all could have done that in the previous attacks...i really think we can make a difference but its the illuminist implanted belief that we're puny and powerless that stops us.their power lies in deception, at the very top theres maybe 3000 of them maybe less, they physically cant restrain us and while there are still great swatches of people asleep we'll never know what we could have done if we dont try...with every person that wakes up and notices that theres laws in place that remove all civil liberties, that remove the constitution,that there are concentration camps being built and staffed as we speak and there is documented legislation to support it, that we live under a government that does secret mind controll experiements on unwitting populations , that members of the current administration wrote up a document planning exactly what theyre doing now , that compulsary id cards have always historically been used for the government to pick out subversives, remove their card and the privilages with it and marginalise them...once you have to rely on a card to drive, travel, work etc that also means the government can take those things away from you...erm yeah the more people look at things for themselvs and not swallow the news, apply logic to the flimbsy explanations you get off the news and stop accepting the coverall propaganda line 'official sources say' the less power these goons have..with every person that wakes up they lose power.their power lies in thought controll...the most powerfull (and only) antidote to this is to tell folks about it, which i think has more punch than we give it credit for, this is only happening because we're letting informed population wont (let it happen) and the viewers and readers of the people getting this information out is going up and it does work, it multiplies exponentially."

before i sign off for the night i realise i use a multitude of '...' 's all the time, i can assure you i do not do this when writing a formal essay or thesis!
these are mostly on the spur of the moment thoughts and so i write them as they flow.
this is also true of the spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes.


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