Tuesday, January 29, 2008

look at it

this is just one of hundreds of thousands of children killed in Iraq by the forces of the system we all inhabit in the west, if you're in the UK, us and aus then your governments, the system that runs your country and your tax money are directly doing this.
This is brutal mass murder, you trust your system now?
you respect and trust a system that does THIS?
The agenda here is that the middle eastern culture are too old and belong to the previous age of this system, the western system has since been updated in line with the long term agenda and so because subverting, decaying and perverting the culture (as with the west) would be too difficult they simply are eradicating these countries.
For anyone who doesn't research far into the deep working of this beast then on a very immediate level it must be apparent that the rulers of this system are murderers, despots and tyrants...they can be nothing else if they are able to commit mass murder.
you kill one person on the street and you go to jail, you kill thousands in uniform and they give you a medal, it is simple propaganda and the effects of programmed opinions o think that one sort of murder is bad and another good, that is the very definition o double think as laid out in 1984, the ability to believe two contradicting premises at the same time when it suits the doctrine of the system
murder is good when in uniform, bad when out of it.
A man stealing your car is bad, a man in a uniform 'impounding ' your car is acceptable.
Someone following you around all day with a video camera would make you angry, yet the CCTV cameras are fine.
Someone stealing half your wages every month wouldn't be acceptable, the state stealing 50% of your wages is.
This is simply a result of indoctrination, it is totally illogical to hold these two premises at once, and so if you do you must ask yourself how you came to these conclusions.
The symbols and 'legitimacy' of the system are used to perpetrate dastardly and evil deeds by these tyrants with complete immunity from suspicion...your money is stolen, people murdered, your property stolen etc and is all gotten away with because its done under the officialdom of the state, this my Friends is a very old ploy, we must break these programmed ideas and see things for what they are,
a war is just mass murder.
Theft will always be theft.
killing is always evil.
Theft is always evil.
Infanticide whether you're sticking a needle in your womb, bombing them from a plane or going on a school shooting sprey will never be anything other than evil.
Doesn't matter who your are and what organisation you're in, these things are always universal constants, ask yourself if you would accept these deeds being undertaken by one of your friends...extortion, murder, theft, if you wouldn't accept your friends doing this....then why accept it from those in 'authority'?
This system is and has for thousands of years committed millions of acts of brutal, rape, murder, conquest, thievery and tyranny....why the hell should we still trust these bastards? would you trust someone on your street whom you know is a murder? if not then why trust these lot.

further lyrics

leonard cohen certainly knows whats to come and many o his songs are dead on exactly, the symbolism he uses is correct, the esoteric symbology is correct and what he says about the future we have planned for us is very accurate, heres one...its called the future(highlighted poignient parts):

'the future' leonard cohen:

Give me back my broken night
my mirrored room, my secret life
it's lonely here, there's no one left to torture
Give me absolute control over every living soul
And lie beside me, baby, that's an order!
Give me crack and anal sex
Take the only tree that's left
and stuff it up the hole in your culture
Give me back the Berlin wall
give me Stalin and St Paul I've seen the future, brother: it is murder.

Things are going to slide, slide in all directions
Won't be nothing
Nothing you can measure anymore

The blizzard, the blizzard of the
world has crossed the threshold
and it has overturned the order of the soul

When they said REPENT REPENT
I wonder what they meant
When they said REPENT REPENT
I wonder what they meant
When they said REPENT REPENT
I wonder what they meant

You don't know me from the wind you never will, you never did
I'm the little jew who wrote the Bible
I've seen the nations rise and fall I've heard their stories,
heard them all but love's the only engine of survival

Your servant here, he has been told to say it clear, to say it cold:
It's over, it ain't going any further

And now the wheels of heaven stop
you feel the devil's riding crop
Get ready for the future: it is murder
Things are going to slide ...

