Saturday, September 02, 2006

The pied pipers of Alex land

I've watched a bit of this guy called Alex ansary...He has an access TV show surprisingly like Alex Jones does..Same format, he's opening sequence is clips of Alex Jones movies.

the oddest thing is he has the same speaking style and the same mannerisms, hand movements, body language....It looks like Alex Jones and this other Alex have been taught how to speak and be convincing by the same person.
these days I very much suspect that many conspiracy researchers such as Alex Jones are pied pipers for people who want to rebel against the illuminati.
the freemasons admit they always always plan ahead every time, when they're trying to do something they will consider ever possibility and they will give the public leaders every time for every group, so for people who figure out the nwo in America there's Alex Jones ready and waiting to scoop them up...With his incredible funding and Hollywood connections he's the nwo researchers superstar.
this was confirmed to me after i saw someone with the exact same style as Alex Jones, it seemed as if they were both trained and primed by the same group, they were both taught how to lead the public...Cause frankly Alex Jones wont go into certain areas and will perpetuate this Christian patriot nonsense, both paradigms created by the illuminati.
also in the 60's the Christian patriot movement was started by the CIA to counter the radio broadcasts from the soviet union, they were put on shortwave...And i don't believe the CIA has ever relinquished control, when have they ever done that anyway?

also these shady societies he belongs to look very suspicious...And half of his guests these days are 'ex' CIA agents (no such thing), ex government ministers members of congress etc...How does he know these people? How does he know these Hollywood types and where does he get the funding.
there's certainly no such creature as an ex CIA agent or mi5 agent (David shayler springs to mind) and id suspect they're there to spread disinfo, because if they really broke free they'd be dead before they could say a word..i mean they had David shyler in jail for while....He'd have been a sitting duck if he really was a break away, he'd have died of 'suicide' or a 'heart attack'.
they don't mess around and they don't let people go unless they're there to fool the public...The ones that do break away would certainly never be allowed to really tell the truth and would frankly have to live in a cave somewhere to stay undetected.

I'm resigned to trusting no one these days...Which is a sound policy, to really get that famous requires some serious connections, some of which would have to be illuminati...They saturate everything.
I'm looking for mostly people with blogs and free websites to talk with and exchange info...Even then I'm extremely critical of any inconstancy and such in what they may say...And other than that I'm doing my own research.
i did at one time just let Alex Jones and others hand me the information on a silver platter...Which is just as bad as letting any other media do my research for me, however i see now that it was just another layer of illusion for me to remove and get past and another lesson to learn...Again with all things in life no one can control you, or fool you, or lead you on a merry dance without you letting them.
anyhow just some thoughts there.


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