Sunday, January 12, 2025

Abuse in healthcare. My personal experiences with CAMEO Cambridgeshire. Do not trust them!

Hi folks,

Some time ago, almost 10 years ago I was having trouble with hearing voices. I had a stay in hospital and on leaving my brother waned to get me some more help than I had right now.

This was the start of a year and a half of horrific psychological, mental and emotional abuse from this "mental health team" AKA CAMEO Nortj.

They would talk about me to each other in front of me like I was not there.

They would accuse me of lying about work I had done to improve my life.

They would shame me at every opportunity for anything I did they they didn't like.

They would speak about me to other healthcare workers in very derogatory and often disgusted and angry tones. They would talk about me like they hated me.

Every week for a year and a half they abused me in some way or another. Putting me down, pouring scourn where they could, judgement, disgust, mockery, constant shaming tactics and denial and gaslighting when they were called out on the things they would do.

One example is one time after a year and a half of abuse I had already attempted suicide a few times to get away from them and they had bullied me to the point that I was literally shaking when they were around and this horrible "healthcare worker" called Tammy then proceeded to tell me "I'm sick of you doing all this" and then proceeded to do a mocking impression of how I would be shaking when they were around.

I had to just refuse to have them in my life, of course to get me in a meeting with one of them so they could have it look like I discharged in a way that makes them look good, they had someone from another service to lie for them so they didn't know I was seeing them.

They did incredible amounts of damage to my mental welbeing and to this day I still haven't properly healed

If you or a family member happens to be in need of help with things like hearing voices and you're in Cambridgeshire find a private therapist you feel safe with, DO NOT USE THE NHS and certainly DO NOT INTERACT WITH CAMEO.

They will utterly destroy whatever mental wellness you have left and damage you for life, that is if you do not sucessfully do yourself in trying to get away from them.

They are in the business of keeping you sick so they stll have endless patients.

They do not want you to be well and they have no clue how to go about helping someone improve either.

Edit: I just checked on their website, they treat people as young as 14! I weep for whatever young adults might be burdened with having to deal with them.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

You are the carbon they want to reduce.

Humans may be fueling global warming by breathing: new study By Olivia Land Published Dec. 19, 2023, 9:39 a.m. ET

Humans may be fueling global warming by breathing, a new study suggests.

“Exhaled human breath can contain small, elevated concentrations of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), both of which contribute to global warming,” according to research released last week in the UK journal PLOS.

The methane and nitrous oxide exhaled by humans make up about 0.1 of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, the writeup said.

The gases are in addition to the carbon dioxide that humans exhale.

The study, led by Dr. Nicholas Cowan from the UK Center for Ecology and Hydrology, involved 104 adult volunteers and found that nitrous oxide was breathed out by every one of them, while 31 percent exhaled methane.

Those who did not exhale methane in their breath still probably released the gas “ion flatus,” the study said, referring to burping and flatulence.

The study used 104 adult volunteers.
The study – led by Dr. Nicholas Cowan from the UK Center for Ecology and Hydrology – involved 104 adult volunteers.

“We report only emissions in breath in this study, and flatus emissions are likely to increase these values significantly, though no literature characterizes these emissions for people in the UK,” the research team wrote.

“Assuming that livestock and other wild animals also exhale emissions of N2O, there may still be a small but significant unaccounted-for source of N2O emissions in the UK, which could account for more than 1% of national-scale emissions,” they added.

Gas concentrations in the study samples allowed researchers to estimate that human breath accounts for 0.05 percent of the UK’s methane emission and 0.1 percent of nitrous oxide.

The study did not reveal a link between exhaled gases and diet.

“Concentration enhancement of both CH4 and N2O in the breath of vegetarians and meat consumers are similar in magnitude,” the researchers said. “Based on these results, we can state that, when estimating emissions from a population within the UK, diet or future diet changes are unlikely to be important when estimating emissions [exhale] across the UK as a whole.”


Please don't donate to my paypal account as I got banned!

About this blog

I often don't agreee with or wish that I had not posted some of what I wrote on here in the past, most of us are different people to who we were 10 or 15 years ago so please bare that in mind when you read the older posts in this blog.

I take the view that to delete it is to kind of get rid of a record of what I used to write, so some of these posts remain published not because I agree with them or would publish them now but because they are a record of what I have written in the past. That same way you wouldn't tear up old photos just because you're not the same person you were in the photo.

On Bovaer in the cow feed.

Times when regulatory agencies have been wrong or mislead about additives and medication after assuring the public that they are safe and effective
*Vioxx/recoxifib being safe, drug companies straight up lied about the heart issues they were seeing.

*Gardisil in terms of deceptions over cost to taxpayer, efficacy and danger of it causing HPV cancers.

*mRNA Sars CoV2 vaccines being "safe and effective", even recommending them to children who are the least at risk by covid.

*Thalidomide was recommended for morning sickness in pregnant women and it in fact caused deformities, it was thought that it was impossible for it to pass to the baby so it was never looked at.

*slow release oxycontin being non addictive

Times when experts and doctor thought a medicine. food additive, therapy or medical was safe, valid or effective but have since been found not to be:


*the chemical imbalance theory of "mental illness".

*heroin being non addictive

*radium being health promoting

*tape worms for weight loss

*phentermine for weight loss

*doctors believing it is possible to take benzodiazipines every day without getting withdrawal symptoms when you stop.



The UK gives out less than 1% of the world's emissions and cows are much less than that, it simply is not worth messing with the food supply of an entire nation to have almost no effect on "man made climate change" even if one does accept the validity of that theory.

The government can't possibly know the effects long term because there have not been long term studies of humans drinking Bovaer fed milk.

Also the line that it metabolises in the cow's system, of course it does!

Most drugs metabilise when you swallow them, what chemicals does it metabilise in to?

Why aren't we told that?

We have a right to know if we are eating it. We have a right to informed consent.

It says here that Bovar doesn't go in to the cow's milk, but what about it's meat? What about it's tripe? Are we supposed to believe that a cow can be fed with Bovaer and it will not be present in it's stomach?

Have tests been done on it's presence in tripe and other meats/offal?

There have been many instances of big pharma simply hiring ghost writers to write up studies that show the pharma company's product in a positive light and then paying well known experts in their field to put their name to the paper.

With the huge amounts of money up for grabs with putting this in to the cow feed of an entire country it would make basic economic sense for whoever produces Bovaer to do exactly what I outlined above.

There could be billions to be made here, a few million in the pockets of some experts to declare this product safe is not much of an expenditure.

Also humans have a very delicate gut microbiome, if some metabolite of this drug gets though in to the milk, what will that do to the human microbiome? Does anyone know?

I personally don't believe in man made climate change (at least not at anywhere near the rates we are asked to believe from the mainstream climate alarmists and Lord Monkton thoroughly disproved these figures, it doesn't matter what sort of "consensus" there is if the maths and the models are simply wrong) but even if I did; changing a big portion of the country's food supply with something there could not possibly be long term studies on humans for simply to affect less than 1% of the world's greenhouse emissions simply doesn't make sense from a risk benefit perspective.

However from a profit maximisation perspective; it of course makes sense for these companies all the while being able to claim brownie points for being "environmentally friendly".

I do not consent to this being in the food supply anywhere in the UK or in the food supply of any animal in the UK

NB: we are told in the studies what they think Bovaer metabolises in to but we were not told on the government's page claiming Bovaer is safe in the cow feed supply and this post was a reply to that.

Friday, September 01, 2023

Hi folks,
I am still here. As in alive at least.

I don't have much to say other than an update on this fact.

I had someone email me once from this blog, the only email I have ever gotten from here. I was struggling at the time and did not reply for years, I would like to offer my appologies; if you are reading this and have emailed me and you still want to talk please do send me an email again at

The question I got was what mymessage is here exactly.

Some of my message is the idea that the initiation of force (violence) is universally immoral and that the logically consistant application of this idea leads to a necessary rejection of the legitimacy of the state which I give this definition:

"a human organisation which maintains a legally legitimised monopoly on the initiation of force within a given geographic region"

Other messages follow from this such as taxation being theft and sometimes extortion.

I also study the symbolic world view which is difficult to explain here but if you can grasp phenonomenology that is a good start.

As well as psychology.

Politically though I would say my general message is I see the government as pretty much a mafia that has set itself up as the only allowable mafia and has gotten millions of people to believe this through propaganda and mind control (there is a reason why the government funded 13 years of your "education" and it was not to give you the tools to think for yourself.)

I would suggest that everyone question heirachies based on tyranny, force and violence and to never obey any order or law or command that violates your own moral compass.

This is part of my message and is all I have to say right now. I guess one last message would be to learn who you really are and arm yourself with the tools to truly think.

If there is further interest I could post a whole load of links to videos and books which convey some of the way I think or which have in part influenced my thinking.

All the best,

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Poetry for the Trumpen age

The Trumper's Afghani resurgence has sparked my poetic bent, which hath granted me much verse of heaven sent.  
Your are cordially invited to peruse a new sonnet, let's sneak some bees in this crypto-militarist's bonnet ;)
The New Deal Afghanistan

(C) Simeon Heath-Moss

The battlefield of hearts and minds;
it's just as barbed in our strange times,
the force of state, the uniformed scrum,
For freedom! Or for heroin and lithium?

The pious mask of statesmanship dropped,
'the evil terrorists, they must be stopped!',
the Midas touch, the scrapers of gold,
the trump card's been pulled by the circus caller of old.

'America First' was the croupier's mantra,
but alas his heart's swayed by military industrial tantra,
'That Clintonian harpy would have been a dictator!',
but this team too has bought the most elite of spectator.

The gold-plated Don did at first bring some panache,
but the stage is now set for soldiers and potash,
truth is these wars always have their own mafia and racket,
and so do the Don's who pitch at your demograph bracket.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Top Trump Apologist Excuses and How To Deprogram Brainwashed Statist...