There'll be the breaking of the ancient western code
Your private life will suddenly explode
There'll be phantoms
There'll be fires on the road and the white man dancing
You'll see a woman hanging upside down
her features covered by her fallen gown
and all the lousy little poets coming round tryin'
to sound like Charlie Manson and the white man dancin'
Give me back the Berlin wall
Give me Stalin and St Paul
Give me Christ or give me Hiroshima
Destroy another fetus now
We don't like children anyhow
I've seen the future, baby: it is murder

Things are going to slide ...

When they said REPENT REPENT ...'

this song is so so accurate, you can see for yoursel what it's saying.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

im not scared

were all supposed to keep our heads down, never contradict anyone in power, never disobey an expert, never say anything out of turn and to stfu incase the authorities 'get' us.

Wel ill say it now, im not buying it, i would rather die being tortured to death for saying the truth and excercising my freedom than live a ccomfy lie never having lived and never having used my god given right to say what i wish.
i woul d rather spend a day as a lion tha n a lifetime as a sheep.

if we allow ourselvs to be muzzled and silence for the sake of avoiding being terrorised by this fascist system then we have given away our rights, our reedom and our spirit.

i am not a piece of chattle, i am not an animal, i know how this system works and i know wht all the worlds symbols, esoterica and codes mean, i see through the matrix and i know what the plan is for this system...i am neither profane nor squared.

i am a human being and as such i will not be silenced, i couldnt care less what might be done to me as my life isnt worth a darn thing if i spent it cowering and never speaking the truth for fear of reprisals.


Saturday, January 26, 2008

poignient radiohead lyrics

We're rotten fruit
We're damaged goods
What the hell, we've got nothing more to lose
One gust and we will probably crumble
We're backdrifters

This far but no further
I'm hanging off a branch
I'm teetering on the brink
Oh honey sweet
So full of sleep
I'm backsliding

You fell into our arms
You fell into our arms
We tried but there was nothing we could do
Nothing we could do

All evidence has been buried
All tapes have been erased
But your footsteps give you away
So you're backtracking

Ah ah ahYou fell into our arms
You fell into our arms
We tried but there was nothing we could do
Nothing we could do
You fell into our, ah
You fell into a

We're rotten fruit
We're damaged goods
What the hell, we've got nothing more to lose
One gust and we will probably crumble
We're backdrifters

[in interpret this to mean the vast web of re-editing and retelling and reworking of history and even recetn events, they can flat out change the records of events now beyond recogniton and no one remebers, as in 1984 they were alies with the taliban not long ago when they needed to use them to ight the soviets now that their culture conflicts with the nwo standardised world culure they must be destroyed.
wall street unded hitler into power through IG Farben and the UBC with the directorship of gw bushes gran daddy then went to war with germany.
rumseld sold all the weapons to saddm hussein then went to war with him.
its an old game]

more lyrics

radiohead (c)

Life in a Glass House

Once again, I'm in trouble with my only friend

She is papering the window panes

She is putting on a smile

Living in a glass house

Once again, packed like frozen food and battery hens

Think of all the starving millions

Don't talk politics and don't throw stones

Your royal highnesses

Well of course I'd like to sit around and chat

Well of course I'd like to stay and chew the fat

Well of course I'd like to sit around and chat

But someone's listening in.

Once again, we are hungry for a lynching

That's a strange mistake to make

You should turn the other cheek

Living in a glass house

Well of course I'd like to sit around and chat

Well of course I'd like to stay and chew the fat

Well of course I'd like to sit around and chat

But someone's listening in.

poignient lyrics

radiohead (c)

Are you such a dreamer?To put the world to rights?I'll stay home foreverWhere two & two alwaysmakes up five

I'll lay down the tracksSandbag & hideJanuary has April's showersAnd two & two alwaysmakes up five

It's the devil's way now
There is no way out
You can scream & youcan shout
It is too late now
You have not been paying attention

I try to sing alongI get it all wrong
I swat em like flies
butLike flies the burgersKeep coming back
NOTMaybe not
"All hail to the thief"
"But I am not!"
"Don't question my authorityor put me in the dock
Go & tell the king that
The sky is falling inWhen it's not
Maybe not.

