Wednesday, June 06, 2007


The aim of this new world order is to slowly and by complete all round indoctrination from every source imaginable chip away at the value of human life, they want population control as a goal in the near future but to get away with this and for people to not be bothered about human life they need to slowly over a long time of carefully constructed social and psychological engineering degrade human life and its sacredness to the point where it is worth nothing.

We have already come a long way, women are killing their babies on command, human genetic materiel is being put into animals and food and being fed back to us, human fetal tissue is used in inoculations and as an age treatment tissue from fetuses is being injected.
We also have the china man who ate a foetus as some sort of 'art exhibit', we have the global organ trade where bits of people are harvested at is they were corn, we have the execution victims in china being immediately cut up and used for their parts as you would take apart a car and most recently this dutch TV show where people send in videos and say why they should win a woman's kidney.

There will be all sorts of sob stories about why we need to do these things but the bottom line is that humans are to be made the least valuable creatures on earth, we are being put in our place as worthless 'human resources' to be used at the will of the system.
This gradual exposure to more and more debasing things, the endless stream of sex, violence and torture in all media, the endless news stories of more and more extreme genetic modification and organ harvesting are all designed to make us believe we have no value.

For every stage of the system there has been a corresponding religion which is intertwined with and almost one with the system so peoples spiritual and religious beliefs support the system and vice versa, they take the human need to understand god and themselves and manipulate it to their favour.
Now in this just passed capitalist part of the system there was protestantism and the protestant work ethic which suggested those who gained the most money were favoured by god etc..ill not go into it too much here, research for yourself if you're unfamiliar with it.
Now we are entering the new age and the new updated segment of the system the new religion is being phased in, it is to be a form of earth worship where the human beings needs are subordinate to those of the animals and the earth itself.
in its religious sense it will be characterised by worship of the earth mother, gia, Isis and all other goddess figures of the new age, the feminine has always represented earth and masonic symbology the female reflects the glory of the mother but has no spirit of her own, she is illuminated by the male and is only alive when following him.
Hence why the moon is said to be female and wherever you have an obelisk you have a female reflecting pool (the mother is your mater(matter)).
So any goddesses worshipped in the new age relate to earth worship, this earth worship also is rapidly manifested in the policies of the fast emerging Eco fascism were experiencing right now, we are told our old capitalist ways are destroying the planet, it is our fault and we must change our lives completely according to their specifications to save the earth.
We already are seeing the emergence of the 'environment' taking priority of the freedom, dignity and privacy of the individual.
In the UK local councils discovered that if they collect the trash every 2 weeks instead of every 1 weeks they notice a 7 per cent increase in recycling, because of this trash is now collected every 2 weeks, this mean that now its summer our streets stink, we are over-run with rodents, maggots and flies, they are well aware of this but because of this amazing 7 per cent increase in recycling this system stays...this sends out a clear message that a small increase in recycling is more valuable than the living conditions of us worthless humans, that this tiny bit of recycling is far more important than the health and dignity of human beings, that us living in our own filth is subordinate to 7 percent more recycling...this is how little human beings are worth these days.

Let me make it extremely clear that the elite couldn't give two hoots about the environment, they are pragmatic and use any forms of coercion that work regardless of what it is as long as they take our freedom and forward their agenda it doesn't really matter to just happens that this time they have chosen environmentalism, for quite some time we have been bombarded with endless propaganda that out lifestyles and habits are destroying the earth, this guilt and fear will allow them to do whatever they want to people under the guise of saving the planet and people wont mind submitting to anything as long as its good for the environment.
Already in my country if your drop a cigarette stub we are soon to be fined £80, if you put recyclable trash in wit your normal trash you are to be fines hundreds of pounds, our trash cans are to be micro chipped to monitor how much trash we use, and there are no protests and no rebellions against is just immediately accepted because of the years of propaganda that it is our lifestyles that are killing the planet and so we must be regulated, watched, controlled and degraded to 'save the planet'.
It matters little if these measures would actually benefit the environment and i doubt they do, the climate changes in cycles of 16 and 32 thousand years anyway and we are long over due, plus the fact that the elite are constantly spraying the sky with poisons, weather changing concoctions and aluminium particles to increase the potency of haarp: a device which warms the atmosphere and which Tesla himself was scared of as it has the potential to superheat the atmosphere.
I suspect there will be extreme and scary weather in the near future to convince the last of the non believers that they must submit to this new age of earth worship and the earth coming before human value before were all killed by this extreme weather...the only thing is that it will not be caused by our waste or energy inefficiency but the arsenal of weather changing devices they've amassed over hundreds of years.

So this environmental nonsense that we all need to be watched and all need to radically change our lives in tune with what the state tells us helps the environment is the next stage of the system and the method they've chosen to bring it in and erode the worth and freedom of us all...they don't give a damn about the environment: in fact they're the ones altering it and blaming it on our lifestyles. to gain power over us and take us into complete and utter tyranny.

Below is a prise winning photograph which i felt represented the organ harvesting business and how the system views us in general.
I think its simply called 'boy and vulture', name of the artist is included on the picture.

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