Thursday, March 21, 2013

uk policing/taking out 'contoversial' personal blogs! plus why science is now a useless religion

(i apologize for the confusing personal pronouns and past and present tense mix ups, i've done my best to correct them, i write through free flow of thought otherwise if i stop all the time I'll forget where i was in my point. i've done my best to correct them, trust me I'm not illiterate i know my mistakes i just type whats in my mind as fast as i the process of correction now) this WILL NOT STOP those who love freedom, i will be releasing the address to my YouTube page with some of the videos at 2 hours each and will be pounding away at both this blog and my YouTube page it was bad enough where the police announced they can monitor ALL electronic communication in the UK but now they are North Korea or communist China style censoring and removing blogs basically that criticize elitists think about this; if your system is so great...why must those who disagree be removed? surely it would show itself to be self evidently good for everyone?

by this system i in part speak of this mass takeover of infiltrators even at the local council level where the rand corporation created Delphi technique is used to promote the NWO system via the slowly freedom crushing actions of agenda 21 in variously named local forums that sound innocent but mean that every little town and city has these evil UN agenda meetings with names like 'meeting for urban planning in Cambridge' 'public forum for development in Wiltshire' etc

by the way when you trace the money for those meetings you will find its top of the pyramid its Rockefeller fronts controlling: Siemens, IBM, general electric and all the old nazi companies still carrying on the eugenics that fund the agents in the audience, the agents using the delphi mind control technique on the community leaders that will be at these micro level myriad meetings and they call them public but if you come in and non aggressively and calmly point out this is agenda 21 and mass eugenics you will be told you're causing a disruption and the speaker will get the local POLICE to throw you out for voicing facts at a public community meeting! this is because it dents their delphi mind control, if it were a real community get together you'd be able to say what they want.

but yeah my original question: if agenda 21 is so great for us and sustainable development is such a great thing, if club of rome invented global warming is self evident why the need to attack, discredit and remove people and media/blogs that criticise it??? hmm? if this is all done with true good intention why are the jackboots needed when you question anything at these sustainable development meetings? why does all mainstream media take it as gospel this is true when the scientists responsible for making these graphs were found tampering them openly and this happened in a university in the very town i am in.

the problem with science is that it is a religion now because people have absolute faith in it, its espousers have a special language only THEY understand and they have a special white robe and a special title to signify their rank in the religion, now this would be fine if science did what it claimed, use empirical observations that demonstrate a fact about the world and are able to then repeat the conditions and get the same result...that is what many think science is, that it is this unshakeable truth machine with no agenda...

but in short money exists, already that destroys any hope of true unbiased science, if men will accept money to kill in the army they will to lie on global warming or whatever nonsense they need to promote and the implicit trust the public has in science is astoundingly effective with reverential religious status.

the problem is people trust scientists and the fact is scientists are human beings with weaknesses, indoctrinations to see what they're told to see, education in the sciences has been worldwide Rockefeller led, and finally the biggest problem is they've been taught 'science' the way the Rockefellers tell you science is which of course has to be mostly junk to hide the truth but then the scientists can't just explore the workings of nature and the universe by themselves they need MONEY and the biggest scientific grant giver is...(drumroll) the Rockefeller foundation!

and the scientists may go in wanting to do good but they will soon be inventing military technology, new deadlier vaccines, spy nanodust, injectible nanochips that could attach to your brain, spy drones, high tech viruses that kill you exactly at retirement age etc because the funding tells them to do so and when they need the public 110% convinced of say global warming (to steal all energy and land and have everyone in middle ages crammed conditions)the scientists paid millions just says whatever the Rockefeller foundation grant giver told them to say, they will give the results they're told to for 20 million pounds believe me! and herein lays the reason why science does NOT work, aside from philosophical dissections that show this from the likes of descartes and the logical positivists...

simply the existence of money and huge multi trillion pound foundations with a global domination agenda easily readable by the works of the members in these organizations...or simply reading the entirety of agenda 21; the UN's agenda for reshaping the world in the 21'st century that they have been sneaking in to every government and even local council since ww2, these huge organizations like the Rockefeller foundation have all countries at the top of the pyramid beholden to under everlasting debt (owned by in other words) by systems like the fed. reserve and fractional reserve banking.

hell banks are now deciding to simply say in Germany and Italy 'let us steal 10% of all your money or we will keep everything you have in your accounts. THATS power.

by the way twas the Rockefellers who outlawed all other forms of medicine around 1912 and promoted only the drug and slash alopathic medicine that cures nothing but makes huge profit when before that there were many many schools of medicine with different approached like nutrition experts working with herbal experts and experts in eastern healing but this combination wasn't money making, genuinely cured some diseases...infact most diseases and so they created the highly restrictive fda to kill the true cures to things like cancer...whats more profitable? curing cancer easily with say cannabis/thc which harvard recently showed kills cancer cells or keeping them on very expensive meds and keeping the environment very carcinogenic so they make billions just buying endless poison to 'fight' cancer?)

the probleme is we have a very naive public we need to shake out of their box most people are generally good people and so measure themselves against others 'well i wouldn't tell such a large lie, they wouldn't either, you're crazy'

WRONG there is such a thing as a psychopath, or systematic doctrine where a huge lie may have been concocted by a psychopath for elite gain and then others are propagandized into the belief, which has happened to most these days and its a small psychopath elite that are stealing all your money, your rights, your very right to exist, so i am BACK on this blog because i will not have the uk government saying what blogs are ok or not, if you're correct and i am just a nutt6y cook why do you need to get rid of what i say? surely it would be shown to be self evidently false and thus ignored if untrue and so not needing any censorship? but no when they want the power to take blogs away i would suggest to you it would be those blogs that have the potential to reach others with the truth...and the delicious irony when you do it you are simply highlighting that what that blogger was saying was completely on their button and you were too scared of the truth getting to us 'useless eaters' and so you vindicate the abolished blogger and demonstrate the very tyranny that abolishing free speech many blog about!!!

so i address the system, the snowball is too big, we all know you're scared, everyone now basically know on a higher or lower level that they're being conned and the tighter the chains the more will cease co-operating with your system

Thursday, May 12, 2011

no violence

by the way, i promote no violence of any kind, no crime of any kind, i promote no revolution...i simply suggest that we start behaving like human beings and we simply stop obeying, we don't listen and we go and live self sufficiently and rely on each other to get by rather than the state...

so any law types or anti terrorism types looking here you wont find incitement to anything, the state is more than equipped to counter flash mobs and riots so there's no point in that and all revolutions were infiltrated and then controlled anyway so there's no point in that either. you cant fight for peace.

i don't promote breaking the law or hurting a fly, just simply stop co-operating with this psychopathic bullying system and just start being human again. grow some veggies together, co-operate with each other, help each other, research who's in power and how we got in this mess, bullies often disappear once you ignore them.

There is enough hate, and violence and bombs in the wont make the world better by adding to it.


my email please contact me

want to talk to the writer of tyranny watch?
my email is

all are welcome.

Also i had a friend called monolith/ sorry how things went with us, i know no other way of getting in touch with you, i consider you a friend for life and if you'll tolerate my neuroses, my anxiety and my problems i'll stick with you through thick and thin. i also now how the means to visit you!
if y


Documentary about people who attempted to live outside the system called 'crass'.

I'm sorry for the delay in posting, times have been hard for me...heres what i wrote in reply to this video.

"i've been suffering for so long because i feel so trapped and suffocated by our inhumane system.

i cant smoke the medicine i need cause the state says so.

they force money out of us to wage brutal, barbaric and psychopathic wars.

we are weighed down in chains of our own choice, we've chosen to stare at TV screens, to look the other way when our Iraqi brothers are being tortured, raped and slaughtered, we look the other way when ordinary good people have their liberty stolen because they've been smoking the wrong type of plant, we look the other way when the state announces all electronic comms are to be monitored.

We acquiesce because at the moment its the most pleasurable thing to do, we can just sit back, eat our junk food, watch the football or whatever else is on the hypnosis box and just ignore it, that's all the system has to give us:lots of propaganda to watch, enough food so we don't get annoyed and a big brother watching over us to make us feel all safe. he may cart you away at 5am under the patriot act or the UK emergency powers act whenever he likes and he may create war after war that kills millions but hey at least we're nice and looked after.

As for crass im glad someone somewhere has given it a go but it terrifies me that crass is the only instance of this happening, human beings are such beautiful, mighty, powerful divine beings, we've just forgotten this and allowed a small psychopathic 1% of the population to hypnotize and domesticate us...the genius of it is that we all believe we're free and so we don't do anything! just try stepping even a tiny bit outside of the set routine you've got yourself in and you'll see how free you are.

Walk around naked, stop paying taxes, smoke some hemp in public, sell items in the street without a 'permit', busk without state permission, have a cigarette in a pub, try to protest within a mile of parliament without asking with your cap in your hand first, try to make money without have half of it stolen by the state, try refusing to give the state all your personal information when it comes census time and see how free you are.

Recently it was census time in the UK, and if you didn't give the state all the personal information it demanded of you the fine is £1000...they pretend you can do what you like and they're here to help but when it comes to something important to the way a tyranny works such as the monitoring of everyone the claws come out then...OBEY US AND GIVE US YOUR PRIVATE INFORMATION OR YOU WILL BE PUNISHED...OBEY US OR PAY

Crass were asking where the angry young men and men have gone, well here's one."