Friday, January 25, 2008

thoughts on the meaning of life

I've just been thinking today about whats in a human being.
I would say that one thing is that there is certainly a struggle with in us all between good and evil, now while this is a very obvious observation what isn't so obvious is what evil is, because of the commercial base degraded nature of this system were in most are blinded to what evil actually is (partly because the entire system of this world is based on evil), many people can point to an example of an evil person or an evil act(...murder, rape, Hitler, Stalin) but have trouble really defining evil.

From what i can see evil is baseness, the battle that is occurring in this world right now is also a battle that occurs in every human being too, the battle is between giving in and surrendering to a life and mind based on material, matter, objects, pleasure, physical gratification and possessions Vs a life and self based on spirit, and what i mean by spirit in this sense is in general deciding what is really important and what your life will be, we must decide in this battle if we are to dedicate our lives to the systems version of success based on a feeling of safety we get from being assured of a roof over our head, money in the bank and a constant supply of food and entertainment or if we are to dedicate our lives to what really has worth....we must decide if having these objects is more important than freedom, human dignity, human life, love, truth and resisting tyranny.

The bottom line is that there is always a chance in this system that telling the truth, standing up against tyranny, stepping out of line and putting our heads up above the heard and letting everyone know we think this system is evil and wrong could result in us losing all these material things that the system provides us with, there is always a chance we could lose everything material...but then again, what use are these things to us if they are acquired and kept at the price of our spirit?
we gain our spirit by being aligned with what really has worth, we gain spirit and wisdom by truly separating ourselves from the scared herd and fully showing the world that we know this is all evil, our spirit is the only thing we can take with us when we leave here and i have come to realise that losing every bit of false material safety i have is much less of a tragedy than if i were to die having never fulfilled the purpose each of us has in this world.

This is the only place where spirit is put into matter, god put us in to matter because matter is a system of perfect consequence, it is a system where our strength of soul, will, character, wisdom, bravery, integrity, goodness and just plain balls can be evaluated by what we manifest in the physical world through our words and actions, this is the place where god tests our spirit to see its strength, to see if we chose the path of matter, of material, of our possessions, of the perceived security and comfort we get from having permanent shelter, food and possessions or if we chose to go into the unknown frightening territory of the truth, of speaking out for what is good, of publicly and openly naming, denouncing and separating ourselves from being responsible for evil....this is the test, this is what we are here for, this may put our possessions, money and even physical survival at risk but THIS is the very test we are put here to face....do we keep quiet and allow ourselves to be responsible for huge amounts of extreme evil by not standing up against it and never taking the physical risks that may come with opposing the evil of this system? or do we risk the things we have in the material world and stand up for whats good.

We have the power here, the battle in this world basically boils down between the choice of deciding which is more important: do we value material security or do we value the spirit (IE human dignity, absolute sanctity of the human life, the absolute sanctity of complete freedom, the opposition to tyranny, evil, psychopathy, murder, torture, rape and etc), because we all have the freedom and the power to do this.

The evil in this world is built with the co-operation of everyone in it, we serve the system and we pay our taxes, we give our masters the money to kill millions in wars, we give them the money to build huge oppressive police forces, we pay taxes so more people can be locked up, so more people can be tortured, drugged, degraded, brainwashed and abused...these taxes are extorted from us by force but what we can control is the permission we give this system to commit these atrocities, do we keep our heads down, look the other way and never let the system know that we don't give them consent to murder, rape and torture or do we risk our material well being and say to the system that these things are evil, that these things are hideous and that we relinquish our permission for them to do this?

Because until we each individually decide that the spirit is more important than objects and until we decide that the values of goodness and human worth outweigh that of material security then all this evil will rest on our shoulders...
the elite masters of this world number only a few hundred, they do not have the immediate physical power to carry out this evil and so it requires the permission of us all, it requires that we give our permission for these atrocities by doing and saying nothing.

