Thursday, June 28, 2007

Jordan Maxwell

in my last post i claimed jordan maxwell helped out george lucas with the star wars symbology, i forget where i got this information and cant find anything backing this up.
So i neither confirm nor deny that information, however i do have a series of pictures of jordan with various freemasons and predicive programmers.
Anyone who really understands what these people are doing to humanity and the utter spiritual carnage these systems, organisations and psychopaths cause would not be having photgraphs of themselvs taken smiling and pally with these types.
Infact hollywood media is hugely responsible for the brainwashing of billions of people with predictive programming and culture creation, this brainwashing contributes a great deal to a world of 'the dead', it keeps people in the dark and it programs them to accept the atrocties to come, they are the druid hypnotists waving their wands of 'holly wood' and convincing the sheeple to vouluntarily and obliviously walk into the jaws of the wolf...they create the beasts of burden and the meat on the table as albert pike called them.

Even i know enough about these people to know that are whores of this system and grovel at the feet of the beast and i would not be able to stand even looking at them, it has been admitted by jordan himself hat he bought david icke over to america, which to me looks very much like a higher mason initiaing new blood into their alloted part, you dont need me to tell you that david icke is quite obviuosly a freemason and logic tells you what that makes jordan.

He is too far into the world of masonry and counter intellegence to be above suspicion in my book, if you know how this system works and especially how entertainment and 'cospiracy theorism' works youl know that to get where jordan has akes series connections, youl not get anywhere whatsoever in this system without playing their game, it is their system through and through and you dont get up the ladder by hard work but by initiation.

Anyhow, see what you think for yourself.

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