Monday, October 11, 2010

part 3 with credentials

3. In the interim the ClimateGate
scandal broke into the news, and
the machinations of the principal
alarmists were revealed to the
world. It was a fraud on a scale I
have never seen, and I lack the
words to describe its enormity.
Effect on the APS position: none.
None at all. This is not science;
other forces are at work.
4. So a few of us tried to bring
science into the act (that is, after
all, the alleged and historic
purpose of APS), and collected
the necessary 200+ signatures to
bring to the Council a proposal
for a Topical Group on Climate
Science, thinking that open
discussion of the scientific
issues, in the best tradition of
physics, would be beneficial to
all, and also a contribution to the
nation. I might note that it was
not easy to collect the signatures,
since you denied us the use of
the APS membership list. We
conformed in every way with the
requirements of the APS
Constitution, and described in
great detail what we had in mind
— simply to bring the subject into
the open.<
5. To our amazement,
Constitution be damned, you
declined to accept our petition,
but instead used your own
control of the mailing list to run a
poll on the members ’ interest in a
TG on Climate and the
Environment. You did ask the
members if they would sign a
petition to form a TG on your yet-
to-be-defined subject, but
provided no petition, and got lots
of affirmative responses. (If you
had asked about sex you would
have gotten more expressions of
interest.) There was of course no
such petition or proposal, and
you have now dropped the
Environment part, so the whole
matter is moot. (Any lawyer will
tell you that you cannot collect
signatures on a vague petition,
and then fill in whatever you
like.) The entire purpose of this
exercise was to avoid your
constitutional responsibility to
take our petition to the Council.
6. As of now you have formed
still another secret and stacked
committee to organize your own
TG, simply ignoring our lawful
APS management has gamed the
problem from the beginning, to
suppress serious conversation
about the merits of the climate
change claims. Do you wonder
that I have lost confidence in the
I do feel the need to add one
note, and this is conjecture, since
it is always risky to discuss other
people ’s motives. This scheming
at APS HQ is so bizarre that there
cannot be a simple explanation
for it. Some have held that the
physicists of today are not as
smart as they used to be, but I
don ’t think that is an issue. I
think it is the money, exactly
what Eisenhower warned about
a half-century ago. There are
indeed trillions of dollars
involved, to say nothing of the
fame and glory (and frequent
trips to exotic islands) that go
with being a member of the club.
Your own Physics Department (of
which you are chairman) would
lose millions a year if the global
warming bubble burst. When
Penn State absolved Mike Mann
of wrongdoing, and the
University of East Anglia did the
same for Phil Jones, they cannot
have been unaware of the
financial penalty for doing
otherwise. As the old saying
goes, you don ’t have to be a
weatherman to know which way
the wind is blowing. Since I am
no philosopher, I ’m not going to
explore at just which point
enlightened self-interest crosses
the line into corruption, but a
careful reading of the
ClimateGate releases makes it
clear that this is not an academic
I want no part of it, so please
accept my resignation. APS no
longer represents me, but I hope
we are still friends.
Harold Lewis is Emeritus
Professor of Physics, University of
California, Santa Barbara, former
Chairman; Former member
Defense Science Board, chmn of
Technology panel; Chairman DSB
study on Nuclear Winter; Former
member Advisory Committee on
Reactor Safeguards; Former
member, President ’s Nuclear
Safety Oversight Committee;
Chairman APS study on Nuclear
Reactor Safety
Chairman Risk Assessment
Review Group; Co-founder and
former Chairman of JASON;
Former member USAF Scientific
Advisory Board; Served in US
Navy in WW II; books:
Technological Risk (about,
surprise, technological risk) and
Why Flip a Coin (about decision

resignation letter part 2

Continued from part one...

'How different it is now. The
giants no longer walk the earth,
and the money flood has become
the raison d ’être of much physics
research, the vital sustenance of
much more, and it provides the
support for untold numbers of
professional jobs. For reasons
that will soon become clear my
former pride at being an APS
Fellow all these years has been
turned into shame, and I am
forced, with no pleasure at all, to
offer you my resignation from
the Society.
It is of course, the global
warming scam, with the (literally)
trillions of dollars driving it, that
has corrupted so many scientists,
and has carried APS before it like
a rogue wave. It is the greatest
and most successful
pseudoscientific fraud I have
seen in my long life as a physicist.
Anyone who has the faintest
doubt that this is so should force
himself to read the ClimateGate
documents, which lay it bare.
(Montford ’s book organizes the
facts very well.) I don’t believe
that any real physicist, nay
scientist, can read that stuff
without revulsion. I would almost
make that revulsion a definition
of the word scientist.
So what has the APS, as an
organization, done in the face of
this challenge? It has accepted
the corruption as the norm, and
gone along with it. For example:
1. About a year ago a few of us
sent an e-mail on the subject to a
fraction of the membership. APS
ignored the issues, but the then
President immediately launched a
hostile investigation of where we
got the e-mail addresses. In its
better days, APS used to
encourage discussion of
important issues, and indeed the
Constitution cites that as its
principal purpose. No more.
Everything that has been done in
the last year has been designed
to silence debate
2. The appallingly tendentious
APS statement on Climate Change
was apparently written in a hurry
by a few people over lunch, and
is certainly not representative of
the talents of APS members as I
have long known them. So a few
of us petitioned the Council to
reconsider it. One of the
outstanding marks of
(in)distinction in the Statement
was the poison word
incontrovertible, which describes
few items in physics, certainly
not this one. In response APS
appointed a secret committee
that never met, never troubled to
speak to any skeptics, yet
endorsed the Statement in its
entirety. (They did admit that the
tone was a bit strong, but
amazingly kept the poison word
incontrovertible to describe the
evidence, a position supported
by no one.) In the end, the
Council kept the original
statement, word for word, but
approved a far longer
“ explanatory” screed, admitting
that there were uncertainties,
but brushing them aside to give
blanket approval to the original.
The original Statement, which still
stands as the APS position, also
contains what I consider
pompous and asinine advice to
all world governments, as if the
APS were master of the universe.
It is not, and I am embarrassed
that our leaders seem to think it
is. This is not fun and games,
these are serious matters
involving vast fractions of our
national substance, and the
reputation of the Society as a
scientific society is at stake.'

physics professor resigns aps due to corruption, greed and the lie of climate change

In the next few posts i am publishing a resignation by a physics professor from a physics society due to the massive levels of corruption, greed and plain lies surrounding the scam of climate change.

We must always remember that while the methods employed in scientific empiricle research may yield verifyable and repeatable results the week point in science today is that grants are given to scientists by elite big banker funded foundations who have a long term agenda to amass as much power as possible and because of how most people unquestioningly accept the words of scientists as fact, it becomes a very useful tool of propaganda and climate change is a major weapon in the war on humanity.

Scientists are human and thus corruptable, if you dont support the party line that you are told you lose your funding and you are broke, those who pay the scientists can buy any results they want. Below is a part of a resignation letter from an outraged professor who's had enough of the tyranical scientific establishment and the greed that controls it.

Its in parts as its long n wont fit. Please read, its an awesome argument.

'Dear Curt:
When I first joined the American
Physical Society sixty-seven years
ago it was much smaller, much
gentler, and as yet uncorrupted
by the money flood (a threat
against which Dwight
Eisenhower warned a half-
century ago). Indeed, the choice
of physics as a profession was
then a guarantor of a life of
poverty and abstinence —it was
World War II that changed all
that. The prospect of worldly
gain drove few physicists. As
recently as thirty-five years ago,
when I chaired the first APS
study of a contentious social/
scientific issue, The Reactor
Safety Study, though there were
zealots aplenty on the outside
there was no hint of inordinate
pressure on us as physicists. We
were therefore able to produce
what I believe was and is an
honest appraisal of the situation
at that time. We were further
enabled by the presence of an
oversight committee consisting
of Pief Panofsky, Vicki Weisskopf,
and Hans Bethe, all towering
physicists beyond reproach. I
was proud of what we did in a
charged atmosphere. In the end
the oversight committee, in its
report to the APS President,
noted the complete
independence in which we did
the job, and predicted that the
report would be attacked from
both sides. What greater tribute
could there be?'

more in the next post.

Physics professor resigns physicist society due to climate change scam corruption, below is his resignation letter part 1