Until we each look within ourselves and decide that taking back our permission for evil to take place, and openly opposing evil, separating ourselves from the acquiescing heard and directly showing those in control that we believe in humanity above their material system then we each individually will carry around the responsibility for a huge monstrous beast of evil that at this very moment is killing millions and brutally dictating over billions.

We were put on this earth to see whether we will chose spirit or matter....because we cant have both, and putting our spirits into this world of matter gives us one unique and precious chance to show that we have the integrity of spirit to risk the securities and pleasures of the physical world by showing the entire system that we will not allow ourselves to be responsible for evil and that in every way we possibly can we will oppose evil, whatever the risks and the costs are to our material lives here.

By choosing the path of spirit we may be risking what we have in this world, but if we chose matter over spirit then we waste the one Chance we were given to have spirit and to show that our souls are worthy of an afterlife.

i foresee when i die being asked if i knew about the evil in this world, and if so did i appose it? and i honestly do no believe that if i knew of the immense evil that was in this world and never chose to use the freedom and ability god gave me to oppose and remove my responsibility for evil that i would be given the privilege of an afterlife, why should i get an afterlife if i spent the one infinitely precious chance i was given in this world to show the integrity of my spirit simply clinging to my material goods and never speaking out of turn in case i lost them? what would be the point in giving me an afterlife, I'd have simply have wasted the chance i was given to accomplish the purpose and meaning of the existence of being a human being, i would have failed the test god set us to use the world of matter to show the integrity of my spirit to determine if i should be kept on in an afterlife or not, because the entire reason we are here is to see if we chose matter or spirit, to see if we chose good or evil.

By we i mean each and every INDIVIDUAL, we must all each pass our own tests individually, no one else can do this for us, we cannot prove the worth of our individual unique spirits by allowing others to do it or us and sitting back, no guru or hero can do this for us, we must each be our own champions and heroes because in the end it is our own individual spirits and souls that pay the price, every single person bar none has to pass the test to see if they will potentially jeopardise (if need be) what they have in the world of matter to defend what is truly valuable and truly permanent in the world of spirit...each and every individual must do this as each individual is assessed on themselves and not others...

the heroes or gurus people follow may themselves personally have passed their own test, but simply supporting those people doesn't mean that you have done this yourself....you have simply attempted to project your responsibility for what you must do onto another person and assumed that because you are associated with that person that they can be your hero too, many people do this because the enormity of what they must face is too much and so convincing themselves someone else can do this for them creates the illusory feeling that they have already passed their test by following another who has, but in the end we all will still have the same test to pass regardless of who we decide is going to be our hero and do the job of opposing evil and choosing spirit over matter for us...no one can do this for us, we must each do this because we were put into matter for each individual to be tested on each individuals integrity, and that does involve each spirit 'gambling' or 'sacrificing' their material safety for the things that are worth much more than this temporary world of objects which we cannot take with us and which will be inconsequential when we come before god.

the price we pay for holding onto our material , social, financial, bodily, systematic and familial security will be far far greater than the temporary loss we may experience in this world...
going on the path of truth and goodness may mean we lose absolutely everything we have in the material world, even down to friends and family (or it may not, but you must be willing to take the risk)...but what you get in the end is THE most precious thing that exists and it is the very reason we are here.



