Monday, November 27, 2006

Beer festival symbolism

i was invited to a beer festival by some friends early this year and upon seeing the commemorative glasses for the 33rd annual cambridge (england) beer festival i had to get one.

below are pictures of this obviously masonic design.
the small text not picked up by the camera reads 'natural selection' and opposite to it reads 'charles darwin'.
I thought you may be interested to see yet another example (among a deluge) of the influence freemasonry has on our lives at every level.

i have a neck injury that prevents me typing much more, but i leave it up to your discearnment to identify the symbolism and its meaning.

Monday, November 20, 2006

i invite you to sign my guest book

until the other day i had no idea that anyone actually read my lil ole blog, so i would apreciate it if tyranny watch readers could all sign my guestbook once so i know how many there are out there.
If there are a large number i may even start doing audio or something, however i am more lucid in text.

You dont need to leave a comment or anything, i am just interested to see how many people this has reached, and if i actually have any readers i will start to tidy this up a bit and write articles especially for TW, at present i use this as my scrap book but if i do indeed have readers then i will be more than happy to write tidier and referenced articles for tw or my website.

my guestbook is here:

my informtion about where you live, wht your name is, what you make of the world or anything else you feel is relevent would be lovely.

But a simple hello would help me a lot to determine how many readers i have.

Constructive requests are welcome too, but please verify anything you are not sure of first by commenting on the blog; this is immediately forwarded to my email which i check several times a day and then i can reply by a public blog post or if you wish it to be private leave me your email and i will reply.
i think i left my email public somewhere, although i m not positive.

However if you have a complaint or you think i have breeched any ethical codes in my blog please contact me to verify this i do my utmost in general to be a fair and moral person and so this may simply be a mistake in perception or logic.
Also for the sake of logic it is best to verify a premise before reaching a conclusion.

Thank you.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Some of my thoughts on introspection, prefaced with a note about my style and the importance T-W has to me

This was intended for a forum im am a co-moderator on and it is a general forum for anyone, so i haven't made this as complex as i would if it were for a specialised forum or written for here, much of tyranny watch is composed of emails, posts on forums, msn conversations that i have written which are important to me and which hold some spiritual or philosophical value to me.

until recently i had no idea that anyone read this little blog of mine, with the millions of blogs out there and the fact i don't appear on google i expected no one to read this, it really is mostly a collection of my thoughts and things that are important to me as due to problems i wont discuss here my memory is degenerating; both short and long term, and i write these when i have moments of clarity for if in the future my memory goes completely and im a blank i have something to remind me of what i once had, although even now i see how frustrating it is to read what i write on here without really knowing how i did it as these days i have short bursts of inspiration then blankness where i can barely think, this is mighty frustrating because this is so important to me.
i could lose all my limbs but if i got my memory back it would be wonderful.

so this is a memory chest, a shout to the world, a spanner in the system, a note book for maybe something bigger, a book or an E-book perhaps.
it is also whatever you want it to be too, im making this for me really and i didn't know how much i have bared of myself and how much of my soul i have put into this blog until it was attacked and after seeing how much that hurt i realised how much of me there is on this blog. there's only one other person in the world who knows me as well as tyranny watch readers do and that's my good friend 'kathryn' with whom i share everything and whom i love immensely, y'all know me very well philosophically i mean, i don't let much of my personal side out, except in bits and pieces; but my philosophy on life is still a huge part of me, so i ask you to treat this blog with respect, the same way one wouldn't storm into someone's house and start shouting at them i ask you to treat this blog with respect to as i have bared my soul here.

also a note, you will notice i regularly miss A's out, this is because i have an old keyboard i got off someone for £3 and the a key works whenever it wants to, so my spelling is at it's mercy.

also when i am in my precious moments of flowing thought (and whether you think this blog is drivel that's up to you, im not saying that what i write is anything special or 'the truth' but to me these moments where my mind is free are very precious) i don't like to stop and correct my spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax or anything like that as i feel this interrupts my thoughts and i can lose them, get side tracked or not fully express them, it slows down the flow of ideas.

these are also not meant as academic or articles worthy of publishing, while i have the bits of paper required to be in publishing or similar field i am not writing these for tyranny watch most of the time, i just write personal emails, things i've said on msn, things i've said on forums and if i think they're worthy of keeping i'll copy and paste them to here, this is how my last one was done...hence i don't have any hyperlink references or referral to news articles, as they're usually just casually written and i see TW as my scrap book, so i just paste them to here, there's not many people who would write their personal emails or diary entry's with reverenced hyperlinks.

