Saturday, June 23, 2007

A notice

i would like to clarify that i do not associate myself with Alex Jones, David Icke or any other celebrity conspiracy researcher.
At one time i used to like them but about 7 months ago it clicked that these were a controlled opposition designed to trap those waking up to the agenda and lead them pied piper style into fantasy land.
They also simply could not be this popular and prolific without having huge teams of professionals doing a lot of it for them, also people who really tell the truth simple do not get this rich and open the doors that they have, they would need backers 'on the inside'.
David Icke churns out dozens of books and tours doing speeches, to produce one book of the size he does would take a few people years to produce, and anyone who is not a mason firstly would not get the funding to be published the way he has and secondly would not be as famous as he is...hes in films, hes got his books in major retail chains, he just simply could not get this far without being an agent of the system.
He also promotes the new age to the hilt which in itself is a wholly masonic religion, he promotes the use of psychoatcive plants Ala Alistair Crowley and generally promotes a lot of masonic doctrine which leads the believers down a path of fantasy with lizards and magic(thus misleading anyone beginning to wake up) and it also has aspects of counter intelligence in that as soon as you mention any truth to anyone they've already associated genuine research with fantastical conspiracy theories(lizards, new age hologram theories, all sorts of magic and hallucinogen use) and so you're not listened to.
I also remember Jordan Maxwell saying how he made David Icke famous, Jordan Maxwell has admitted in one of his videos that he helped George Lucas with the symbolism in the star wars films and knows many Hollywood folk(has pictures of himself with them), you don't get this far up the system without being a mason and if you have any integrity you will not be bought off by the masons to create the symbology for mind controlling movies that both mock the victim and predicatively program the public, he has also admitted he comes from a mafia based family, and if hes the one who's made David Icke famous then there's no doubt in my mind that Dave Icke is initiated as you simply will not be made famous by a mason if you are not one of them.

As for Alex Jones, for a start he is part of the patriot movement, which is pure fantasy as America was built on an openly masonic system and by nearly all Freemasons, he seems to suggest that America can be saved and also promotes Christianity, both patriotism and Christianity are masonic inventions.
He again leads people off into a wild goose chase of trying to preserve some golden past that never existed and tries to kid us that America at one time was a truly free country, this elite in control now has been here for thousands and thousands of years and every system that's existed has been created for their benefit and America is very openly masonic, so trying to retain some sort of golden age is utterly futile, but it again traps anyone who has worked out that some thing's wrong into a different fantasy land and they lose sight of what it is they should be fighting for.
I used to listen to a lot of his shows and he seems to scare the hell out of everyone then when the listener is scared stiff he tries to sell them everything under the sun, gold, silver, water filters, ration packs, health supplements, magic cures, special remedies etc. these are the actions of a man who is out to make money not to spread truth.
He also does so so many movies, shows, protests and works out and takes care of his family he simply could not do this without funding (which in this system doesn't come without being a brother) and a huge team of people researching and setting everything up for him, and as for being friends with the likes of Keanu Reeves and Charlie Sheen, that simply does not happen to the uninitiated.

So i would like to clarify that even though i have left sum Alex Jones and David Icke stuff up that i broke out of that conditioning about 7 months ago and i whole heartedly believe that these two along with any celebrities of the popular 'conspiracy theory' movement, promoters of the christian patriot movements, the new age 'nothing is real' movement or promoters of the 'grey aliens' squad are the controlled opposition and are out to fool unsuspecting folk who are just waking up and are looking for someone to follow.

The masons always give us leaders to follow and when you see anyone becoming this popular and this promoted and spouting some truth mixed in with fantasy be very careful.

I fully dissociate myself from the previously mentioned groups and people.

infact i fully disociate myself from any group, label, mass movement, leader, social group or whatever.

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