Saturday, April 29, 2006

A thought on symbology

The previous comment has encouraged me to post about symbology.
The world we're in today is literally soaked with anchient and esoteric symbology that for centuries and sometimes millenia has been used by the anchient mystery schools which have assumed different faces over the years such as corporations, intelegence agencies, religions, governments, monarchy, secret societies etc.
I believe besides these symbols having a long history of use by those in power they also are used by our elite controllers for several purposes:

*to 'brand' us like their cattle, most people pay no attention to the meaning of the symbols they are deluged with...they are on our clothes, food, cars, in our schools, government buildings and almost any other aspect of every day life.
They serve the function of claiming us as their cattle to do with as they see fit...literally in the case of clothes CALLING the marks 'brands', this is again another trademark of the elite, shoving our slavery right under our noses because they know most people won't even notice.

* to communicate with each other...this can be in the form of simple masonic hand shakes, gestures, esoteric phrasing 'order out of chaos' 'new world order' 'novus ordo seclorum' etc or the symbology used in mainstream media articles and the like, could possibly be used to convey messages around the globe without most knowing their true meaning.

*to drench the masses subconscious with their imagery and marks to make the people accept their branded slavery, i believe some of them certainly have an effect on the mind and act in a similar way as subliminal messages...for example consider what primal reaction the swastica gets today!
the very essense of subliminal messages is to aim to get a primal purely emotional response out of the victim, many subliminal mesages are graphic sexual pictures, words like 'die' 'fuck' 'sex' and 'kill'...these act to bipass rational though and go strait into the subconscious mind whereupon the victim will readily accept the adverts these messages are hidden in.

*to gain their satanic beliefs i am sure they believe these symbols carry some kind of energy or they believe they cast some kind of 'spell'
i am a believer in all matter being energy and everything having a particular resonance, i believe if you can create a very world in which your resonance is plastered everywhere this will certainly have an effect on its inhabitance.
i believe the ultimate aim of the illuminati is to always close down our connections with 'god' or our soul or higher levels of ourself or whatever lies in a higher frequency range currently imperceptable to us, i believe reaching these levels of perception involve increasing ones mental and thus vibratory being a being of love, knowlege, compassion, understanding, wisdom and free from anger and hate.
however i believe when you drench the world in symbology with a vibratory state which will subdue this, you have a greater chance of keeping the population from freeing themselvs from mental slavery.
It seems bizarre that they would go to such amazing lengths like structuring the road layout of whole cities like washington DC just for communication or branding...i believe that they do this in the hope of creating a resonance to their favour.
I believe this is just one more assult on our abilities to think on a higher plane.
Right along side education, employment, religion, money, drugs, psych-drugs, poisons in water, tetra masts and general radiation polution, puting cell phone towers on meridian points on the earth in the knowlege that our thinking (well our brainwaves anyway) is intune at 8 hz with the earth.
I believe our mind is infact an aetheral vibratory energy around the body, this is what one would call a soul and i believe the earth has this too as represented in 'meridian lines' and the vorticies that occur in places like stone henge and the like and i believe we are tuned to the earth's frequency as it has been found our brains work on the same 'wavelength'.

The symbology like creating whole cities based on sacred geometry, esoteric symbology,rosicrucian/masonic/hermic design and satanic symbology could act to keep the dweller's energies low thus restricting their ability to think on a plane higher than the 5 senses...which one must agree seems to be the driving force of modern society.
tv, fast food, drugs, drink, sex, music, media, science, advertisement all scream one thing loud and clear STAY IN THE 5 SENSES.
It is designed like this to even stop people realising alltogether that they HAVE a soul ( i know people like this), and those who realise they do are greately impreded by the crap that fills our mind and bodies every day.

The illuminati must keep us unaware of our true minds and our true selvs for we are all infinitely beautiful and powerfull creatures...and i dont mean power in the illuminati sense, i mean power of love.
If we all became aware of what is going on and who we really are and the strength we really have all this would be over tommorow and so they must do all they can to stop us.
i believe saturating our subconscious (which i believe is essentially our etheric body as it still has never been physically located even though it accounts for most of our thinking) with these symbols affects our mind and ability to think in a higher manner, structuring our very towns with their symbology, attacks our etheric body from the outside and messing with meridian lines on the earth and putting god awefull cell phone towers on them affects the whole earth.

i believe symbology is one more attempt at shutting down our true minds.
If you do not believe in these theories at least ponder that the illuminati may very well believe it...why go the the trouble of putting pentegrams and owls and pyramids in the very street plan of places like washington dc?
Why is it that one can find where the meridian lines are in the UK and most of the times there will be a darn cellphone tower or tetra mast on it.
Considering their belief in satanic spells and energies it must be apparent to even christians and atheists that at least THEY believe this and so it makes it just as important and not a subject to be disguarded simply because you don't believe in their theory

Anyway just some thoughts on symbology...having spent years researching this its staggering to see this symbology in every form of media that exists today...any method they have to use it they will...down to the very design of the city you live in, to the language of popular culture and the job you do.

p.s my fascism post question was purely rhetorical and intended to get people not clued up on symbology interested.


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