I also don't reference them as when i write something i will only write about some information i have personally seen, verified and then moved on, there is much information i cannot find the source for anymore as at one time i was reading to simply educate myself and no one else so i felt all i needed to do was verify the information to myself and go onto the next thing without taking notes as i never planned to do anything like this and i was covering huge amounts of material in a very short time, but i do remember reading what i say and personally verifying it so i will say it anyway, if its one of my own thoughts i will say so sometimes, but in the previous article i was asked by a friend to just tell them what i think, so that is what i did; its my opinion so you can believe or disbelieve anything you wish, i don't claim its the truth but it's my truth, and i believe the world would be a better place if we all aired our truths.
i ask no one to believe me and that is not what i am doing here, i didn't know until the other day that i ever had readers, i am frankly flattered that out of all the websites and blogs out there y'all chose to read my ramblings and thoughts And that they were interesting enough to warrant reading. so to anyone who reads this blog i thank you for your time and would appreciate any input you would like to donate, baring in mind however just how much this blog and the thoughts therein mean to me.
there is still a human being sitting behind this screen, and i have bared some very precious things to me that would cause me a lot of pain if they were attacked, this is not to censor what you say, but bare that in mind.
i think the internet depersonalises interaction and we forget sometimes that there is a person creating these words and that we should bare in mind how we treat others on the internet and consider whether we would treat them in the same manner as real life.
for many folks personal blogs like this and the internet in general can be very personal and intimate as it is in their home and the anonymity can paradoxically encourage people to show themselves more than they would in the physical world, flame me if you wish but...would you go into someone's home and start humiliating, insulting and being rude to that person?
then why do so online?

Anyhow, enough of my waffle...on with the show!

"exactly...yes, recently i have realised that you cannot be certain of anything in this world except your own mind, soul and understanding, from an epistemological, factual or any point of view you care to pick you can never fully be certain of anything except who you are.

the way to become 'enlightened' or contented in any way is to know yourself, know your motivations, why you do things, who you react to things a certain way, why you have certain problems, why you feel so low, look back and reanalyse your life and really look at why you do what you do...until you bring into the conscious mind these mostly deep subconscious drives you'll never figure yourself out or sort out why you do these things and maybe try to address and overcome them.
i think you can only do this with long long periods of solitary introspection and analysis, including the removal of external stimuli such as books, tv, music, games ... and yes the internet.

that's not to say you cant use these ever, but if you're to get anywhere long periods of introspection are needed because basically external influences outside of you are other peoples thoughts and they clutter and get melded in with your own, so to truly do this long long periods of deep introspection and true solitude are needed to ever understand yourself, and if you never understand do you ever hope to truly understand the world around you?
i think we need this for our sanity, we are bombarded in our culture by endless external media, which are basically thoughts that are not our own, people even become reliant on these things to think for them and to entertain them cause by themselves they feel blank and unable to think...i know because i feel like this sometimes too, we just don't like to admit that this is what it does.

we spend all our time rushing about like blue arse flies going out to places, consuming various types of media and working ourselves into an early heart attack and we think by all this activity that we're living...when i think to be truly sentient we need to really understand who we are at a core deepest level, which cant be achieved by simply ignoring who you are and rushing about slaving or getting your toys in reward for slaving.
it is my theory that it is this bombardment of the mind from every avenue that prevents us from really truly engaging in deep introspection and causes us (for much of our life sometimes) to just repress all of this and trample all over it and i have a feeling this could be the cause of much mental illness out there, we repress so much that we should be confronting in the conscious mind that it manifests in various illnesses and such, we're not in balance when we repress these things and when something's repressed it will always try to find a way to get out.

