Monday, April 10, 2006

Inside sources say bush use nuclear weapoms on iran

This guy just seems to be after complete armageddon...and calling the people he picks on an adolf hitler type figure!
He's nothing of the sort! He's simply building a powerplant for his country...Adolf Hitler used national socialism to create a mass dictatorship that was used to systematically kill 6 million people and eventually intended to conquer the entire world under the philosophy of aryanism and pan germanism...
the leader of iran is building a nuclear plant!!!

What utter lies. Click on the image to see the full screen shot of the image...the article itself is in the aol members only section so i thought i'd screen shot it for the benefit of non members.

I'm going to start archiving every single appropriate news article i find so i can reference back to it later on when writing my own articles to counter any claims that im making this stuff up.

Its important to archive and keep news articles because we're becomming like 1984 where they immediately forget history and believe what the party tells them. And this is happening now; people forget that in the 80's cia funded and trained the people like bin laden, that they were openly saying hes been cia trained, that we put the taliban in power and trained them, that we put saddam in power and america sold him all his weapons.

Its scarily like double think in 1984.
This is why documentation is so avoid the kind of manipulation of memory that is beggining to happen ala 1984.
see 1984 quote in next post.


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