Sunday, June 10, 2007

A quote

Here's a quote from Carl Jung that i thought had some truth in it, i am currently reading C.G Jung's book 'the undiscovered self', now even though his father was the highest ranking mason in Switzerland, he was bought up in a masonic household and the likes his work still has some good insight into human nature and individuality, the information to decipher this system, its symbols, how it manipulates us and how it works as a whole plus some gems of wisdom are hidden here and there in the books of the elites themselves, the key is to know who does what in elite circles, find their works and extract from it the gems that will be amongst their inevitably warped masonic views on everything.
There's no point discounting works just because the writer was a mason, because you'd have nothing left to research! The publishing industry is Masonic owned and run and you simply wont get published otherwise, also the place you're going to find the nuggets of wisdom are in the elites books themselves, who knows better than them about the cons they're pulling off?

They also have a code within their own circles that as a legalism they will tell us exactly what they're doing, have done and will do to when it happens we have been informed and have chosen to stay in the system, its also the masonic ritual of 'mocking the victim' they openly write about all this stuff, they flatly admit what they are doing and if you take all the admissions from the works of every elitist you are left with an astonishing mass of brazen admissions and open detailed discussion of exactly whats going on, however by the masses own apathy and denial they cannot see what is right in front of them, thus they mock the victim by showing them exactly what they're doing, but the victim does not see.

I would like to say that what i write does not reflect the quality of my research or the orderliness and cohesiveness of my mind, i have spent years researching a wide range of sources to find the little gems of truth hidden in various nooks and crannies and in my mind the symbology and issues i discuss are ordered logically and are based on sane and sound judgement and unscrupulous analysis however when i begin to type up what is in my mind it somehow becomes jumbled between my mind and my hands typing it, I'm not sure why this is.
one reason i can think of is that i do not think in words but in sort of working models of systems that represent what i have researched in my mind, this is hard to put into words.
Also i enjoy writing but i rarely have the time to properly proofread what i write.
And thirdly i am using a broken keyboard, some letters do not appear unless you pound the keys really hard and i tend not to look at the monitor when i type.

Anyhow, here is the Jung quote:

"The infantile dream state of the mass man is so unrealistic that he never thinks to ask who
is paying for this paradise. The balancing of accounts is left to a higher political or social authority, which welcomes the task, for its power is thereby increased; and the more
power it has, the weaker and more helpless the individual becomes. Whenever social conditions of this type develop on a large scale the road to tyranny lies open and the freedom of the individual turns into spiritual and physical slavery." C.G. Jung 'The undiscovered self'

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