Whether i believe mental illnesses exist as definable and lable-able diseases is another thing too as i believe the non chemically induced ones are very often due to complete media saturation of the human mind which results in no self analysis and as such represses and pushes aside things that need to be addressed, if something extremely emotionally crippling happens thjese days people are more likely to drown it in drugs and tv than take it appart and see exactly what happened and why, which may lead them to understand themselvs better and even resolve these things so it doesnt repeat itself in the future, all events in life are a chance to learn something about ourselvs.
i believe we have ultimate free will to shape our destinies and we have the ability to confront out deep 'demons' you could call them that lead us to behave in certain ways without us realising, if we never confornt these and assess them then they will lead us to the same circumstances over and over as we have ultimate control over our lives...but i say 'we' as a whole being, including the levels of us we have not yet bought to conscopis recognition but that still affect how we behave, it is again however our choice whether we address them and try to understand and resolve them and break the pattern or choose to avoid them and ignore them with all this media, work, gadgets and drugs until we potenially go bonkers.
Which would be a very possible reaction to having the same situations repeat themselvs whilst running away from who we are.

In terms of other chemically induced mental illness i believe much autism and similar illnesses are caused by innoculations, i have personal experience of this with my father, soon after he got the small pox jab as a child he developed aspergers syndrome, plus widespread scientific and statistical data seems to correlate to this"

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

general free flowing random thoughts

***i will edit, correct and reformat this tommorow...the blog text form messes up the format of my articles: squishing it all in to one block of text.
also this is still the draft, i write in one long free flowing thought...without even looking at what i've done till its finished, doing it any other way would interrupt and impede my thought patterns.
this is the rw un-edited version tht i thought you may appeciate first.**

when referring to children as 'kids', remember kids are baby many of the illuminati mystery religion the goat is the horned god, or satan, baphomet, lucifer or what have you, so a baby goat is symbolically a small demon.also what does that make us if they're kids...goats...nannies?what does that mean for us if we call ourselves grown up goats? who's herding us then?do we really want to dehumanise and animalise such beautiful people as little goats wile dehumanising adults at the same time?
i see kids as an insult these days and would prefer to refer to them as children, people, younger folk, etc.

this isn't political them kids if you want, but i just like people to know and choose their words very carefully because words have the utmost importance as you will see if you go to any court case or sign any contract.i see this as another illuminati/masonic joke designed gain to separate us all into little groups, dividing us ll and splitting up the tribe or the family so none of us stick up for each other when it comes to the crunch.incidentally youth culture and specific youth music, the 'teenager,' specific young persons fascion (deliberately miss spelled fascism+fashion....its what to wear fascism) , etc. etc are designed to separate each generation of children culturally from their parents, so each decade changes radically in terms of culture for the young, notice how each decade of the past 50 years has been radically different? every ten years almost like clockwork we have different behaviour and dress that both at the same time lumps the children into a group identity and so can be led wherever the elite want them to go also it triggers a tribal response in those outside the group, the fascions look so alien and menacing to this generation of parents that they feel alienated and distanced from their children.i mean it used to take centuries of tradition, art, music, dress etc. to form a culture, now one can be formed from the top down so much quicker than before, they've made us far far more malleable with highly scientific manipulation techniques, in places like the tavistock institute they brilliants have devised formulae, strategy, plans, sciences etc. to direct and control groups...especially the youth who can be gotten from birth.these sciences have been rapidly researched and improved in efficiency immensely, hence they can do in one generation what it would take 50 years to do in terms of cultural change before, they have it so one generation can almost be speaking a different language to the previous mean look at internet language or the language you hear on the street, a person of a few generations past who had not tried to learn about these cultures would not actually understand them at all....this requires intricate top down engineering with the aim of atomising society and breaking up the tribe and family unit, this is the last vestige of a group of people not controlled by the state that will stick up for each other if attacked, because its natural...when the world police come to take a mans wife away under some population control program or the like ..unless he's all muddled up with oestrogen and still has a brain he will fight tooth and nail to save his wife, if they come after a real woman's children she will defend them with her life...for them this is too much of a they turn children against parents, they get women into the work force with another engineered movement 'feminism' which means the women don't take care of the babies like they used to and they get put in pre-school for the state to take care of them...and in fact DEMAND that the state take their children away (which is horrific if you think about much we have been manipulated and hermaphroditised that the strongest human instinct on a par with a man's protection of his woman has been destroyed in so many women that they will choose slavery over protecting their own children, and they don't need this extra money...sinse the dawn of time women have been able to protect their children just fine without hving to spend 10 hours a day away from them.(id suspect this is the desired effect of devaluing the dollar)then we have this move in media to make men ashamed of what they are, to make masculinity portray men as stupid and child like and in need of dominating by a stronger woman.also wit the 10,000 sources of oestrogen in food and water the men are very low in testosterone and now the un population control stats are out that the average mle fertility is down from 75% TO have the elderly dehumanised and cast aside for not being productive, drugged up and put in old folks homes to die.then all the other divisions in society..left and right, black and white, the divisions even within the youth...goths hate chavs, chavs hate goths, grebs hate the barries, barries hate the emo's etc etc (these are all english youth subcultures).

