Friday, October 13, 2006


***i do not like having to put disclaimers on everything but it seems we all have to pay for the minority of people who will unthinkingly jump to conclusions if everything isn't spelled out for them.***
i gained full written permission from the person i had this conversation with before even considering publishing the conversation and i used their desired pseudonym, i gave them the url for this post immediately after i published it and they were very pleased with how i used the conversation.
All through the publishing of this article i gained full written permission, supervision and co-operation with the author of this quoted message who happens to be my best friend and is a reader of tyranny watch.
I would never even consider using private correspondance publicly unless i had full permission from the author and untill they had proof-read my use of it.
This post was reviewed as soon as it was published by the author 'kathryn' and she was very happy with how i had used it.
I did not think this needed to be stated on tyranny watch as i would have expected the reader in question to have verified their facts before anonymously (so i have no way to reply except via my blog) making such appaling accusations as the one in the comment to this post.

[QUOTE]...I would like to give you my opinion regarding ECT, and I can't reply on the boards because it triggers my PTSD so badly, and also because I would rather keep this private. I did try to read your thread last night, and was so freaked out that I couldn't - therefore, I don't really know what you or the others had to say. It was I who asked Sarah to put a trigger warning on it.
I hope that what I have to say doesn't offend or upset you too much (and please forgive the profanity), but I feel I would be remiss if I didn't say what I think. So here goes:
Please, PLEASE, think very long and very hard before you agree to let them do this to you. I was told the same crap they are probably telling you 38 years ago when I was 19 (the last time this particular type of psychiatric torture/mind control was in such vogue), about how much it will help the depression and that all it will do is temporarily mess with your short term memory for a while. In my experience, that is absolute BULLSHIT. I lost huge chunks of my childhood memories, was never able to finish college (I had a 3.9 and was on the Dean's List when they talked me into entering the hospital), and what was probably a very manageable situation turned into a lifelong nightmare for me. I was NEVER the same again, and to this day, I can have major screaming night terrors for weeks when I get triggered - I often sleepwalk (or run), and a part of me lives in constant terror that it could happen to me again against my will.
Again, I am very sorry if this upsets you...


[this pm may be triggering, i discuss psychiatry at length, some aspects may be disturbing but i would rather give my true opinion than a censored version...please be carefull and read at your own risk]
***warning may trigger***

oh yeah certainly...thats what i was posting about, it is pure quackery as far as im concerned, it seems it relieves 'depression' simply by destroying your memory enough so you forget what you're depressed about.psychiatry is an abhorrent, epistemologically flawed and evil pseudo-science (at best), it treats natural parts of the human experience and life path as a physical illness for which there is a supposed chemical 'cure' to match it, i'd suggest people are depressed because of the god awefull unnaturalness of everything around us, we are not meant to be living inside squares of concrete, eating out of bits of plastic and constanty busying ourselvs with infinite entertainment in an attempt not to look within (this in itself created a kind of madness, a kind of blank emptyness that entertainment addiction has created).

so you will never find me suggesting or even thinking of using psych drugs, psycho-therapy, psychiatry...even watching tv or reading to 'get rid of' depression...these things are there ('depression' etc) because we are not living how we are supposed to, its our soul and mind telling us something is wrong, and as far as i can see EVERYTHING is wrong...this is becoming my catchphrase lately but, if its not part of nature it is fake and created to enslave you by alienating you from your true nature, this is said with an understanding of the history of how 'civilisations' were formed, by whom and why.psychiatry in my book is just another bunch of 'experts' who have been through more indoctrination than yourself telling you what to think, who you are, what your soul is, how your mind works and how you should live..only the individual can know these things, and no 2 people's answers will be the same because these things are not universal.
we have tyranny by experts these days, people will willingly have their brains drugged and electrocuted, will believe they have no soul, will willingly allow themselvs to be locked up without crime simply because a man in a white coat who the system says knows more than you told you so.

im sorry you had such experiences kathryn :( psychiatry grew up from jamming ice picks into peoples heads and was developed in the soviet and nazi concentration camps by the likes of joseph mengle who had an infinite number of 'test subjects' to torture and screw its no better, infact its more insidous, while you dont have ice picks to the head you have chemicals that slowly but surely lobotomise the individual, this is more ghastly as the individual doesnt suspect anything and trusts the doctor knows what theyre doesnt hurt and as they drift into a drugged stupor they wont even notice how theyve been changed.The first experimenters with the lobotomy were murdered by their own patients because of how theyd destroyed their lives and minds and reduced them to idiots, now we have this being done en masse and no one even bats an eyelid.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it deeply saddens me to see you reposting personal communications in this blog, particularly when the author of the comments prefaced her message with 'i want to keep this private'.

i really thought you had more intelligence and integrity.

you have just lost a reader and any repect i could have been said to have for what you say you stand for.

shame simeon, shame.

2:38 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the author of the private message that Simeon has published here, I would like to confirm that he did this with my permission and approval. The administration of the forum where the original message was sent is also aware that he has published it with my blessings. Even though it is a deeply troubling subject for me, I allowed this because I felt that it was important in the interest of making the truth about such horrendous things public, and it deeply saddens and angers me that Simeon has been so viciously and unfairly attacked for something that he had every right to do.


10:56 pm  

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