Thursday, June 28, 2007

can ya spare a quid or two mate?

any donations are welcome by any method, i do other things besides this blog to get the word out and as such i do not have the time to slave in this system for my own greed and so if you wish to donate then they will be more than welcome.
any donation will be put toward photocopying and creating leaflets to spread the truth in my area, to buying research material which allows me to understand this system better and thus have a better grounding to spread the word.
anything donated in general will be put to the cause of freeing my fellow man.

Unlike most if not all manstream media outlets im not part of a corporation, i dont have a 'team' or sponsors, or funding and while it seems i don't do much work online im always struggling in real life in my local area to spread the truth and with the things i have to pay for its been difficult to get it off the ground so far because as soon as any money comes in it goes strait on essentials.
I can promise you any donation will be souly used for the dissemination of truth, which ultimately benefits humanity as a whole and makes your world freer overall.

Having said this it is not my aim to guilt anyone into parting with their money, but simply to convey to you the value of charity in the works of those who try to get the truth out.

below is a paypal button to donate, my paypal address is

you can also contact this email address to get my telephone number, address, or any other payment methods you like.

I am also open to discussion via my email address, any questions you have, any resources you cant find or any tips you require.

i dont claim to be anywhere near wise but i am more than happy to help anyone i can, if it aids the freedom and wisdom of mankind.


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