Friday, April 20, 2007

Thoughts and observations

ive dispensed with my last message because even though i was right in the assertions i was making on symbology i also am very aware that it was disjointed and quite unreadable; it will however be republished when i've tidied it up and made it understandable to everyone and not just me and my partner :-P
However i have an email i wrote to someone which i believe has some use to it, i dont claim to be an expert on anything or able to understand and know the world completely because there is an infinity of wisdom to gain and i have a tiny shard of it: and thats being generous to myself.
The posts i make on here are to attempt to reach someone with what i've found about the world and if i can reach one person and ignite something inside them that drives them to seek the truth then i'm happy.
Below are just some thoughts that came to me as i was trudging about my local beehive.

"I was thinking about how streets are designed in the US, in collinsville i noticed that there are wide roads and the stores are made to be accessed mostly by car, as in each store is separate from each other and you can drive strait into the car parks and go in the store.

In the uk while we have a few stores like this on the outskirts of town most of the stores are in one place, we have a 'high street' here, which is a few streets leading off from each other that cannot be driven on, in all towns all the stores are all next to each other in terraced rows with shops both sides of a wide pavement in the middle where you walk and either side of you there are stores, this means you have to park your car a little way out and you must walk on foot through this because cars are blocked and the wide road like paths are made for pedestrians, the 'town centre' is a few of these types of streets all going off from each other.

it struck me that i saw no video cameras in the usa (where i was any way, and certainly not to the degree that we have in the uk where there is one every few feet)...if i did they were on private property and not council owned, i thought about why this is and i realised that british streets are designed in this way to facilitate surveillance, you are forced to leave your car and the streets are designed in a way that there is really no where you can go that does not have a camera that is watching you, every few feet or so there are little black domes with cameras that watch all you do and the same in stores.

Cities were originally designed to concentrate people to make them more easily watched, to make their patterns of behaviour more uniform and to create an environment so alien that human nature and culture could be removed and shaped entirely. when your life consists of nothing natural and you're entirely at the mercy of money you can be shaped like putty.
With this in mind the high street in our town and most others is known to attract the largest number of people and so instead of stores all being spaced out with a car park per store along a road where you could hide your face in the car and hop into the store quickly, you are made more watchable and more open to state intrusion of your patterns by being forced to walk about without anyway to keep your movements private.

This method of surveillance is called a panopticon, its a design for a prison by jeremy bentham, the idea of the panopticon is for the guards to watch every prisoner without the prisoners being able to see them but with the constant knowledge that they're being watched, now this would be less efficient if the prisoners could travel around within it in cars as you can change clothes, hide your face and such...and so the british high street is designed to be a more efficient prison, a panopticon's only function is a prison...when your towns are structured in this way it's a prison, and the bars they've created are far stronger than metal.

Eventually whatever you do pressure is put to bear on you to use money, money is a fictional article controlled from the top, the value of a currency can be moved up and down at will, and so being in this urban sprawl you have no way to live but by the states terms, the land that belongs to everybody and is for every human to live on and survive on is taken away and we must work most of our lives for the very system that took it all away from us just to get a few square feet of concrete and bricks and scraps of poisonous lifeless food with water made from each other's refiltered urine and mind control drugs to survive on...when it is our birthright to live on the earth without having to slave for someone else to be allowed a bit of it.

Before money we bartered, we would catch or make something and we would find someone who needed that item and trade it for something we needed, when money is used in between it means the state and ultimately those truly at the top of this system have their beak in every persons trade in the world, what things are worth is totally out of our hands now, including our own labour. Before we would get an immediate and proportional feedback for our labour, we chop down a tree and we get as much wood as it contains from it, we plow a field and we get as much grain as we sew and nature allowed to grow, we spend several hours making a bow and arrow and for it we get a bow and arrow...its a simple natural thing, for our toil we get what we made.

With these fake imaginary credits those in power now control what our precious time is worth, what our lives are worth, what we make is work 10 hours now and you could easily get nothing for it if the elite so wished, and such a thing is happening...since women were fooled into going in the work place as well as men the value of work plummeted beforehand to create a false need for women to work, while it used to be that one provider fed a family now both parents must work 3 jobs sometimes just to eat, this is not liberation: this is double the amount of people slaving away making half what people did before.
This engineers a situation where children are left more without parents and the agents of the system get more time to bring the children up and condition them in scientific crafted ways stronger than what you can give them as parents.

These are just a few examples of what i mean by total control in this system, nothing is left to chance, no religion, no system, no culture, no belief system, no living area, nothing whatsoever is left to create itself organically, there is no such thing as natural human culture in this system that has not been created by it as a trap to control our thoughts and there is nothing true besides nature and what comes to us naturally from terms of how we think and what we believe if it's got numbers in it, if its got systems, routines, calculations, rituals, logical machines, compulsions on how we must act by things more powerful than ourselves whatever they may be, any constructs of language, any beliefs created by someone external to our own personal spirit it is part of the system and as much a trap as any other part of it (most certainly things that require calculation to determine how to live are big whiffs of the system..religions, laws etc) say that's my key for self analysis, that's a very powerful tool of deprogramming ourselves, by looking at those things and seeing if they occur in our own way of life and thought we can pick out system implanted modes of thought from the true internally gleaned bits of wisdom, if they have those components they have been given to us by an external system of control rather than a natural intuition."

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