this creates an atomisation of society where they don't have any close bonds with anyone except 'friends' within their group, who are only their friends because of how they dress, etc., and they wouldn't stick up for each other like the instinctive drives of the family compel one to do, also as a mass movement they will easily be dirested and led according to their agenda.
this atomisation makes it easier for them to finally imprison/kill us off when the time is right but also to create a feeling of immense confusion, panic and hysteria...this state is post-modernity, nothing is fixed, everything is fluid, changing and mixed together, its very scary and no one is certain of anything because once they're settled the rules change, this keeps everyone on their toes and feeling helpless and confused as they rapidly become less able to make sense of what's around them.

this keeps us malleable and very adaptive to change so they can slowly engineer the final agenda, if we ll had one fixed unifying culture it would take them several generations to change our culture, but once you make it fluid and mixed up you can change everything in one could make the next generation think microchips in your brain are cool and that the UN is really cool.

they also want people desperate for some sort of order and normality in their lives, which brings us on to the freemasons motto 'ordo ab chao' order out of chaos.
they know that when they create fear, panic, chaos, disorder, uncertainty that the public as a mass body will look to their leaders or government to help them, to do something...they will be desperate for order...any order, and so when the new world order appears truly and the world is efficiently and smoothly run people will be so confused and tired they'll just randomly accept any order which at the time will be touted as a socialist paradise world government.
in reality what has happened though is they have an agenda to push...but if they try to get the people to accept an infringement of their rights all at once they'll be a what they'll do is employ order out of chaos, modified hegelianism or problem-reaction-solution.they want to destroy the constitution, have de-facto martial law, suspend all rights, torture, imprison without trial, invade countries for oil...things that without perceived justification they would never have got away with but they create the problem which is lets say 9/1, they shock everybody unforgettably to the very core, they did away with everyone's rights and created a fascist police state in one day...that's how fast social change is now, because they understand that fear of an enemy they cant see but is within their country and could be anyone is very creates a herd mentality and makes people look for protection...and the state is now most peoples protection.the complete media saturation and blitzing of the public mind to indelibly print 9/11 into everyone's burn it right directly into them with endless endless programming until ot becomes a mantra that must never be contradicted or questioned, that will cause people to react with immediate irrational emotion everytime its mentioned and react with anger to suggestions that it was an inside job created a situation where anything can be justified and all that needs to be said is '9/11' 'terrorism' 'al quaida' ...this totally by-passes the logical rational thought processes and just like a mind control trigger word people can be made to agree to nything, no thought on their part...just pavlovian conditioning.that's the reaction stage.then the solution handed out by the same people that engineered the problem will be gobbled up by these scared ad helpless feeling people who's world is upside down and who now crave security, they now have a licence to forward their agenda so incredibly quickly and to justify any barbaric or fascistic action by saying one of the trigger words to illicit a fear or emotional response which bypasses the logical decision making part of the brain and creates instant compliance...the 'solution' will always be the plan they had in the first place, they just needed to scare the shit out of everyone to do it.
make no mistake when you can get an emotive irrational response out of someone with a symbol or word or sound they have been under mind control...just like Pavlov's dog who was conditioned to salivate when that bell dinged.