evil is a condition of human beings where a person or group of people make the witting or unwitting choice that matter is worth more than humanity....when it is decided that money, economics, efficiency, material goods etc are more valuable than spirit, wisdom and humanity, when matter is deemed as worth more than the absolute sanctity and worth of human life, dignity and freedom...when this condition is present the possibility of any kind of deviant or horrific actions can take place, if you follow the conditions and logic of this definition of evil you will see that the evils of this world can be attributed to this condition, abortions, trade in organs, murder, war, torture, tyranny, mind control, rape etc, all of these things would never be committed by a person who values humanity above all things.
When the sanctity of human life, human dignity, human sanctity, complete human freedom and the resistance to all forms of evil and tyranny are not present then this is what i would call a state of evil.
As soon as anything becomes worth more than the above things then again a state of evil exists, in the world of capitalism and commerce (a system that has money as its ends and not a means to an end) rule then this will always end up in money being worth more than humanity, and his is the state we have in the world at the moment, this can be seen in the huge number of by murders/abortions, in the organ trade in china, in the harvesting and commodification of the dead, in the elites wars that kill millions all for their grand plan and the countless other evil acts that occur everyday in this world.
Evil is in the very fabric of this world, the entire system is built on it, it is fully rotten at every level and the only way to deal with it is to fully reject every aspect of everything that has come out of this system, if we are to have a truly good world this entire system and all it has made would have to be rejected, all its religions, all its systems of thought, all its laws, customs, systems...everything, because since its inception it has been built on evil.
This is why i Say that if you have any beliefs or ways of looking at the world that you wouldn't have come up with i you weren't in this system, or if you had to learn these systems, calculations, specifics, charts, numbers, figures, diagrams, dates, times and what they all mean from a book or from another person then they have been created by the system and so you have an absolute guarantee they are false.
Also ask yourself if you were born in a society or time where these beliefs and ideas aren't known about at all, would you still know about or believe in this thing? have these charts, systems ,calculations, predictions, sums and etc come from within your own intuition? did you make up these systems and methods yourself? are other people using the same system as you? can you buy computer programs and books to do it or you? (if so then this thing has obviously not come from you and has been created by the system) we need to ask ourselves these questions because these systems of thought are there to divert and fascinate us off into directions that benefit the elite.

spirit and soul:

the soul is a driving force in the body, it is a spiritual energy in the body that is always there and is put into the body at the point of conception, it animates the body but really has no real character to it, on death it is simply dispersed into a pool of energy/back into god...a person with no spirit and just a soul will simply have their soul dispersed and will no longer be conscious, they technically never were conscious or awake if they never gained any spirit anyway.

Spirit is slowly gained by the persons actions, deeds and introspection only: without doing these things spirit is not present, it must be worked for and even when gained it can be lost very easily, there is a spirit out there for each person made by the creator and is slowly called into the person by going down the path of the truth and by choosing humanity over matter, things such as opposing tyranny at your own risk, of deprogramming yourself and pondering the essence of what it is to be human, from treating fellow humans with love and respect, and opposing evil where ever it exists, spirit is not gained without these things, at death however much spirit the person has gained in their lives is taken to the other side with them and it is decided by god if this is enough for an afterlife or not...most people in the world at the moment will not receive an afterlife, however each human at conception was given the complete free will and potential to gain spirit, and whether realising it or not, every human has chosen through their actions and life whether or not to try to gain spirit.

In masonic symbolism the age we are entering is the age of Aquarius/the water barer, water in masonic symbolism represents the female who to them has no spirit or light of her own, hence the moon and ships being female, the game plan of freemasonry is mapped out in periods of time using the constellations as a measure of time, each 'star sign' represents an age and the mythology and qualities of each sign represent what will occur in that age.
We are entering the final stage of the system which is Aquarius, he water barer, it is also a symbol o unity and peace...meaning the merging of humans into on united mind (micro chipped singular mind) and peace being the lack o freedom and so lack of conflict.
Water is female and to the Freemasons women don't have spirit of their own, because the age were going in to is that of water so all of humanity too will be without spirit and without minds...the words for women mean matter: mother, mater, matron, mutter (matrix means this too) etc. all mean matter, and so this will be the age without spirit and without individuality.
Without spirit all we have left is our body and brain and we ourselves become matter and we will all be trapped in a world where there is nothing beyond the physical world, which is the aim of masonry as they can only control the physical world.