Thursday, June 28, 2007

9/11 jachin and boaz symbology

From Albert Pike's (the pope of freemasonry) Morals and Dogma:

"You entered the Lodge between two columns. They represent the two which stood in the porch of the Temple, on each side of the great eastern gateway. These pillars, of bronze, four fingers breadth in thickness, were, according to the most authentic

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account--that in the First and that in the Second Book of Kings, confirmed in Jeremiah--eighteen cubits high, with a capital five cubits high. The shaft of each was four cubits in diameter. A cubit is one foot and 707/1000. That is, the shaft of each was a little over thirty feet eight inches in height, the capital of each a little over eight feet six inches in height, and the diameter of the shaft six feet ten inches. The capitals were enriched by pomegranates of bronze, covered by bronze net-work, and ornamented with wreaths of bronze; and appear to have imitated the shape of the seed-vessel of the lotus or Egyptian lily, a sacred symbol to the Hindus and Egyptians. The pillar or column on the right, or in the south, was named, as the Hebrew word is rendered in our translation of the Bible, JACHIN: and that on the left BOAZ. Our translators say that the first word means, "He shall establish;" and the second, "in it is strength."

These columns were imitations, by Khūrūm, the Tyrian artist, of the great columns consecrated to the Winds and Fire, at the entrance to the famous Temple of Malkarth, in the city of Tyre. It is customary, in Lodges of the York Rite, to see a celestial globe on one, and a terrestrial globe on the other; but these are not warranted, if the object be to imitate the original two columns of the Temple. The symbolic meaning of these columns we shall leave for the present unexplained, only adding that Entered Apprentices keep their working-tools in the column JACHIN; and giving you the etymology and literal meaning of the two names.

The word Jachin, in Hebrew, is יכין, It was probably pronounced Ya-kayan, and meant, as a verbal noun, He that strengthens; and thence, firm, stable, upright.

The word Boaz is בעז, Baaz. עז means Strong, Strength, Power, Might, Refuge, Source of Strength, a Fort. The ב prefixed means "with" or "in," and gives the word the force of the Latin gerund, roborando--Strengthening.

The former word also means he will establish, or plant in an erect position--from the verb כון, Kūn, he stood erect. It probably meant Active and Vivifying Energy and Force; and Boaz, Stability, Permanence, in the passive sense.

The Dimensions of the Lodge, our Brethren of the York Rite say, "are unlimited, and its covering no less than the canopy of Heaven." "To this object," they say, "the mason's mind is continually

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directed, and thither he hopes at last to arrive by the aid of the theological ladder which Jacob in his vision saw ascending from earth to Heaven; the three principal rounds of which are denominated Faith, Hope, and Charity; and which admonish us to have Faith in God, Hope in Immortality, and Charity to all mankind." Accordingly a ladder, sometimes with nine rounds, is seen on the chart, resting at the bottom on the earth, its top in the clouds, the stars shining above it; and this is deemed to represent that mystic ladder, which Jacob saw in his dream, set up on the earth, and the top of it reaching to Heaven, with the angels of God ascending and descending on it. The addition of the three principal rounds to the symbolism, is wholly modern and incongruous."

So as we can see jachin and boaz are the pillars that hold up the entrance to Solomon's temple, now to explain the different parts of Solomon's temple i really don't have the time to do that, but i will explain the basics.

Masonic lodges are based in design on Solomon's temple and these two pillars hold up the entrance to it, Solomon's temple symbolises the masonic world and the system it has created,it symbolises the perfectly constructed Masonic system as well as the inner world of the initiated individual.
As you can also see jachin and boaz combined mean something like 'we establish in strength'.

Now the twin towers were representative of jachin and boaz, when you see two pillars like that in any form this is what it represents and the destruction of the wtc towers represents the destruction of these two pillars holding up the entrance, it is the destruction of the basis of this old system and then the building of the update to the system it symbolically says 'we can build up this system with our force and strength and we can tare it down and rebuild it in any way we see fit', 9/11 was used as the catalysing event described in the PNAC documents and it was the engineered trigger for the taring down of the old world and the building of the new.

So by the destruction of jachin and boaz they represent through masonic imagery the beginning of the dismantling of this old system and the building of the next phase which is to move from the perceived individuality of capitalism in to an age of collectivism via the use of technology, into an age of peace via the extinction of individual thought.
To symbolically move from the age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius.

From the ashes of 9/11 the elite exploited this event to its fullest potential and used it as the excuse to remove the last vestiges of the old system via extremely brutal and viciously evil wars on the old middle eastern countries who's cultures are far too old to be destroyed and so the people must be.

For those who are unaware Iraq is the site of Babylon, a very old culture with ancient archives and relics that give many clues as to the old system and some ancient wisdom important for understanding this system, however during the Iraq war the invading soldiers systematically destroyed or looted nearly every old archive, relic and document in Iraq, many of them to be sold to private bidders who had already 'bagsied' the items long before the Iraq war even started
This was the symbolic destruction of the old system and was continuing the symbolic updating of the system that was started on 9/11, and you will see all of the old middle east cultures like Iran, Syria, Lebanon and others raped and brutalised just as you have seen the same done to Iraq.

This is also just the beginning of their onslaught, to get their new updated system in place (which will be the complete conquering of the human soul and spirit to the point where the entire worlds minds are connected in to one hive technological unconsciousness) they will cause the most extreme turmoil, chaos, death, destruction and violence you have ever seen...there will be mass riots that they are more than ready for caused by the purposeful deprivation of the human needs, there will be war waged on us and all those terrifying weapons they've been building up and many we do not know about will be used on us to get us down to he required population, to create this new system means the utter destruction of the old and that will me huge mass deaths and the darkest times the human race has ever seen, think back to all the atrocities that have occurred under their system and you're no where near.

This is the final step into the final stage of the system and it will be utter and complete hell, intentionally...because the masons always bring order out of chaos.

If we don't all try to get the word out and try to live in a way that preserves the humanity and the freedom of each other then we are already dead.

We all need to evaluate what is worth more to us,gaining money and trinkets or preserving the human spirit which is the basis of life itself, because if we keep powering this system and giving it permission to carry on with our own acquiescence then we are building our own chains and walking ourselves directly into extermination.

I for one would like to say this system has been forced upon me, i pay taxes only out of the threat of force, i stay here only because i am forced o and i do not acquiesce to the evil and inhumanity this system causes, I DO NOT CONSENT.


Blogger ayalZ said...

I love this article, thank you.

I just realized also that Boaz and Jachin are also the names of the first two masonic handshakes .

Mind if i post some of your writing on my blog?

Keep it up!

12:10 am  
Blogger Simeon said...

Thanks for your comment and yes youre more than welcome to use my posts, although to get as many people informed of the truth as possible i would ask that you link back to my blog and credit it to me if you post my writing, this way my words can reach more people and hopefully they may wake them up.

8:08 am  
Blogger TomCrockett said...

I would love to contribute to the human spirit but those 2 or more devil woman “remote viewers” really drain the energy out of me. Thanks for listening.

6:11 pm  

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