think of all the words, symbols, phrases and sounds that are used in adverts...when you later see that product on the shelf and you react with pleasure when you see it, you could have the same food in a blank jar at half the price and many people would pick the one with the symbol they saw on the commercial, because it either scared them (fears of being ugly, getting ill, not being cool) or gave them pleasure (made them laugh or used sexual imagery) when they see the symbol they remember the good feeling subconsciously and are compelled to buy it without really knowing why, this is mind control, its 'soft' mind control but mind control none the less, the scantily clad woman they say on the beer commercial has nothing to do with what's in the can, but subconsciously you associate the pleasure of that with that symbol/slogon, so when you see the symbol on its own you favour it over others....

the mind control slaves for the cia are conditioned in the same way just more harshly.
now back to the freemason motto, this process of creating a problem, getting people into fear then offering an agenda that benefits them is very much like the freemasons motto...order out of chaos, the create the chaos and then when there's so much confusion they crete a new order, we are certainly being geared up for this as culture and the rules of life change rapidly, with one shock after another we become feeling helpless and we crave order, at this point their world, whatever it is will be readily accepted, and were close because they're really putting the pressure on to make everything as utterly chaotic as possible...i predict they will next crash all the western economies, have an outbreak of some super disease and go to war with north korea, all of which will shock everyone into a kind of overloaded apathy where they will no be able to think for themselves anymore.

then after so many horrific wars america will be portrayed as having been the next nazi germany, it will be vilified and hated in the history books and the un will probably go to a staged war with it where it will finally be disbanded after it has eradicated all other superpowers and nations, then under the excuse of stopping all future war the UN will become the full world government, for a time this will be welcome break for a world who have been t war for years, they'll be less restrictions that they had in war time, they'll probably get more food and entertainment and drugs, when people begin to love the world government the reigns will be pulled back, probably faked internal terrorism will lead them to have to chip everybody etc. then culture and human value will be so different this will seem normal, totalitarianism will seem natural and people will exist to serve the world state, they will then microchip peoples brains as theyve talked about in so many technology i prophesied it in a dream.i have word that the world currency will be the phoenix...the phoenix is highly masonic as it embodies ordo ab chao, it comes out of chaos/fire unscathed and is a the next year you will see america merge with latin america and canada, the treaties and agreements have already been signed by bush, martin and fox and this is a done del, i remember cfr meetings 10 years ago that talked about this, they are building that trans american highway which links all three and already mexicans are being manipulated by controlled political organisations like 'la raza' (the race) and other mexican supremacist groups who claim that large portions of the us are rightfully there's to claim, whether this is true or not is irrelevant the point is that millions of them are coming over the boarder, which is perfectly inline with the agenda because they want people used to merging with mexico.this will also cause incredible culture clashes as many american nationalists will notice their wages are being forced down and the Mexican supremacists will fight to stay some cases they will take peoples homes, kill white people...some of their propaganda is along the lines of killing all white males known as 'the plan of san diego'.this almost race war will turn america into an incredibly hostile place to live and many will leave, also when all three countries are merged and the accept the new standard american currency the 'amero' it will be worth so little because all these very poor countries will now be part of america, everyone initially though will rush to north america, this will create over crowding, squalor and urban warfare, the living standards of everyone will be equalised to that of the poor latin american countries and most people will live in poverty and work several jobs..alreay to simply stay in a flat and eat ktie must work 2 jobs...for one person!in the uk my dad works an unskilled working class bottom of the ladder job and supports 3 people and even used ti support 4 of us. with one job.katie has the same kind of manual labour unskilled job and she cant support herself, and she hardly eats or has many clothes or drives anywhere other than work.

