Sunday, February 04, 2007

Long time no type

Hello everyone,
I have not been on tyranny watch for some time, late November I think, to be honest things have not been good for me, my life has really hit rock bottom and things are tougher than they have ever been.

mentally I have gone downhill and find writing in the way I used to to be a great struggle, I have the occasional bright moment where the mental fog clears and I can speak for a little while but most of the time I'm blank.

In truth many of the articles on tyranny watch are what you see when I have a moment of clarity, I think its the toxic effect of this system that is suppressing mine and everyone's else's minds to far below what we all should be.

I don't think we can truly know what we should be like and what our true power as human beings is due to the effort from all angles by the elites to destroy the ghost in the machine.
If we look at the many publications by the likes of wells, Koestler, those in powerful thinktanks, state funded groups, privately lite funded NGO's and the likes, university meetings like the one at Loyola uni. We see that there has been a concerted effort to destroy the part of the human that is responsible for independent, individual and critical thought, the so called ghost in the machine.

There have been meetings discussing this very subject of how to do it, discussed was spraying it in the air, putting it in our food, water, using electromagnetic stimulation of the brain, using various kinds of mind numbing media, propaganda, 'education', flogging psychiatric drugs the do nothing but chemically lobotomise you, flogging 'illegal' drugs that damage the brain and other methods.

They are not only carry out this mission but they are using ALL of these methods on us, from the spraying of barium, aluminum oxide and other substances in the plain chem-trails that cause altzheimers and blood clots, to the haarp frequency that pulses in tune with the brains own wave patterns, to the fluoridated/chlorinated water that surpresses our memory and creates cloudy wooly headed docility, to the msg, asparTAME and hormones in the food (see the next million years by Charles Gaulton Darwin), to the every increasing tyrannical laws mandating that people be forced to take their psych drugs whether they like it or not to forced screening of first children then adults for mental illness with quotas of how many must be on drugs that numb the mind and soul to the boom in powerful chemical hard illegal drugs we are bombarded from every angle...With the goal of destroying our ability to think independently for ourselves.

their worst nightmare is a population of people that can think for themselves, that can survive without this system of interdependence and technology and still have their inbuilt instincts of survival, a population that does not depend on their system and that can think and disregard their programming is their worst nightmare.

Their agenda ultimately being conquering, brainwashing and eventually chipping every mind on the planet to create the perfect Masonic 'squared mind'...They need total efficiency and at the moment with people needing entertainment, pleasure, consumption etc to keep them docile and obedient this is not efficient enough for them, the world must have reason and order for these guys, its in their mystery religion.
And independent people are chaos for them, it bucks efficiency and so they must kill this part of the mind that thinks independently, that yearns for freedom.

I too lately have been feeling my memory going, my thinking not consistently clear, I can tell it is this medley of poisons...I do my best to avoid these things but even here I cant recall a lot of what used to be self evident to me, like aspects of the mystery religion that I used to be able to explain at any time...Their esoteric teachings and such, I will have to refresh my mind on these things.

So I apologize for my absence but for a long time I felt if I wrote anything it would not be worth reading anyway, I am also experiencing many personal problems, stemming from new personal wounds and old scars.

Next I will post something I wrote for a forum about how wars are planned in advance.
it is for a non specific forum of people who know nothing about the subject matter I write on TW so for my standards it is very tame; if TW is normally a fierce lion this post is a little timid kitten.

I personally believe the wars we are seeing at the moment are to destroy the last vestiges of anything slightly different from the standardized world communist state we are to have from the new world order, while the states are already under mystery school control the people in these countries would not put up with the nwo system if they just tried to force them...Wars have always been used to change cultures and so they are trying to blast their way into these countries, establish the standard systems of control that are in place everywhere else that ensure they have the same system of slavery as every other country in the world.
In the form of currency instead of barter, central banks, a standard government subservient to the un, and an army that will obey the world state.
And if the people of these countries wont change themselves to fit they'll just be blown off the face of the earth.

The wars against the middle east are just a clean up job; standardizing the last few countries to conform to the standardized, homogeneous clone/slave world we have right now.
As well as population reduction, collapse of America when this is done, centralization and monopolisation of resources etc etc.
you can be sure though that whatever happens it will not be for some fairy tale altruistic reason of freeing the country, stopping a tyrannical leader or whatever.

Anyhow, the next post will be the rather tame post for the forum, I certainly don't believe these think tanks are anywhere near the people running the world, I believe those people are a tiny elite coming from ancient ruling bloodlines, but being a laymen's forum I just wanted to nudge the readers into starting to look into the way the world really works and so instead of just smacking them with a barrage of very complicated and probably insane sounding information I just wanted to arouse interest, hence it being so tame.


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