Dear Curt:
When I first joined the American
Physical Society sixty-seven years
ago it was much smaller, much
gentler, and as yet uncorrupted
by the money flood (a threat
against which Dwight
Eisenhower warned a half-
century ago). Indeed, the choice
of physics as a profession was
then a guarantor of a life of
poverty and abstinence —it was
World War II that changed all
that. The prospect of worldly
gain drove few physicists. As
recently as thirty-five years ago,
when I chaired the first APS
study of a contentious social/
scientific issue, The Reactor
Safety Study, though there were
zealots aplenty on the outside
there was no hint of inordinate
pressure on us as physicists. We
were therefore able to produce
what I believe was and is an
honest appraisal of the situation
at that time. We were further
enabled by the presence of an
oversight committee consisting
of Pief Panofsky, Vicki Weisskopf,
and Hans Bethe, all towering
physicists beyond reproach. I
was proud of what we did in a
charged atmosphere. In the end
the oversight committee, in its
report to the APS President,
noted the complete
independence in which we did
the job, and predicted that the
report would be attacked from
both sides. What greater tribute
could there be?
How different it is now. The
giants no longer walk the earth,
and the money flood has become
the raison d ’être of much physics
research, the vital sustenance of
much more, and it provides the
support for untold numbers of
professional jobs. For reasons
that will soon become clear my
former pride at being an APS
Fellow all these years has been
turned into shame, and I am
forced, with no pleasure at all, to
offer you my resignation from
the Society.
It is of course, the global
warming scam, with the (literally)
trillions of dollars driving it, that
has corrupted so many scientists,
and has carried APS before it like
a rogue wave. It is the greatest
and most successful
pseudoscientific fraud I have
seen in my long life as a physicist.
Anyone who has the faintest
doubt that this is so should force
himself to read the ClimateGate
documents, which lay it bare.
(Montford ’s book organizes the
facts very well.) I don’t believe
that any real physicist, nay
scientist, can read that stuff
without revulsion. I would almost
make that revulsion a definition
of the word scientist.
So what has the APS, as an
organization, done in the face of
this challenge? It has accepted
the corruption as the norm, and
gone along with it. For example:
1. About a year ago a few of us
sent an e-mail on the subject to a
fraction of the membership. APS
ignored the issues, but the then
President immediately launched a
hostile investigation of where we
got the e-mail addresses. In its
better days, APS used to
encourage discussion of
important issues, and indeed the
Constitution cites that as its
principal purpose. No more.
Everything that has been done in
the last year has been designed
to silence debate
2. The appallingly tendentious
APS statement on Climate Change
was apparently written in a hurry
by a few people over lunch, and
is certainly not representative of
the talents of APS members as I
have long known them. So a few
of us petitioned the Council to
reconsider it. One of the
outstanding marks of
(in)distinction in the Statement
was the poison word
incontrovertible, which describes
few items in physics, certainly
not this one. In response APS
appointed a secret committee
that never met, never troubled to
speak to any skeptics, yet
endorsed the Statement in its
entirety. (They did admit that the
tone was a bit strong, but
amazingly kept the poison word
incontrovertible to describe the
evidence, a position supported
by no one.) In the end, the
Council kept the original
statement, word for word, but
approved a far longer
“ explanatory” screed, admitting
that there were uncertainties,
but brushing them aside to give
blanket approval to the original.
The original Statement, which still
stands as the APS position, also
contains what I consider
pompous and asinine advice to
all world governments, as if the
APS were master of the universe.
It is not, and I am embarrassed
that our leaders seem to think it
is. This is not fun and games,
these are serious matters
involving vast fractions of our
national substance, and the
reputation of the Society as a
scientific society is at stake.
3. In the interim the ClimateGate
scandal broke into the news, and
the machinations of the principal
alarmists were revealed to the
world. It was a fraud on a scale I
have never seen, and I lack the
words to describe its enormity.
Effect on the APS position: none.
None at all. This is not science;
other forces are at work.
4. So a few of us tried to bring
science into the act (that is, after
all, the alleged and historic
purpose of APS), and collected
the necessary 200+ signatures to
bring to the Council a proposal
for a Topical Group on Climate
Science, thinking that open
discussion of the scientific
issues, in the best tradition of
physics, would be beneficial to
all, and also a contribution to the
nation. I might note that it was
not easy to collect the signatures,
since you denied us the use of
the APS membership list. We
conformed in every way with the
requirements of the APS
Constitution, and described in
great detail what we had in mind
— simply to bring the subject into
the open.<
5. To our amazement,
Constitution be damned, you
declined to accept our petition,
but instead used your own
control of the mailing list to run a
poll on the members ’ interest in a
TG on Climate and the
Environment. You did ask the
members if they would sign a
petition to form a TG on your yet-
to-be-defined subject, but
provided no petition, and got lots
of affirmative responses. (If you
had asked about sex you would
have gotten more expressions of
interest.) There was of course no
such petition or proposal, and
you have now dropped the
Environment part, so the whole
matter is moot. (Any lawyer will
tell you that you cannot collect
signatures on a vague petition,
and then fill in whatever you
like.) The entire purpose of this
exercise was to avoid your
constitutional responsibility to
take our petition to the Council.
6. As of now you have formed
still another secret and stacked
committee to organize your own
TG, simply ignoring our lawful
APS management has gamed the
problem from the beginning, to
suppress serious conversation
about the merits of the climate
change claims. Do you wonder
that I have lost confidence in the
I do feel the need to add one
note, and this is conjecture, since
it is always risky to discuss other
people ’s motives. This scheming
at APS HQ is so bizarre that there
cannot be a simple explanation
for it. Some have held that the
physicists of today are not as
smart as they used to be, but I
don ’t think that is an issue. I
think it is the money, exactly
what Eisenhower warned about
a half-century ago. There are
indeed trillions of dollars
involved, to say nothing of the
fame and glory (and frequent
trips to exotic islands) that go
with being a member of the club.
Your own Physics Department (of
which you are chairman) would
lose millions a year if the global
warming bubble burst. When
Penn State absolved Mike Mann
of wrongdoing, and the
University of East Anglia did the
same for Phil Jones, they cannot
have been unaware of the
financial penalty for doing
otherwise. As the old saying
goes, you don ’t have to be a
weatherman to know which way
the wind is blowing. Since I am
no philosopher, I ’m not going to
explore at just which point
enlightened self-interest crosses
the line into corruption, but a
careful reading of the
ClimateGate releases makes it
clear that this is not an academic
I want no part of it, so please
accept my resignation. APS no
longer represents me, but I hope
we are still friends.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Where are the people when it rains? Where are their hearts, minds and brains?

Why do we stare at dancing coloured fog? Why do we fill up on electronic grog?

Why do my thoughts hurt me like a brutal strike?
How could we have swapped our hand made crafts for 'nike'?

Where are the hugs, kind words, the loving familial tribes?
Did we really kill them for economic bribes?

Are we really at home in lunar concrete landscapes?
Do you think youl ever shake that empty feeling with technotronic escapes?

Will you ever see your brutal prison cell?
Will you notice the 'good intentions' that lead us to hell?

Who will decide the minutia of our lives?
Do we le.ave it to the white coat rulers of our beehives?



The propagandist's purpose is to
make one set of people forget
that certain other sets of people
are human.

Aldous Huxley

Friday, April 30, 2010

touching minds

its been a huge blow to me that the touching minds forum has gone. Anyone who reads this blog who used to use tm please email simeon at i want to hear from anyone, steph, monolith, mikey, sidi, zeus, nik, anyone really. I might start a tribute forum.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Good video

jordan maxwell, sure ive posted this before, he hangs about with quite a few elites but he knows his stuff, just use intuition and discearnment.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

corrections/ solutions

Corrections to previous posts:
Hi folks, I wrote two posts ago that Alan watt's books came out before glen kealeys magazines but I had mis-dated a recording where I heard Alan saying he just finished his first book, so at the moment as far as the evidence goes it seems glen kealeys work came first. On YouTube as well you can find a recording of glen kealey claiming Alan watt called him and said that he took a trip to India recently (not sure when this conversation happened) and glen asked him how he paid for it and Alan said that the Sufi’s paid for it! I have looked in to Sufi philosophy myself and it does seem very close to some of the things Alan watt promotes and a Sufi teacher must also only accept donations, the point is that you could class Sufism as a mystical secret society within Islam, however this is all just hear-say and assumption, whatever the situation it is always worth remembering that we should only be reading and listening to researchers as a way to gather knowledge and wisdom, if we end up angry when we find they are not as honest as we thought then we may want to look at ourselves and question why this matters to us, do we get angry because we elevated these people to gurudom? it’s a question that is always worth asking ourselves because human beings for thousands of years have looked for a god on earth, a human being that can be worshiped for their knowledge and wisdom or for their power, money, status, strength or mystical energy, and I have seen many people treating Alan watt like he is more than a human being; as if he is superhuman and a guru to be followed and worshipped and whenever we choose to put a human being on an alter we are setting ourselves up to be controlled and ultimately hurt when we realise that they are human.
In my view if you really must worship something it should be creator, the intelligent being/entity/energy that created us all and is within us ALL, but personally I don’t see why the true creator would want to be worshipped, we see creator as if it is a human and would be interested in praise and worship, I feel that this world is a place where creator has put spiritual super beings in to matter to partly give creator the experience of existence and life (in the form we have it here) and also partly for us to show who we are, spirit on its own cannot demonstrate its will, it cannot act and have consequences on anything solid and matter on its own has no intelligence and simply exists so I feel spirit was put in to matter (humans in to material bodies) to 1) experience things and gain wisdom and knowledge as an aspect of the creator and 2) for us to affect things in the spiritual world to show creator the strength of our spirit, to show who we are with this wonderful opportunity to have an effect on the physical world; do we spend our lives involved in base physical things such as money, pleasures, entertainment etc and just give away our spirit and become nothing but matter and never having made any mark upon the world or do we realise what is truly important and start living like free sentient human beings who have the RIGHT to affect change on this world and do some good and strive to be spiritual complete beings? by this I mean we speak out against evil whenever we see it whatever the cost, we treat others as the aspects of creator that they are and be humane to others by helping those in need, treating people based on who they are rather than classifications of race, by standing up for those who cannot do it themselves, by making evil men and women aware that we will not tolerate perversion, evil, deviance and tyranny in OUR world, they may own everything with their imaginary money but that doesn’t change the fact that it is OUR world and we have the right to choose the direction it goes in and the power lies with us all to choose a path of humanity, higher consciousness and love or to carry on down this road of evil oblivion which will end in utter extinction of human beings, in particular sentient human beings.
in reference to the point I was making at the start of this paragraph I believe this is how we worship and praise our creator, not with worship and words but by living as s/he intended, living as natural human beings, gathering knowledge and wisdom, living a life based on humanity, love and the pursuit of worldly and eternal truths and by acting in a humane and truthful way, I believe that every action we take affects everything else in this world on several levels, it affects our spirit, our soul, everyone else’s soul and spirit, creator and all other levels of existence, everything we do and every choice we make is extremely important and really does matter, and it is the individual soul that matters just as much or even more so than a mass mob, we are an aspect of the creator and we are a microcosm of the macrocosm and have more power and importance than we are led to believe. I feel making this world ours again on a physical level begins by first making those evil monsters that control this system aware that we are awake and we don’t allow tyranny, that it is simply unacceptable.

