Saturday, April 29, 2006

Something nice to post about at last!

"City's group hug in name of art

Hugging a stranger
People in Nottingham are being invited to hug a total stranger - all in the name of art.
Renowned Chinese artists the Gao brothers will stage their first British World Hug Day performance at the city's Arboretum on Sunday.
Participants will be instructed to hug a stranger for 15 minutes before embarking on a group hug accompanied by music from composer JS Bach.
The brothers said it would be the first mass-hugging event staged in Britain.
Hugging cluster
Gao Zhen and Gao Qiang from Beijing first took their unusual art form, The Utopia of Hugging, to the stage in the Shangdong Province of China in September 2000.
They invited 150 volunteers, previously strangers to each other, to choose one person at random to hug, which they then did simultaneously with hundreds of other couples.
The group then all joined together to form a giant hugging cluster.
Gao Zhen said: "Since then, we personally have hugged hundreds of strangers, and organised group hugs amongst strangers in different public locations and in different ways all across China."
They then decided to set up their World Hug Day via the internet and invited people across the world to post their public hugging photographs.
The brothers said they were inspired to start the exhibition because of the lack of hugging in their native country.
The Nottingham show will be accompanied by an international photographic exhibition of the brothers' performances so far.
The next stop for the global tour is Marseille on 9 June. "

this is really beautifull art, this is what art should really be...something that makes everyone involved feel good and brings more love into the world.
instead of shit like people eating babies and stuff.
i think im getting too hardened by looking at the horrors of the world that i sometimes don't notice things like this.

it is slightly sad though that this is something of a novelty.
why cant we have a world where this is a daily occurance out of everyones love and acceptance of each other.

A thought on symbology

The previous comment has encouraged me to post about symbology.
The world we're in today is literally soaked with anchient and esoteric symbology that for centuries and sometimes millenia has been used by the anchient mystery schools which have assumed different faces over the years such as corporations, intelegence agencies, religions, governments, monarchy, secret societies etc.
I believe besides these symbols having a long history of use by those in power they also are used by our elite controllers for several purposes:

*to 'brand' us like their cattle, most people pay no attention to the meaning of the symbols they are deluged with...they are on our clothes, food, cars, in our schools, government buildings and almost any other aspect of every day life.
They serve the function of claiming us as their cattle to do with as they see fit...literally in the case of clothes CALLING the marks 'brands', this is again another trademark of the elite, shoving our slavery right under our noses because they know most people won't even notice.

* to communicate with each other...this can be in the form of simple masonic hand shakes, gestures, esoteric phrasing 'order out of chaos' 'new world order' 'novus ordo seclorum' etc or the symbology used in mainstream media articles and the like, could possibly be used to convey messages around the globe without most knowing their true meaning.

*to drench the masses subconscious with their imagery and marks to make the people accept their branded slavery, i believe some of them certainly have an effect on the mind and act in a similar way as subliminal messages...for example consider what primal reaction the swastica gets today!
the very essense of subliminal messages is to aim to get a primal purely emotional response out of the victim, many subliminal mesages are graphic sexual pictures, words like 'die' 'fuck' 'sex' and 'kill'...these act to bipass rational though and go strait into the subconscious mind whereupon the victim will readily accept the adverts these messages are hidden in.

*to gain their satanic beliefs i am sure they believe these symbols carry some kind of energy or they believe they cast some kind of 'spell'
i am a believer in all matter being energy and everything having a particular resonance, i believe if you can create a very world in which your resonance is plastered everywhere this will certainly have an effect on its inhabitance.
i believe the ultimate aim of the illuminati is to always close down our connections with 'god' or our soul or higher levels of ourself or whatever lies in a higher frequency range currently imperceptable to us, i believe reaching these levels of perception involve increasing ones mental and thus vibratory being a being of love, knowlege, compassion, understanding, wisdom and free from anger and hate.
however i believe when you drench the world in symbology with a vibratory state which will subdue this, you have a greater chance of keeping the population from freeing themselvs from mental slavery.
It seems bizarre that they would go to such amazing lengths like structuring the road layout of whole cities like washington DC just for communication or branding...i believe that they do this in the hope of creating a resonance to their favour.
I believe this is just one more assult on our abilities to think on a higher plane.
Right along side education, employment, religion, money, drugs, psych-drugs, poisons in water, tetra masts and general radiation polution, puting cell phone towers on meridian points on the earth in the knowlege that our thinking (well our brainwaves anyway) is intune at 8 hz with the earth.
I believe our mind is infact an aetheral vibratory energy around the body, this is what one would call a soul and i believe the earth has this too as represented in 'meridian lines' and the vorticies that occur in places like stone henge and the like and i believe we are tuned to the earth's frequency as it has been found our brains work on the same 'wavelength'.

