Monday, April 10, 2006

More stuff on bush planning to use 'nuclear option';jsessionid=U0FGCWPXJOFD3QFIQMFSFFOAVCBQ0IV0?xml=/news/2006/04/09/wbush09.xml&sSheet=/news/2006/04/09/ixnewstop.html

this is INSANITY this really is hitler-esque...invading sovereign nations under fabricated pretences...and using the most powerfull tools they have!

i mean if they really wanted to they could probably just send a large force of land troops to just sieze control of the plant...nuking the place will have both the nuclear debris from the plant and the bomb everywhre...killing millions in years to come from fall out.
i mean i heard recently that we're being affected in england by chernobel still!

This is just insane super tyranny..i cant fathom this level of insane evil.
its rare im surprised anymore by these nwo types but this honestly could threaten the survival of the world...any countried allied with iran could fight back and wed be in nuclear war.

However this should not be a surprise, it has always been the new world ordre's plan for population reduction and to engineer a third world war with china and the islamic world as an excuse to then create a world government under the pretence of having world then the public mind will be so changed and so readdy just to give up their power they will openly accept centralised world tyranny...and the jewel in the crown...the microchip or the 'mark of the beast'
Never take the microchip...once you do i believe you have given your soul to satan, if not spiritually then symbolically.


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