Monday, November 20, 2006

i invite you to sign my guest book

until the other day i had no idea that anyone actually read my lil ole blog, so i would apreciate it if tyranny watch readers could all sign my guestbook once so i know how many there are out there.
If there are a large number i may even start doing audio or something, however i am more lucid in text.

You dont need to leave a comment or anything, i am just interested to see how many people this has reached, and if i actually have any readers i will start to tidy this up a bit and write articles especially for TW, at present i use this as my scrap book but if i do indeed have readers then i will be more than happy to write tidier and referenced articles for tw or my website.

my guestbook is here:

my informtion about where you live, wht your name is, what you make of the world or anything else you feel is relevent would be lovely.

But a simple hello would help me a lot to determine how many readers i have.

Constructive requests are welcome too, but please verify anything you are not sure of first by commenting on the blog; this is immediately forwarded to my email which i check several times a day and then i can reply by a public blog post or if you wish it to be private leave me your email and i will reply.
i think i left my email public somewhere, although i m not positive.

However if you have a complaint or you think i have breeched any ethical codes in my blog please contact me to verify this i do my utmost in general to be a fair and moral person and so this may simply be a mistake in perception or logic.
Also for the sake of logic it is best to verify a premise before reaching a conclusion.

Thank you.


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