The symbology like creating whole cities based on sacred geometry, esoteric symbology,rosicrucian/masonic/hermic design and satanic symbology could act to keep the dweller's energies low thus restricting their ability to think on a plane higher than the 5 senses...which one must agree seems to be the driving force of modern society.
tv, fast food, drugs, drink, sex, music, media, science, advertisement all scream one thing loud and clear STAY IN THE 5 SENSES.
It is designed like this to even stop people realising alltogether that they HAVE a soul ( i know people like this), and those who realise they do are greately impreded by the crap that fills our mind and bodies every day.

The illuminati must keep us unaware of our true minds and our true selvs for we are all infinitely beautiful and powerfull creatures...and i dont mean power in the illuminati sense, i mean power of love.
If we all became aware of what is going on and who we really are and the strength we really have all this would be over tommorow and so they must do all they can to stop us.
i believe saturating our subconscious (which i believe is essentially our etheric body as it still has never been physically located even though it accounts for most of our thinking) with these symbols affects our mind and ability to think in a higher manner, structuring our very towns with their symbology, attacks our etheric body from the outside and messing with meridian lines on the earth and putting god awefull cell phone towers on them affects the whole earth.

i believe symbology is one more attempt at shutting down our true minds.
If you do not believe in these theories at least ponder that the illuminati may very well believe it...why go the the trouble of putting pentegrams and owls and pyramids in the very street plan of places like washington dc?
Why is it that one can find where the meridian lines are in the UK and most of the times there will be a darn cellphone tower or tetra mast on it.
Considering their belief in satanic spells and energies it must be apparent to even christians and atheists that at least THEY believe this and so it makes it just as important and not a subject to be disguarded simply because you don't believe in their theory

Anyway just some thoughts on symbology...having spent years researching this its staggering to see this symbology in every form of media that exists today...any method they have to use it they will...down to the very design of the city you live in, to the language of popular culture and the job you do.

p.s my fascism post question was purely rhetorical and intended to get people not clued up on symbology interested.

Sunday, April 23, 2006


observe the fascist symbol on this nazi badge:

this is called the fasces, it is the etymological root of the word fascism, it was used

by hitler and, what is it doing in the us house of representatives?

and on lincolns chair?

edit: in reference to the recent comment on this post i am in full agreement with the poster's comments, i have spent many years of my life studying occult and esoteric symbology and i am aware of the deep and anchient meaning behing the fascist symbology and indeed the symbology that swamps us everyday in the illuminati created prison we live in.
it is all around us...'hidden in plain view'.
i was using the fasces as just a basic example for anyone not knowlegable in symbology.
for anyone more interested have a look for the work of jordan maxwell, texe marrs (codex magica...not very in depth but is huge and has 1,000 pictures which demonstrate the extent to which we are saturated in this symbology) and even possibly manly p hall.
david icke also discuses the symbology of the elite too.
As does alex jones, having been sucessful in infultrating places such as the bohemian grove; a place saturated in canaanite and satanic symbology/ritual.

i appreciate very much all comments to my blog and thank the kind reader very much for taking the time to read and ponder on my blog.
Your input and readership is very greatly valued.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Christians face 47 years in jail for reading from the bible and singing

"Christians Face 47 Years in Prison For Reading Bible, Praying On Street

Center for Law and Policy December 16 2004

Tupelo, MS - After a federal appeals court denied an emergency appeal to stop prosecution of 11 Christians on Tuesday, Philadelphia Municipal Court Judge William Austin Meehan ordered four of the Christians to stand trial on three felony (criminal conspiracy, ethnic intimidation, and riot) and five misdemeanor charges. If convicted, they could face up to 47 years in prison.
The Christians were arrested on October 10 for praying, singing, and reading scripture during an annual “gay pride” event known as “Outfest” in Philadelphia.
Since the federal courts did not intervene to halt the state prosecution, the last route for the Christians would be an appeal to the Supreme Court says the Christians’ attorney Brian Fahling, senior trial attorney for the American Family Association Center for Law & Policy.
“First, symbols of Christianity are removed from the public square, now, Christians are facing years in prison because they preached the gospel in the public square. Stalin would be proud,” Fahling said.
The federal appeals court in Philadelphia denied emergency relief despite video footage Fahling calls “undisputed evidence” that shows the Christians cooperating with police and continually being harassed by the Pink Angels, a group of homosexuals organized to impede the gospel message. Philadelphia city prosecutor in the case, Charles Ehrlich, attacked the Christians as “hateful” and referred to preaching the Bible as “fighting words,” the judge agreed.
Charges were dropped against the remaining seven apparently because they were not seen quoting scripture on the videotape.
The Philadelphia case represents another example of discrimination toward Christians,” said Tim Wildmon, president of the American Family Association national headquarters. “The past month has poured forth cases of Christian persecution seen in the higher education institution, public school systems, and the judicial court system.”"

this is reminiscent of stalinist russia where the christians would be sent to gulags.
I've seen the video and all they did was went into a gay pride march where hundreds of people were holding up signs, the christians held up their signs and were arrested for it and now face 47 years in prison.
These days even murderers and rapists dont get that long.

