Friday, February 09, 2007

My comments on BBC action website and subsequent quotation

i made a comment some time back on the bbc website about fingerprinting and databasing children in schools and another website quoted what i wrote, my comment follows, then the website quoting me afterwards.

My comment is here:

"This is disgusting, catalogued and databased children become catalogued adults as well.Any parents who allow this to happen are destroying their children's future rights as an adult to protect their privacy and to be innocent until proven guilty.We lose the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty when the state starts tracking and storing information on us.You will also be indoctrinating your children into the mentality that its fine for those in power to track, trace and monitor you.You will be leading a generation of children into the 'there's no problem if you've got nothing to hide' mentality and into the nightmare world of 1984.There is no genuine security or safety reason that a primary school library needs thumb printing for, this seems like a creepy 'get them while they're young' scheme in the hope to both have a generation of adults who are in a database even before they have the ability to defend themselves from such tyranny and to have a generation of children who are used to having the state invade their privacy and record their actions.Already adults today are frightfully complacent toward the panopticon of security cameras that fill our high streets and public places and if you point them out to anybody they are usually blissfully unaware of their existence, this next generation to whom it is the norm to be finger printed will be even more acquiescent toward the tyranny of surveillance, which can only be an even more dangerous thing.We're having a matrix like network of tracking, tracing, blood testing, monitoring, databasing and finger printing built around us coupled with the gradual slipping of the basic constituents of a free society.Protest, privacy, free speech, private by one the dominoes are falling and eventually we'll be nothing more than slaves in something far more horrific than anything George Orwell could have imagined."

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