I think we start this by having meetings of people who decide what we feel is best for the police, civil servants, bureaucrats etc because they are meant to work for us!

in Britain the police used to be answerable to the local residents and a policeman could be fired by the community, that doesn’t happen anymore and over here we now have the police killing people with batons, shooting people in the head at point blank range and even the courts don’t prosecute them, so at the very beginning we need to keep an eye on them, demand constant transparency and make a (perfectly legal and law abiding) annoyance of ourselves, when a local civil servant/police officer abuses someone or is found to be corrupt we have a meeting and if we don’t like it we write letters of complaint and make the public aware of it by speaking out, bullies do not like to be exposed and when it happens they run away/resign rather than fight because they are cowards at heart and I feel if you can do this just once it will scare all the other corrupt police and officials in to line, but the key to all of this is whatever you do do it legally because they will try to arrest you for the slightest thing so make sure you're all clean as a whistle.
I also feel demanding what groups and secret societies these people belong to is important, because for example in masonry you swear on your neck, heart, testicles, eyes etc that you will obey the order first and foremost, that the Masonic oaths come before all other oaths, that you help a brother mason and lie and stick up for them whatever they do, all these things always create corruption, this is why secret society membership of those in government and civil service is such a serious issue because their allegiance is to the secret society not to you and they will obey agendas they do not understand and these agendas are nearly always about enslaving the public, even if they weren’t you can’t have people who are supposed to be serving us serving some other organisation we are not allowed in to, and also grown men do not take oaths on their lives and body parts in haste, those oaths are very serious and they ensure that however much they try to tell you they have quit or don’t have to obey their oaths they can never be trusted again, when you sell out once you now have a price and they will sell out again and again, to be honest if we really were to get the world back to being ours again the whole system that we have now would have to be stripped clean because the whole structure and everyone in it is based on masonry and corruption, you would have to scrap most of the government and if you were to choose to have a police force they would have to be from the citizenry, answerable to us and the training would have to be rewritten from scratch because the training now is all about how we are the enemy and their only friends are the brotherhood; the fraternity of police which is linked to the world wide Masonic brotherhood.

But i do feel all of the solutions possible always start with you, the only person you can change is yourself, gain wisdom, knowledge, become sentient and understand the world and start treating others as precious and god given and as you would like to be treated but by the same token do not tolerate deviants and psychopaths and when you see anything like this immediately make it clear that this is not tolerated and stand up to anyone victimising or abusing anyone else and make sure that the abuser knows they wont get away with this again, we need to stop letting the psychopaths run everything, even at the bottom of the pyramid everyday psychopaths rip off, abuse and run rough shod over good people and nothing is done, this must change, I'm not going to promote any particular actions or whatnot on this issue because that is for your conscience to decide.

i hope you're all well out there, i see that i do have at least one reader and for me it is not about quantity, if one person wakes up and becomes sentient that is a miracle and is what i am here for.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Do you want TW posts automatically emailed to you?

I'm starting a new email service for tyranny watch, blogspot allows me to add 10 email address to a list which will automatically recieve new posts directly to their email address, if you are interested in this please leave a comment with your email address in it or contact me at and ill put you on the list, to be honest i probably dont have any more than 10 readers so i think this list of 10 should suffice.*

*i challenge you to prove me wrong though!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

a comment about revolutions/coups

i just saw on my space that the followers of the controlled oppositions such as alex jones etc are spreading rumours that the us military might overthrow obama in a coup and looking at the comments people seem to think this is a good idea.
here is the comment i posted
"this is a terrible idea, if you look at what the UK and UN military forsee for the next 30 years (riots and coups) then you'l know that this is exactly what they want, the un has a task force of 120,000 troops that can be deployed to any country within 5 days if it goes off the nwo agenda, and to be quite honest presidents, prime ministers, leaders etc do not control the world, they are under the think tanks owned by bankers and secret societies which are controlled by a small invisible elite at the top, impeaching, couping or even getting a third party in wont change anything, in fact the world government system is pretty much running things now anyway.we are never going to get anywhere fighting on a physical level, we must put our energies in to spreading truth and living, behaving and communicating in a humane way, if we all simply left this system and lived as naturally as we could it would simply dissolve.for human beings to be really free we would have to completely gut this system and start again, literally down to the level of removing money, every single system, military, medical, governmental, communication, monetary etc etc system is utterly corrupt and could not be kept if we are to be free, we must also demand complete transparency of any and all public servants including police if we do then decide to have such organisations, especially by banning membership of secret societies and by testing them for psychopathy.also with what the us military has done to the innocent children, women and men of Iraq and even in new Orleans and considering the brainwashing training they you really want the military ruling the country and do you really think that THEY wouldn't be under the control of the nwo if this did happen?"

this really is a silly idea, if the us military were awake enough to realise that this system is evil they would do us a better service by all quitting the military en masse, this system is 100% controlled, even tiny little tin pot activist groups get infiltrated and controlled, do people really believe that a military coup could be waged UN infiltrated?
and what sort of a society would you have if this did happen? this is exactly how generals and officers have become dictators in other countries such as Chile.
a country ran by the military would not be humane, obviously...i mean these are the same people that get payed to kill you know, voluntarily'd still be run by murderers as we are now, just less intelligent murderers.
Also every country has been amassing internal secret armies far far bigger than the worn out and drugged up us military, and if necessary as the dod in the UK has stated if things really get out of hand they will simply use neutron bombs on any revolution or riot that is not controlled by them.
a military coup would actually be a very quick and easy way to get the USA under martial law, its amazing that the patriots want this as the patriot movement have been warning us about martial law for years and now they want this?
there is hope...a lot of hope, but it doesn't lie in a physical battle nor will it happen if we allow other people to do it for us (the military for example), the kind of attitude that leaves others to do it for us is what got us in this mess in the first place.
we must start demanding to know who these people running us really are, we must start speaking out LOUDLY while we still can, expose evil wherever we see it, demand that public servants start serving US again and make them accountable if they don't...don't rely on a government bureaucracy to do this either, we could simply rent out a hall, set up a citizens police watch (one example), discuss misbehaving coppers and simply send letters, make calls and turn up there when the police do abuse people and tell them we no longer recognise that particular officer's authority and that we will make the public aware of their crimes and then hand out leaflets demanding their me bullies are cowards and you could probably make that individual quit under the stress, after doing that once you've set a precedent and put the others in line but ALWAYS know how agent provocateurs and infiltrators operate, hire yourself some security to have them chucked out when you spot them, this has more chance of working than violence, even if it doesn't its better than simply fighting a high tech super army that the state now employs, cause they'll just zap you before you even scratch them.
my message here too is don't riot, revolt or fight them cause this is what they want, most people don't understand that they are slaves and the public will see you as a terrorist and so will the authorities who have an arsenal of 'non lethal' torture devices on hand to fry, electrocute and even laser you en masse even if there are millions of you and they will then use this 'terrorist' threat to oppress you further.
simply stop participating in this evil system as best you can, learn to live without this system and treat each other with respect as well as your self and start putting the ruling bureaucrats and public servants in their place by peaceful methods...that is a good start , then you can try at gutting the system later.
and finally the eternal and ever lasting uber truth..KNOW THY SELF, that is the whole of the law and is the key to freedom.

Friday, September 25, 2009

hi there...swine flu stuff

i wouldn't exactly say im permanently back as i don't have the Internet any more but I'm using a public computer to do this as i have to say something about this swine flu bullhonkey.
I've seen this coming for some time, firstly i'll state the obvious: it has been on the agendas of many elitist think tanks and masterminds to use vaccinations for their eugenics agenda, i dont have much time to go through all of the groups and individuals and to be honest alan watt has covered this to death and he has loads of stuff on that on
Right obviously the plan is to heard the public in to getting poisoned by scaring them in to taking a vaccine, you can google to find the eugenics agendas of the UN, who, world science meetings and most western governments, i have a book called 'eugenics' by David gaulton, i got it dirt cheap and its a mainstream widely available book which shows you the history of its application to eliminate the non productive members of society, the UN has defined good citizens as a 'good producer/consumer' and if you consume and don't produce there's no room for you, this is why the vaccines are given to the elderly and sick first as they don't produce, never mind that the elderly have wisdom and value in and of themselves as do all humans by virtue of them being human and precious but anyhow yeah it shows you in the USA, Sweden, Germany, France, UK, Australia and many other countries have practiced eugenics to the present day, all the countries named have forcably steralised women by their national laws, I'm really sorry i cant quote the actual data here but i don't have the book with me but the book does site government documents showing these eugenics programs.
Anyhow the main point here is i need to get across to people how serious this situation is, from what i can see the uk government for example has purchased 90 million doses and doctors have described the coming vaccination program as a 'military style operation' (very ominous considering that a needle/dart with live viruses and poisons in it is what i would consider to be a weapon), now 90 million vaccines is the entire population of the UK and the government has been hinting at compulsory vaccines (why buy that many at great cost if they dont mean to use them?), the US in many states has already implemented compulsary vaccines with the police forcibly vaccinating people and 'quarantining' (double speak for imprisoning without trial) them.
now many people these days have lost all idea of their essential human rights and regularity and commonality of vaccinations has distracted people from its seriousness, this is an invasive procedure that invades your immune defences and the state forcing this in to you IS assault, you are being stabbed with poison by force and don't let double think convince you otherwise.
Aside from the fact that there have been many vaccines that have been 'accidentally' infected with the simian 40 cancer virus, live bird flu, HIV (in fact this is the main way that most people in Africa contract aids, via the UN vaccines), when lab protocol (bio safety level 3, google it) makes 'accidental ' contamination impossible, it would take prior knowledge.
just google 'vaccines contaminated' and you get tonnes of verified stuff.
now this link here has a comprehensive list of adjuvents:

i can say though that they do include: thimerosal (mercury), aluminium, gelatin, human serum albumin, formaldehyde, aspartame (a sweetener in an injected vaccine?oh but it is 10% methanol), antibiotics, egg proteins, yeast proteins and squalene.
well a cursory knowledge of chemistry and, well, the world in general will tell you that aluminium, mercury and formaldehyde are all toxic, mercury obviously being a deadly heavy metal that can cause autism (my own father got a form of autism (aspergers) from a small pox vaccine and it is irreversible), aluminium has been linked and to be honest with my own research (even googling can tell you this) it CAUSES Alzheimer's, formaldehyde metabolises into formic acid which can cause brain damage, blindness and all sorts of other things, human cells are obtained from aborted babies which is obviously cannibalism (i cant think of anything more degrading to your moral fibre) and the best of the lot, squalene , this occurs naturally in your synovial joints so when your immune system has finished destroying the injected squalene it then attacks the lining of your synovial joints where your natural squalene occurs and causes permanent rheumatoid fever and arthritis and i would suggest its responsible for all the juvenile arthritis that never existed before 1950 (the decade when compulsory vaccines were issued in the west) as well as all the odd new immune system diseases that have emerged since the 50s such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue etc, how does the human immune system change in 50 years without an outside influence? that would require evolution over thousands of years (if we are to believe Darwinism) to develop naturally like that.
my back is really aching now so i'll stop but i hope you see how serious this is now, you have the right to decide what goes in to your body and anyone forcing a needle containing poison in to you is assaulting you and you cannot allow the government to cross this line, if they can do this to you without resistance it means they can get away with any other kind of invasive and harmful attacks on you, in fact there are many things such as losing fingers or bones broken which would at least leave you healthier than if you received squalene (you can recover to a degree, you cant from squalene or cancer viruses), you wouldnt let the state assault you in any other way, why let them put poison in you?

