Sunday, April 09, 2006

Drug laws and liberty

This may be hard to accept but i used to be obsessed with pharmacology for years and i learned that pure heroin is much safer than most drugs including alcohol.
Heroin is diacetyl morphine, it is a 'pro-drug' this means that in the case of heroin it is morphine that has been di-acetylised which means it is completely inert and useless until it crosses the blood/brain barrier which removes the 'diacetyl' part of the molecule (it acts like a delivery system, what makes heroin preferable over morphine is its status as a pro-drug, it is inert when it is in the blood and thus it is safer than morphine because when morphine enters the blood it is not inert, the body treats it as a foreign substance and so releases histamines which can in some people be very uncomfortable; as anyone with an allergy will testify) and it then enters the brain as morphine which fits in the opiate receptors which are naturally there to accept endorphins, the morphine is then metabolised after about 4 hours and then the harmless inactive metabolites are removed via no point is the brain harmed and at no point are ANY vital organs harmed (the liver may need to do some work but certainly not as much work as alcohol which is apparently acceptable). The negative side effects are slight shortness of breath, constipation and sometimes itching. It is in fact one of the safest drugs you will find (although the thresh hold between a recreational dose and a lethal dose are slightly fine it is still possible to determine a safe dose with relative ease, i meant it is one of the safest drugs in relation to toxicity). Obviously if you take it in an amount that's over the top it'll kill you but not from any toxic effects on the body but simply because morphine affects the part of the brain involved with breathing and in normal doses suppresses breathing a tad, in lethal doses it suppresses it so much you cant breathe.

Now the only reason people die from heroin these days are either these factors:

1) It is illegal and unregulated by any governing or medical body, so sellers put whatever they choose in it and users die from having veins full of rubbish, something that would not happen if legally available as chemists just wouldn't get away with putting ajax in their medicines :P

2) Also because it is unregulated there is no way of knowing how much real diacetyl morphine there is in this mix of rubbish they call heroin and so a user may be used to taking a fixed amount, if one day they get a surprisingly pure batch they have no way of knowing how much diacetyl morphine is in it and so they may take their normal amount which could be too much...again this would not happen if it could be bought in individual safe doses, pre measured out in a lab (with advice on the packet what is a safe dose) the only deaths then would be allergy (very rare) or suicide (anyone wanting to kill themselves will find any method to do it)

3) Again because heroin is illegal there is no price regulation on the black market and so people have to pay extortionate amounts for heroin, sometimes 90 pounds (about 130 Euros or $156) a gram...which may only contain half a gram of diacetyl morphine and the rest is rubbish. A gram of pure heroin created in a licensed medical lab costs 4 pounds($6.90) to make.Because they're spending a lot of their money on illegal unregulated heroin to sustain their habit many don't eat much and can die from mal nutrition or their low immune system (from not eating) makes them easy prey for flu.Also if you become homeless you can easily die from cold or being beaten up.

4) Many batches of unregulated heroin have been found to contain diseases like hepatitis which can kill, again legal medical heroin wouldn't contain these diseases. In the same way you wouldn't find polio in your cough mixture (i have to admit though you do find mercury in inoculations, so this may happen if widely distributed by these evil illuminati drug companies)

5) Users who quit for a long time and relapse will usually take the amount they became tolerant to, they would however have lost this tolerance and take the amount they used to take when tolerant...thus overdosing and dying, widespread information or warning leaflets with legally obtainable heroin on how to safely do that would reduce this dramatically...heroin being illegal it is almost a thought crime these days to talk about things like this

6) Many deaths from heroin involve users getting drunk and taking heroin...this is a deadly mix as they potentiate each other and cause a dangerous level of CNS depression, however at the coroners they usually don't pay attention to the alcohol and list it as 'heroin overdose'. A situation which im sure would be less common if there were widespread openness and discussion on the do's and don'ts of heroin use.

So as you can see legalising heroin would make it much much safer and in fact i would suspect there would be barely any deaths from it, save freak accidents or intentional suicides or people who don't follow the advice on the packet.In fact the legal drug alcohol is many times more dangerous than heroin and even though its legal and heroin is illegal there are still far more alcohol deaths because it is just very toxic, it can cause brain, liver, kidney, stomach (ulcers) damage and all kinds of things; it is in itself a toxic drug...far more so than heroin.

From this it is plain that the drug laws are not based on which is more harmful. The other example being magic mushrooms, cannabis and lsd...three drugs that it is near impossible to overdose or even harm yourself with, these are safer than clean diamorphine which is pretty darn safe (when taken in responsible doses). Cannabis for example is impossible to overdose on by smoking it and if you ate it you'd probably have to eat several raw kilograms to be anywhere near killing yourself. Magic mushrooms are close to impossible to overdose on...i heard you'd need 14-19 KG of pure psilocybin (and the average strength mushroom psilocybe cubensis contains approx. 0.60% psilocybin and a heavy dose of psilocybin is 2mg) to be in with a chance of overdose. Similarly lsd is taken in micrograms (20-400 micrograms is a recreational dose, one tab containing about 30-100 micrograms) and a toxic dose would 12,000 micrograms (LD50). A microgram for those not scientifically minded is 1/1,000,000 of a gram.

Pharmacotheon by Ottby Jonathon Ott
"I must emphasise that there is no danger of death or injury from overdose of LSD, which must have about the highest therapeutic index of any drug known (the ratio of fatal dose to effective dose is unknown since no human being has ever died from an overdose of LSD, but must be very high, as individuals have mistakenly ingested hundreds of doses at a sitting; this is a way of saying that the drug is not at all toxic)."

As you can plainly see drug prohibition is nothing to do with harmfulness so lets shatter that myth right now.

