Thursday, June 28, 2007

Contacting me

Contact with those who are awake is a precious and rare thing, sometimes what causes many of us to lose hope in fighting this system is the crushing isolation, we may have people all around us but they are aliens in thought and spirit, many of them are not sentient and will allow themselvs to be led srait into the lions den.

we are probably the last generation of peopl with the ability or potential to become sentient, in a matter or a couple years is very possible that humanity will have been successfully exinguished, giving way to a world populated by microchipped cyborgs, if we can see the truth we need to band together, those with true spirit and humanity coupled with knowlege of the esoteric aspecs of the world must band together to share ideas, pull each other through and pick each other up when this world knocks us down.

So i would like to publicly say that i am open to any and all contact from anyone who wishes to talk to me owever i am notintersted in folk who wish to email me to convince me of my errors, or to impose on me a religion, belief system or group of any kind...but i am interested in free discussion, or simply those looking for someone to have a chat with.

My email address is:

and if i feel confident enough i can give you my phone number if youd like to talk that way, however it is very rare tat i use a telephone and im useless with them; i cant express what im thinking very well with them and i tend not to say much, so id really have to know you well to talk on the telephone.
nevertheless all email contact is welcome.


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