links and sources:

90 million uk vaccines:

ordinary flu vaccine and gbs

squalene clinical evidence

forced vaccine in some states

UNICEF vaccines contains sterilising agents (eugenics)

bayer sold intentionally HIV contaminated vaccines

eu labs find contamination

bird flu contamination

cancer viruses

Sunday, January 04, 2009

to eve

i love you.

having lost you once to my mind,i dont care who knows, im soproud of your love i want everyone to see

Monday, December 29, 2008

list of the dead

(edit: i only posted this as you never hear much about racial attacks on white people, i have no agenda to promote any racist crap, im just trying to convey truth, any death of ANYONE is tragic, whatever the pigment in your skin happens to have done)

continuing from my last post here is a list of racist murders against white people...all and any murders are a tragedy, however the people in this list rarely get any mention in the media because of the transitional nature the world is in right now, we're being awkwardly crunched in to a world wide global dictatorship without borders and the media had to be used carefully to manage the public, this is done through emphasising useless information and omiting other very vital information.
I explain what im doing here in my previous post PLEASE READ PREVIOUS POST BEFORE BASHING ME.

Anyhow here are just a few names, ages and dates of the murders, each one is a tragedy...if the mainstream wont mention their deaths i will.

Ben Kinsella, 16. 29 June 2008.

Robert Knox, 18. 25 May 2008

Jimmy Mizen, 16. 9 May 2008

BILLY WARD. 21. December 2007. Croydon.

STUART LOWE. 18. October 17th 2007. Warrington.

JASON SPENCER. 17. October 11th, 2007. Nottingham.

KEITH COWELL, 52. MATTHEW COWELL, 17. August 30th 2007, Bishop’s Stortford.

ANDREW HOLLAND. 16. August 17th 2007. Bolton, Lancs.

Melvyn Hadley, 20. 29 July 2007

JAMES HOULISTON. 44. July 12th 2007. Hackney.

KEITH BROWN. 52. July 6th 2007. Normacot, Longton, Staffordshire.

MARTIN DINNEGAN. 14. June 26th, 2007. Islington, North London.

BEN HITCHCOCK. 16. June 23rd 2007. Beckenham, London.

JON HENRY. 36. June 11th 2007. Luton.

KATE BEAGLEY. 32. June 4th 2007. Oxhey Woods, nr. Watford.

KYNAN ELDRIDGE. 31. June 2nd 2007.Mansfield.

SAMANTHA ANDERSON 29. May 26th 2007. Newcastle.

PAUL KELLY. 32. May 5th, 2007. Bath.

NEIL WILLIAMS. 41. May 5th 2007. Telford.

TIMOTHY SMITH. 40. May 1st 2007. Nottingham.

ANDREW OWEN. 42. April 15th, 2007. Coronation Gardens, Sedgley.

THOMAS FAHEY. 41. April 6th, 2007. Streatham, South London.

ALAN SHEARD. 67. April 3rd, 2007. Leeds Road, Thornbury, Bradford.

RUSSELL AYLETT. 42. March 30th 2007. Rush Green Road, Romford, Essex.

MARK WETHERALL. 47. March 7th 2007. Whitstable, Kent.

ROGER HARE. 61. February 20th 2007. West Dulwich, South London.

KEVIN BECKINGHAM. 35. February 12th 2007. Plumstead.

JEANETTE DIANE HULLAH. 21. December 14th 2006. Cheetham Hill, Manchester.

DAVID DRISCOLL. 31. November 23rd 2006. Oxhey Road, South Oxhey.

IAN PAGE. 19. November 16th 2006. Colindale, London.

GRACE MOORE. 38. 11th November 2006. Erris Grove, Suffolk Estate, West Belfast.

KAREN HARTSHORNE. 37. November 9th 2006. Norton Crescent, Coseley, Wolverhampton.

RICHARD HOLMES. 21. November 2nd 2006. Chingford, East London.

BILLY GREGORY. 23. October 30th 2006. Charlton, S.E. London.

heres a full account of one death:

Try to imagine a still-bloody murder victim with 135 stab wounds. That was the number of injuries noted when a police doctor gave up counting the wounds inflicted upon elderly victim John Cooper Taylor.

Neither the doctor nor experienced police officers had ever before witnessed such savagery. A police source was quoted as saying that John had been killed while trying to defend his 84-year-old neighbour Barbara Coliver. Barbara had been disturbed and confronted by a man in her home. Police officers arrived after midnight and found two blood-covered bodies on the floor. According to the IC London website, a neighbour said that John Cooper Taylor “was butchered. Even experienced Police officers had never seen anything like it.”

Taylor was widely respected by other residents in his closely-knit Croydon community. A handyman who undertook all sorts of repairs for his neighbours, John helped other elderly residents and also made weekly collections of recycling materials. His death shocked a community still reeling from the recent knifing of a young woman.

Homeless Rafiq Hassain Kasmin (48) was remanded in custody, till 02 October 2006, by Croydon magistrates. He faced charges of murder and attempted murder and was referred for trial to the Old Bailey.

JOHN COOPER TAYLOR. 60. July 1st 2006. Cypress Road, Croydon

a modern taboo- white folks murdered in 'racist' attacks

(edit: i only posted this as you never hear much about racial attacks on white people, i have no agenda to promote any racist crap, im just trying to convey truth, any death of ANYONE is tragic, whatever the pigment in your skin happens to have done)
N.B I'm not claiming all these attacks are racially based however when there is an attack on an ethnic minority by another race the media often label it racist, so i was just using their own device back at them, whether these attacks are based on race or not doesn't change how tragic and wrong these murders really are.

hi folks,
part of my job here is to reveal to people the things that the media wont tell us for whatever reason, here just a small list of people who have died in racist attacks.
The difference here is that they are white British folk, i have noticed that you rarely ever hear about these atrocities.
pretty much all forms of media these days is government controlled aside from the odd independent free thinking person going it alone but always be vigilant, if that person suddenly gets very popular and has any form of commercial backing they're elite controlled...and if they are appearing in movies, have books in nearly every bookshop, and have shows on many very expensive radio networks....well just do the maths yourself, you don't get backing from the system like that unless you're authorised by the system and are disseminating information that benefits them, even something that sounds 99% truthful can lead you off on a merry dance with the 1% nonsense, Dave Icke and his lizards for example.
if you're really giving out the truth and you begin to get your message really heard you get attacked from all sides pretty fast and obtaining any amount of really useful funding from anywhere without being obligated to be part of the illuminist commerce system or without being obligated to alter your information to suit the investors is near impossible, if you're truly on your own and telling the truth the only funding you're likely to get is public donations, even then with everyone illegally getting most information for free folks are not inclined to donate or pay for anything even if it means they lose an outlet of truth which is fighting their cause, I've seen guys like Alan watt almost skint through lack of funding...and that guy is like a truth machine; i don't know how he does it on his diet of nothing but endless beans, maybe his house runs on the methane who knows lol!

Anyhow what I'm here to really talk about is racist attacks on white folks in the UK, its an un-discussed thing but it happens far too often, i have a list here of a few victims, one victim is too many, however in terms of statistics this happens a LOT.
I am not here to argue the white supremacist corner cause that's a load of hogwash too, but the mainstream media simply wont mention these killings, it obviously benefits those in power to keep this quiet, possibly because they don't wish to fuel the nationalist movements in the UK which would slow down their agenda of a world government, they're not the answer to anything though, nationalists are just fighting for something the elites gave to us in the first place, it was part of the old system but now a new one is being built they have no use for racism, nationalism, patriotism or anything which counters the view that we should be in a world wide dictatorship.
Anyhow, i list these names simply because they are human beings and deserve our respect, recognition and sympathy for what happened and the torture the victims had to go through in these vicious attacks.

see next post...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

poem by me

The trap
"brain online in dream land, dark prisons created by the slaves hand, addiction to the masochism, that's what happens when you love the system.

cruel games on the world stage, the manipulating dark mage, the fools still graze on psychiatric molecular pie...anything to shut up their third eye.

beaten souls struggle on, even when their lovers are now gone,
the pained ones kill their memory, wasting their lives in a haze of ephemory.

munching pac-men they're soon to be, with a brand new virtual masonic reality,
plug yourself in...its fun to play,we'll make your troubled mind just go away.

you're children now you're not adults, say the dancing prancing men of cults, sadly to their will many shall bend, to sentience they will put an end.

the squared men must be resisted, to the truth must our race be assisted,
our survival depends on waking up, we must see it for what it is or humanity's kaput."
by simeon heath-moss 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008


im sorry to say that my soul mate and lover of 3 years is dead, she was also my pupil, she promised to allow me to be a teacher, a real teacher, something that has been long lost.
she was unique, while she had difficulty breaking her programming on some areas she was always willing to learn, she was a rare perso who could love...reallly love, to a depth no one else could, she loved me as a woman should love a man...with complete trust and love.
she was a real woman, they are hard to find these days, this system is designed to destroy the family by programming people via tv in things such as comedies and drama to be opposed to the opposite sex, male ad female have nev er been more at war due to the steriotypes and programming fed to us by the media and the way the west is structured, being a mostly tertiarty economy makes the hard rough jobs that only men are willing to do most of the time obsolete, men have now even become useless for design, now men are quickly becoming rejected and isolated...this is the tip of the ice berg, but this is not about that...all im saying is, my woman was never like this.
she was so so loving, warm, nurturing and loyal...very rare qualities in times where women are encouraged to be more like men than they should be, times where both sexes are being destroyed in favour of the masonic hermaphroditic agenda...somethig i have explained in parts on this blog, too complex and deep to start now.
even though she had been attacked much more than others in this war against humanity she had survived, something i have always been proud of.
she was my soul mate, my one and only...and i dont expect to find another, because she doesnt exist.
in short she loved me and i loved her...and now shes dead.

