Friday, October 13, 2006

A note about my style

i post things up as a discourse or conversation now rather than a formal article, i realised that the way articles and essays are generally written are a result of the linear highly controlled style of writing practiced in education, it usually results in 'logical' thought rather than free flowing and multi faceted thought...

i dont see the benefit of reducing my thoughts to a kind of logical binary code and so i am moving towards posting conversations and such on my website rather than formal articles, conversations usually are off the cuff and strait from the persons mind and usually have more truth in them than a well edited and pruned essay...its like taking your intuitive natural (round) thoughts and squishing them all to fit in a square hole.

p.s many articles may seem rambing, disjointed, grammatically incorrect and with spelling mistakes...but i'm a human writing this and not a computer, at times i have clarity of thought and at other times it is a challenge just putting my thoughts into words.

Also it may help to look at my blog as one whole work rather than unconnected individual posts, it can also be used to see where my thoughts have lead over the past half a year, how they changed and developed and where i am going, this in itself is an article and will tell you a lot about who i am and how i think.


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