so already they've purposefully begun to make the dollar worth less, taking into consideration its not based on anything fixed so if its worth less, somebody's changed it because there's nothing that by itself could change it as its not based on anything other than the say so of banks.
so america will crumble from within, which will make people want a world state because of the poverty, they'll want the aid and loans the world state will offer.the EU has already been merged, we just have the africas and the asias to go and then these blocks will go to war, then world government will be declared to stop all future wars.
even karl marx said this in the communist manifesto that the world will form into 4 superstates then eventually world communist government...karl marx is very right with a lot of what he doesn't mean his theories are good as communism is just another system of control along with capitalism, he was just an elitist shill who knew the game.
all this is planned way ahad in advance and is the new world order plot perfectly.

another manipulation technique which is one of the fundamentals of understanding how were manipulated is incrementalism.they know that if a huge change were to come all at once it would shock people so much they'll not accept it, so the big plan is broken down into tiny tiny little plans that all tiptoe toward the final plan, even the big plans are again incrementally toward the final final end destintion .…even the merging of the countries are stepping stones.they'll have one huge grand design, within this they'll have huge stepping stones, and then within those they'll have smaller stepping stones in between smaller a huge huge plot will be hatched by little compartmentalised bits, again in a pyramid structure..always pyramids.also they can use vast numbers of people and ultimately the entire population of the planet to orchestrate their plan without being any the wiser because most people will not put all the little pieces together, from school were conditioned not to look at the big picture, so someone who collects taxes or teaches children about sexual equality in schools will not twig that they form a tiny cog in a humungous machine designed to enslave them, they'll not realise that collectively with every single person who is part of the system on this planet are the cogs in the machine that will form their own slavery, hell on earth and possibly death.they split the grand agenda they have into loads of fragments so millions of people can work toward it without even seeing the agenda they're working toward.this is also why i object to employment cause whatever i do within their system exists to aid, feed and uphold the system, there is nothing within their system that goes against their interests because from the ground up it is theirs 100%.the only thing that can possibly oppose them is nature and spirit.the latter involves people waking up and demanding that they be true human being again and be one with nature, demand nature back.that is the only thing that will set us free.

we cannot fight for any sort of system or anything of the sort...we must return to nature..not just physically but within ourselves, remove all this programming all together and simply become natural beings again, remove ll these systems, religions, false beliefs about reality and everything and return to what we truly are.

we cant go back to any time because its always been theirs, we must be human beings again.

I have a website!

i just started up this website:

theres not much on it just yet as i just got it up today, and it'l be very slow to be updted but i do what i can.

clarification about the psychiatry post

It seems that one of my readers has assumed that i used the conversation i had with someone in my 'psychiatry' post without their permission, i can assure you that this is not the case, i gained full written permission from the person first and used their desired pseudonym, i gave them the url for the post immediately after and they were very pleased with how i used the conversation.

It was used with their co-operation, supervision and full permission all the way through, i find it insulting that anyone would assume this of me and i would ask that you contact me and ask me first of the circumstances before rash and judgemental opinions are formed about me or my blog.

The person i was having the converstion with happens to be my best friend and a reader of tyranny watch and she was very pleased when i asked her if i could could use what she said on Tyranny watch.

i would never use any form of personal correspondance publicly without their full permission and co-operation and i would kindly ask the readers in question to verify their facts before they start sending me judgemental comments which were quite frankly insulting to my moral fibre and deeply upsetting.
Again, please fully verify facts before jumping to any conclusions, how about asking me first before making such a rash assumption?

For the record all and any correspondance used on this blog that is written by anyone other than me is used with full permission, co-operation and proof-reading of their respective authors...i would consider not doing so to be deeply immoral and i also consider the assumption that i wouldn't do this to be an affront to my intelegence, moral fibre and ultimately my soul.

thank you