i dont care anymore about this, when we were together we had to keep it a secret, she was scared that some people may discriminate against her for being older than me, in many ways i was older than her, i taught her what i know, she always took my decision as final...i felt like i was older than her a lot, i had to calm her down a lot when she would get upset or angry, i chose to be with her, it was not any sort of predatory act on her part, i was more at ease with the age gap than she was.
rest in peace eve, im always yours.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Very good documentary series

i have stumbled across a TV series done a few years ago, it is by the same guy who did 'the power of nightmares' (a must see documentary too).
It is called 'the century of the self' it details the public manipulation by the likes of Edward Bernays, Anna Freud, S. Freud and others, its sort of like an introduction to the theories and excuses for manipulating the public through scientific means as well as the methods used and the people behind it along with many great examples o this brainwashing in action.
When watching this documentary however it is always important to remember this IS still part of the media machine, the best propaganda and programming is programming that appears to be 'on your side' or which appears to be analysing and attacking mind control.
There is a general theme in the documentary of mild apologism and excuses for why this evil mind control is being used on the public, its also important to remember that democracy is as much a system of control as all the other governmental systems in the world, the only way to be free is for us all to be free of external control and spying, for us all to be left to do as we wish as long as we harm no one else and for each individual to be able to chose at all times whether they want in or out of any societies or systems that are created, and if we do give anyone the power to regulate or control anything we must always keep complete transparency of who ever's doing this, we must vet them for psychopathic and sadistic traits and we must not allow secret societies to exist within the organisations we allow to have any power over us and we must keep the power to strip hem of their power if they become corrupt.

i would recommend this documentary for anyone new to the field of psychiatry, or if you want to brush up on specific people involved, if you wish to slowly wake someone up and show them the control around them, I've found people will listen to the television more than they will their own family members and loved ones even if the television has less evidence and factual material for its claims than you do, it's an alarming thing but if we're to wake people up we need to show the information to them in a way they will pay attention to, its rare to find anyone who will listen to what you have to say for more than a few minutes or who will read a factual book to understand the world, they will do if they have enough drive to learn from you, in fact they should be pestering you for information and what to read if they're woken up and dedicated to learning but at the start to introduce someone to these concepts for most people the TV is the only thing they will listen to.
i would recommend teaching those who wish to learn, don't try to soon feed people knowledge, if they ask you for it and if they promise to accept things even if it threatens their life long held beliefs that give them security then by all means try to pass on all that you can, I'm just saying don't try to force someone to learn the truth and also that people will show you if they truly wish to learn by their readiness to do whatever it takes to learn and whether or not they ask you the right questions and whether they show enthusiasm to be taught, you shouldn't have to keep slogging away to try and get someone to listen to what you're teaching, if you do then they really don't wish to be taught, their actions will tell you before they do.

Anyhow here is the documentary:

The Century Of The Self

Episode 1: happiness machines
(click the part title to see vid)






episode 2: engineering of consent:

PARTS 1-6 in ascending numerical order:
part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6

Episode 3: There is a Policeman Inside All Our Heads: He Must Be Destroyed

PARTS 1-6 in ascending numerical order:
part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6

episode 4: Eight People Sipping Wine in Kettering

PARTS 1-6 in ascending numerical order:
part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6

Saturday, October 11, 2008

quoes from the secret doctrine by blavatsky

if you can read through the following it gives an incredable inimitable insight into the new age hermaphroditic agenda in a deeply symolic way, if you want to understand this better, this is the stuff...remember however that this is theosophic masonic doctrne and are things that masonry wants to fool the public in to believing, it is not something i am posting as fact but an insight in to the teachings the new age came from and what the masons want us to believe to further the new age agenda...however some of the explanations of the meanings of words and symols are accurate, but it is best to understand this as examples of what masonry wants us to understand, it may not be the whole strory:


An impenetrable veil of secrecy was thrown over the occult and religious mysteries taught, after the submersion of the last remnant of the Atlantean race, some 12,000 years ago, lest they should be shared by the unworthy, and so desecrated. Of these sciences several have now become exoteric — such as Astronomy, for instance, in its purely mathematical and physical aspect. Hence their dogmas and tenets, being all symbolised and left to the sole guardianship of parable and allegory, have been forgotten, and their meaning has become perverted. Nevertheless, one finds the hermaphrodite in the scriptures and traditions of almost every nation; and why such unanimous agreement if the statement is only a fiction?

It is this secrecy which led the Fifth Race to the establishment, or rather the re-establishment of the religious mysteries, in which ancient truths might be taught to the coming generations under the veil of allegory and symbolism. Behold the imperishable witness to the evolution of the human races from the divine, and especially from the androgynous Race — the Egyptian Sphinx, that riddle of the Ages! Divine wisdom incarnating on earth, and forced to taste of the bitter fruit of personal experience of pain and suffering, generated under the shade of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil — a secret first known only to the Elohim, the SELF-INITIATED, "higher gods"on earth only. *

In the Book of Enoch we have Adam, the first divine androgyne, eparating into man and woman, and becoming JAH-HEVA in one form, or Race, and Cain and Abel * (male and female) in its other form or Race — the double-sexed Jehovah — an echo of its Aryan prototype, Brahmâ-Vâch. After which come the Third and Fourth Root-Races of mankind — that is to say, Races of men and women, or individuals of opposite sexes, no longer sexless semi-spirits and androgynes, as were the two Races which precede them. This fact is hinted at in every Anthropogony. It is found in fable and allegory, in myth and revealed Scriptures, in legend and tradition. Because, of all the great Mysteries, inherited by Initiates from hoary antiquity, this is one of the greatest. It accounts for the bi-sexual element found in every creative deity, in Brahmâ-Virâj-Vâch, as in Adam-Jehovah-Eve, also in "Cain-Jehovah-Abel." For "The Book of the Generations of Adam" does not even mention Cain and Abel, but says only: "Male and female created he them. . . and called their name Adam" (ch. v. 5). Then it proceeds to say: "And Adam begat a son in his own likeness, after his image, and called his name Seth" (v. 3); after which he begets other sons and daughters, thus proving that Cain and Abel are his own allegorical permutations. Adam stands for the primitive human race, especially in its cosmo-sidereal sense. Not so, however, in its theo-anthropological meaning. The compound name of Jehovah, or Jah-Hovah, meaning male life and female life — first androgynous, then separated into sexes — is used in this sense in Genesis from ch. v. onwards. As the author of "The Source of Measures" says (p. 159): "The two words of which Jehovah is composed make up the original idea of male-female, as the birth originators"; for the Hebrew letter Jod was the membrum virile and Hovah was Eve, the mother of all living, or the procreatrix, Earth and Nature. The author believes, therefore, that "It is seen that the perfect one" (the perfect female circle or Yoni, 20612, numerically), "as originator of measures, takes also the form of birth-origin, as Hermaphrodite one; hence the phallic form and use." Precisely; only "the phallic form and use" came long ages later; and the first and original meaning of Enos, the son of Seth, was the First Race born in the present usual way from man and woman —for Seth is no man, but a race. Before him humanity was hermaphrodite.

While Seth is the first result (physiologically) after the FALL, he is also the first man; hence his son Enos is referred to as the "Son of man." (Vide infra.) Seth represents the later Third Race.

To screen the real mystery name of AIN-SOPH — the Boundless and Endless No-Thing — the Kabalists have brought forward the compound attribute-appellation of one of the personal creative Elohim, whose name was Yak and Jab, the letters i or j or y being interchangeable, or Jah-Hovah, i.e. male and female;* Jah-Eve an hermaphrodite, or the first form of humanity, the original Adam of Earth, not even Adam Kadmon, whose " mind-born son" is the earthly Jah-Hovah, mystically. And knowing this, the crafty Rabbin-Kabalist has made of it a name so secret, that he could not divulge it later on without exposing the whole scheme; and thus he was obliged to make it sacred.

How close is the identity between Brahmâ-Prajâpati and Jehovah-Sephiroth, between Brahmâ-Virâj and Jehovah-Adam, the Bible and the Purânas compared can alone show. Analysed and read in the same light, they afford cogent evidence that they are two copies of the same original — made at two periods far distant from each other. Compare once more in relation to this subject Genesis ch. 4. verses 1 and 26 and Manu I., and they will both yield their meaning. In Manu (Book I. 32) Brahmâ, who is also both man and god, and divides his body into male and female, stands in his esoteric meaning, as does Jehovah or Adam in the Bible, for the symbolical personification of creative and generative power, both divine and human. The Zohar affords still more convincing proof of identity, while some Rabbins repeat word for word certain original Purânic expressions; e.g., the "creation" of the world is generally considered in the Brahmanical books to be the Lila, delight or sport, the amusement of the Supreme Creator, "Vishnu being thus discrete and indiscrete substance, spirit, and time, sports like a playful boy in frolics." (Vishnu Purâna, Book I., ch. ii.) Now compare this with what is said in the Book, "Nobeleth' Hokhmah": "The Kabalists say that the entering into existence of the worlds happens through delight, in that Ain-Soph (? !) rejoiced in Itself, and flashed and beamed from Itself to Itself . . . . which are all called delight," etc. (Quoted in Myer's "Qabbalah," p. 110). Thus it is not a "curious idea of the Qabbalists," as the author just quoted remarks, but a purely Purânic, Aryan idea. Only, why make of Ain-Soph a Creator?

