Sunday, April 23, 2006


observe the fascist symbol on this nazi badge:

this is called the fasces, it is the etymological root of the word fascism, it was used

by hitler and, what is it doing in the us house of representatives?

and on lincolns chair?

edit: in reference to the recent comment on this post i am in full agreement with the poster's comments, i have spent many years of my life studying occult and esoteric symbology and i am aware of the deep and anchient meaning behing the fascist symbology and indeed the symbology that swamps us everyday in the illuminati created prison we live in.
it is all around us...'hidden in plain view'.
i was using the fasces as just a basic example for anyone not knowlegable in symbology.
for anyone more interested have a look for the work of jordan maxwell, texe marrs (codex magica...not very in depth but is huge and has 1,000 pictures which demonstrate the extent to which we are saturated in this symbology) and even possibly manly p hall.
david icke also discuses the symbology of the elite too.
As does alex jones, having been sucessful in infultrating places such as the bohemian grove; a place saturated in canaanite and satanic symbology/ritual.

i appreciate very much all comments to my blog and thank the kind reader very much for taking the time to read and ponder on my blog.
Your input and readership is very greatly valued.


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