I have 4 theories of what it is about:

1) Simple big brother style thought control 'you're not allowed to alter your brain chemistry, the state owns your body and brain'

2) Many hallucinogens allow you to quicken the vibration of your aura/mind and enter realms of existence that allow you to see through all the illusions of everyday you know the illuminati make every effort to shut this kind of thing down, keeping us in a mental prison at every opportunity (this is the religious belief of some people and should be respected, this is even upheld in the bill of rights and constitution)

3) Where do you think all these millions of tonnes of cocaine and heroin come from? How do you think for example all these millions of tonnes of cocaine get into america every year?
The usa has a kind of matrix of air defences over the whole country that can detect tiny missiles from an enemy sub coming in, and it has the biggest law enforcement and intelligence agency infrastructure that's ever existed...its massive! i promise you the FBI and CIA knows everything that goes on in america.
However i have seen interviews with a man who used to work for the CIA whose job it was to fly tonnes of cocaine into america. (if you're in the UK and don't believe me i can send you the cd of it if you can pay for postage and packing) What the governments can then do is sell these drugs to drug barons for huuuuge amounts (much more than they could if it were legal as there would be a competitive business market) and make lots of profit on accounts for one tenth of the entire world economy.

4) They can contaminate the drugs thus making the population more ill than if they were ill population is easy to control for example in 1984 the party didn't quite feed its members enough, and they never quite had enough medicine, they were all described as little beetle like men and they all died quite young. And its like that here, we have fluoride in the water, radiation pollution from cell phones, chem. trails that release poison into the air, msg and aspartame in the food, medicine that damages health not the opposite, vaccines with mercury in them, vaccines with cancer viruses in them and bizarre biological matter that severely stunts the immune system. Credo Mutwa also points out people who are vaccinated lose most of their psychic abilities...and contaminated illegal drugs are part of this. If the population are ill then they are less concerned and able to oppose them, there are also eugenics issues too. Also when drugs became illegal there was a huge boost in popularity, numbers just soared because it became an interesting and taboo thing, people thought they were being daring and anti government. Chemical drugs do damage your aura ( and some damage the body, medical drugs arnt exempt from this, ALL foreign chemicals can affect the immune system even if its slight) which leads to ill health, but if they'd never been prohibited and all this propaganda wasn't put about there would be only a tiny fraction of the users there are now and the drugs would be safer and healthier for people who did choose to use them. Legalising them would also pull the rug from under the huge world of organised crime, something the illuminati and their minions like the CIA don't want to do because basically organisations like the mafia and such ARE the CIA, they run these organisations, and profit from the human misery and money they bring in. They can also use terrorist and organised crime organisations they create to do their dirty work thus diverting the blame.

The main reason for 'letting' people use drugs however, is that even though they could harm the user (things like crack and speed even if they're pure do harm the body) it is not the government's business whether people want to harm themselves; its called liberty. For example if tomorrow cutting yourself or driving (driving kills more people than drugs a year) was made illegal there'd be mass outrage, but because we've been hammered with anti-drug propaganda people just accept the obvious affront to personal liberty. Its like the government saying 'you're not a responsible adult and the state owns your brain and body'

Also in america now the 'war on drugs' is being used as an excuse to take non users civil liberties, excuses like 'there's drug related crime and we need to be able to confiscate peoples guns and raid their houses without a warrant or shoot to kill for any reason or imprison without trail to fight drugs' and people accept this stuff to 'catch the bad guys' but don't realise everyone will be subjected to it.

My main gripe with it is the civil liberties aspect, even if they were really harmful it is a persons business if they wish to hurt their body, the state claiming ownership of a persons body is tyranny. Along with the excuse of a 'war on drugs' to impose draconian laws to 'get the bad guys', laws are universal and any draconian legislation will end up opressing you too.

You can easily pull apart any excuse they make up for prohibiting them too: like they'd be less harmful if legal and regulated, there'd be no black market, eventually numbers of users would go down because it wouldn't be some taboo thing, organised crime would be heavily affected and all these corrupt illuminati banks that launder drug money for the CIA would go bankrupt.

So you can see our world is awash with propaganda, just think what the news and mainstream opinion tells you about drugs and compare it with the reality. You can really see how far reality is from mainstream media; the media is a dream world. Also because its taboo there's more users of the drugs because of this they can sell more and more people these drugs they ship in and so it keeps everyone doped up and happy, a population that is high and happy would be too apathetic to oppose their tyranny, they'd think everything's fine. We need to be depressed and angry at the system we're in to be motivated to do something because it obviously shouldnt be this way, but the mass of drugs makes people docile and not bothered. If people aren't gotten by the illegal ones, the mass of psychiatric drugs people are on will do the same thing, i don't believe they help with mental health; they simply dope people up so they don't care: a doped up uncaring and apathetic population is what the illuminati want, im sure it gives those guys a right big boner.
Every aspect of our life is geared for their benefit, i can't think of anything that isn't, its the level of control they have that keeps people from really grasping what we face.

'People are more likely to believe a big lie than a small one' -Adolf Hitler.

People cant really grasp it when governments tell them massive lies and they find it even harder when EVERYTHING is an illusion and a lie, people's worlds go into turmoil, most people like what they're used to and anything different just knocks them sideways.

I would like to point out that i am not specifically 'pro drug' (whatever that means) i am pro liberty, i support the right of everybody to do as they wish as long as their actions don't harm other people, considering taking drugs only physically effects the user i would have to support and respect a persons right to do so even if i personally did not like it.
It is not my business to enforce my preferences on anyone else.

(Written by Simeon 2006 with the exception of quoted material, please ask permission to use this article in whole or in part on your website or other media production)


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