The "Divine Hermaphrodite" is then Brahmâ-Vâch-Virâj; and that of the Semites, or rather of the Jews, is Jehovah-Cain-Abel. Only the "Heathen" were, and are, more sincere and frank than were the later Israelites and Rabbis, who undeniably knew the real meaning of their exoteric deity. The Jews regard the name given to them — the Yah-oudi — as an insult. Yet they have, or would have if they only wished it, as undeniable a right to call themselves the ancient Yah-oudi, "Jah-hovians," as the Brahmins have to call themselves Brahmins, after their national deity. For Jah-hovah is the generic name of that group or hierarchy of creative planetary angels, under whose star their nation has evolved. He is one of the planetary Elohim of the regent group of Saturn. Verse 26 of Genesis, ch. iv., when read correctly, would alone give them such a right, for it calls the new race of men sprung from Seth and Enos, Jehovah, something quite different from the translation adopted in the Bible: — "To him also, was born a son, Enos; then began men to call themselves Jah or Yah-hovah," to with men and women, the "lords of creation." One has but to read the above-mentioned verse in the original Hebrew text and by the light of the Kabala, to find that, instead of the words as they now stand translated, it is: — "Then began men to call themselves Jehovah," which is the correct translation, and not "Then began men to call upon the name of the Lord"; the latter being a mistranslation, whether deliberate or not. Again the well-known passage: "I have gotten a man from the Lord," should read: "I have gotten a man, even Jehovah." * Luther translated the passage one way, the Roman Catholics quite differently. Bishop Wordsworth renders it: "Cain — I have gotten Kain, from Kânithi, I have gotten." Luther: "I have gotten a man O— even the Lord" (Jehovah); and the author of "The Source of Measures": "I have measured a man, even Jehovah." The last is the correct rendering, because (a) a famous Rabbin, a Kabalist, explained the passage to the writer in precisely this way, and (b) because this rendering is identical with that in the Secret Doctrine of the East with regard to Brahmâ. In "Isis Unveiled," it was explained by the writer that "Cain . . . is the son of the 'Lord' not of Adam (Genesis iv. I)" The "Lord" is Adam Kadmon, the "father" of Yodcheva, "Adam-Eve," or Jehovah, the son of sinful thought, not the progeny of flesh and blood. Seth, on the other hand, is the leader and the progenitor of the Races of the Earth; for he is the son of Adam, exoterically, but esoterically he is the progeny of Cain and Abel, since Abel or Hebel is a female, the counterpart and female half of the male Cain, and Adam is the collective name for man and woman: "male and female (Zachar va Nakobeh) created he them . . . and called their name Adam." The verses in Genesis from chs. i. to v., are purposely mixed up for Kabalistic reasons. After MAN of

Genesis ch. i. 26 and Enos, Son of Man of ch. iv. v. 26, after Adam, the first androgyne, after Adam Kadmon, the sexless (the first) Logos, Adam and Eve once separated, come finally Jehovah-Eve and Cain-Jehovah. These represent distinct Root-Races, for millions of years elapsed between them.

Hence the Aryan and the Semitic Theo-anthropographies are two leaves on the same stem; their respective personifications and symbolic personages standing in relation to each other in this way.

I. The Unknowable, referred to in various ways in Rig Vedic verse, such as "Nought Was," called, later on "Parabrahm;" the (Ain, nothing, or the "Ain-Soph" of the Kabalists), and again, the "Spirit" (of God) that moves upon the face of the waters, in Genesis. All these are identical. Moreover, in Genesis, ch. i., v. 2, is placed as verse 1 in the secret Kabalistic texts, where it is followed by the Elohim "creating the Heaven and the Earth." This deliberate shifting of the order of the verses was necessary for monotheistic and Kabalistic purposes. Jeremiah's curse against those Elohim (gods) who have not created the Heavens and the Earth, ch. x., v. 11, shows that there were other Elohim who had.

II. The "Heavenly" Manu-Swâyambhuva, who sprang from Swâyambhu-Narayana, the "Self-existent," and Adam Kadmon of the Kabalists, and the androgyne MAN of Genesis ch. 1 are also identical.

III. Manu-swâyambhuva is Brahmâ, or the Logos; and he is Adam Kadmon, who in Genesis iv., 5, separates himself into two halves, male and female, thus becoming Jah-Hovah or Jehovah-Eve; as Manu Swâyambhuva or Brahmâ separates himself to become "Brahmâ-Virâj and Vâch-Virâj," male and female; all the rest of the texts and versions being blinds.

IV. Vâch is the daughter of Brahmâ and is named Sata-Rupa, "the hundred-formed," and Savitri, "generatrix," the mother of the gods and of all living. She is identical with Eve, "the mother (of all the lords or gods or) of all living." Besides this there are many other occult meanings.

What is written in "Isis," although scattered about and very cautiously expressed at the time, is correct:

Explaining esoterically Ezekiel's wheel,* it is said of Jodhevah or Jehovah: -

"When the ternary is taken in the beginning of the Tetragram, it expresses the divine creation spiritually, without any carnal sin; taken at its opposite end it expresses the latter: it is feminine. The name of Eva is composed of three letters, that of the primitive or heavenly

Adam, is written with one letter, Jod or Yodh; therefore it must not be read Jehovah but Ieva, or Eve. The Adam of the first chapter is the spiritual, therefore pure, androgyne Adam Kadmon. When woman issues from the rib of the second Adam (of dust), the pure Virgo is separated, and falling "into generation," or the downward cycle, becomes Scorpio, emblem of sin and matter. While the ascending cycle points to the purely spiritual races, or the ten prediluvian patriarchs, the Prajâpatis and Sephiroth are led on by the creative Deity itself, who is Adam Kadmon or Yod-cheva. Spiritually, the lower one (Jehovah) is that of the terrestrial races, led on by Enoch or Libra, the seventh; who, because he is half-divine, half-terrestrial, is said to have been taken by God alive. Enoch, Hermes, and Libra, are one."

This is only one of the several meanings. No need to remind the scholar that Scorpio is the astrological sign of the organs of reproduction. Like the Indian Rishis, the Patriarchs are all convertible in their numbers, as well as interchangeable. According to the subject to which they relate they become ten, twelve, seven or five, and even fourteen, and they have the same esoteric meaning as the Manus or Rishis.

Moreover, Jehovah, as may be shown, has a variety of etymologies, but only those are true which are found in the Kabala. (Ieve) is the Old Testament term, and was pronounced Ya-va. Inman suggests that it is contracted from the two words Yaho-Iah, Jaho-Jah, or Jaho is Jah. Punctuated it is which is, however, a Rabbinical caprice to associate it with the name Adoni or , which has the same points. It is curious, and indeed hardly conceivable, that the Jews anciently read the name (Adoni), when they had so many names of which Jeho and Jah and Iah constituted a part. But so it was; and Philo Byblus, who gives us the so-called fragment of Sanchoniathon, spelt it in Greek letters IETW , Javo or Jevo. Theodoret says that the Samaritans pronounced Yahva, and the Jews Yaho. Prof. Gibbs, however, suggests its punctuation thus: (Ye-hou-vih); and he cut the Gordian knot of its true occult meaning. For in this last form, as a Hebrew verb, it means "he will — be." * It was also derived from the Chaldaic verb or eue (eva) or eua (Eva) "to be." And so it was, since from Enosh, the "Son of Man," only, were the truly human races to begin and "to be," as males and females. This statement receives further corroboration, inasmuch as Parkhurst makes the verb to mean: (1) "To

fall down" (i.e. into generation or matter); and (2) "To be, to continue " — as a Race. The aspirate of the word eua (Eva) "to be" being Heve (Eve), which is the feminine of and the same as Hebe, the Grecian goddess of youth and the Olympian bride of Heracles, makes the name Jehovah appear still more clearly in its primitive double-sexed form.

Finding in Sanskrit such syllables as Jah and Yah, e.g., Jah (navi) "Ganges" and Jagan-nâtha, "Lord of the World," it becomes clear why Mr. Rawlinson is so very confident in his works of an Aryan or Vedic influence on the early mythology of Babylon. Nor is it to be much wondered at that the alleged ten tribes of Israel disappeared during the captivity period, without leaving a trace behind them, when we are informed that the Jews had de facto but two tribes — those of Judah and of Levi. The Levies, moreover, were not a tribe at all, but a priestly caste. The descendants have only followed their progenitors, the various patriarchs, into thin, sidereal air. There were Brahms and A-brahms, in days of old, truly, and before the first Jew had been born. Every nation held its first god and gods to be androgynous; nor could it be otherwise, since they regarded their distant primeval progenitors, their dual-sexed ancestors, as divine Beings and Gods, just as do the Chinese to this day. And they were divine in one sense, as also were their first human progeny, the "mind-born" primitive humanity, which were most assuredly bi-sexuals as all the more ancient symbols and traditions show. Under the emblematical devices and peculiar phraseology of the priesthood of old, lie latent hints of sciences as yet undiscovered during the present cycle. Well acquainted as may be a scholar with the hieratic writing and hieroglyphical system of the Egyptians, he must first of all learn to sift their records. He has to assure himself, compasses and rule in hand, that the picture writing he is examining fits, to a line, certain fixed geometrical figures which are the hidden keys to such records, before he ventures on an interpretation."

"But there are myths which speak for themselves. In this class we may include the double-sexed first creators of every Cosmogony. The Greek Zeus-Zen (Æther), and Chthonia (the chaotic earth) and Metis (water), his wives; Osiris and Isis-Latona — the former god also representing Æther, the first emanation of the Supreme Deity, Amun, the primeval source of Light; the goddess Earth and Water again; Mithras, the rock-born god, the symbol of the male mundane fire, or the personified primordial light, and Mithra, the fire goddess, at once his mother and his wife; the pure element of fire (the active, or male principle) regarded as light and heat, in conjunction with Earth and Water, or Matter, the female or passive element of cosmical generation" — all these are records of the primeval divine Hermaphrodite."