Under the 1st ammendment everybody has the right to free speech...FULL STOP no ifs or buts it clearly says that.
If the gay pride demonstrators can hold up their signs so can the christians, the christians were not being abusive, they didn't attack anyone they did not raise their voice they simply held up signs in what looked like a sea of people holding up signs, but the christians were the ones arrested and facing 47 years in jail.

Under the constitution everyone there had a right to hold up their signs, they were arrested and not the other people holding different signs because one was a thought crime and the other was not.
When it becomes a crime to express your belief or religeon you enter into the disgusting world of thought crime and 1984 style drudgery.

We have history repeating itself.
Religeous groups persecuted (muslims and christians), civil liberties being lost due to government terrorism, camps being set up, torture being popularised, illegal wars of conquest, shady new organisations set up that are above the law and can search your home while you're not in without telling you, checkpoints, , government and corprate interests have merged, people in the high ranks of government saying your leader is above the law and has the power to do anything he wishes, news organisations calling for the arrest of anyone that disagrees with the leader and calling them 'enemies of the state'.

Am i talking about america or NAZI germany? very hard to tell isn't it?

A point about illegal drugs

6,000 people every year in america die from illegal drugs.

130,000 people every year in america die from legal prescribed drug interactions.

Any questions?

Thursday, April 13, 2006

im worried- thoughts

you know, ive been reading 1984 lately again and not only does it seem extremely similar to the world we have today but...we're becoming worse than 1984.
You know 1984 in light of what i see every day...not in the mainstream news which exists either to put you in a dream world or scare you about things that dont exist, but in real information sources..everyday i see more and more brutality and torture and just pure evil.
I cant fathom sometimes where this un adulterated evil comes from, i have problems killing very injured birds that have to be killed cause theyr in pain...i dont kill flys these days.
I dont hate these people anymore...what must be the state of their souls to be able to calmly kill?....thousands in some cases.
And what awefull consequences will befall them when this virtual reality game is over for them?

I think theyre so lost, just lead down this path over evil never having lived a life which shows them what good is.
Just drunk and possesed by the power they thin they get from this.

Forgive them, for they know not what they do.

1984 shop and website

very good..some good articles(see one below), good to wake those up suspicious of 'conspiracy theories'...simple and basic application of 1984 to our lives.

Orwellian Logic 101 -- A Few Simple Lessons

By Norman Solomon

During the week after U.S. missiles hit sites in Sudan and Afghanistan, some Americans seemed uncomfortable. A vocal minority even voiced opposition. But approval was routine among those who had learned a few easy Orwellian lessons.

When terrorists attack, they're terrorizing. When we attack, we're retaliating. When they respond to our retaliation with further attacks, they're terrorizing again. When we respond with further attacks, we're retaliating again.
When people decry civilian deaths caused by the U.S. government, they're aiding propaganda efforts. In sharp contrast, when civilian deaths are caused by bombers who hate America, the perpetrators are evil and those deaths are tragedies.

When they put bombs in cars and kill people, they're uncivilized killers. When we put bombs on missiles and kill people, we're upholding civilized values.
When they kill, they're terrorists. When we kill, we're striking against terror.
At all times, Americans must be kept fully informed about who to hate and fear. When the United States found Osama bin Laden useful during the 1980s because of his tenacious violence against the Soviet occupiers in Afghanistan, he was good, or at least not bad -- but now he's really bad.

No matter how many times they've lied in the past, U.S. officials are credible in the present. When they vaguely cite evidence that the bombed pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum was making ingredients for nerve gas, that should be good enough for us.
Might doesn't make right -- except in the real world, when it's American might. Only someone of dubious political orientation would split hairs about international law.

When the mass media in some foreign countries serve as megaphones for the rhetoric of their government, the result is ludicrous propaganda. When the mass media in our country serve as megaphones for the rhetoric of the U.S. government, the result is responsible journalism.
Unlike the TV anchors spouting the government line in places like Sudan and Afghanistan, ours don't have to be told what to say. They have the freedom to report as they choose.
"Circus dogs jump when the trainer cracks his whip," George Orwell observed, "but the really well-trained dog is the one that turns his somersault when there is no whip."
Orwell noted that language "becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts." And his novel "1984" explained that "the special function of certain Newspeak words ... was not so much to express meanings as to destroy them."

National security. Western values. The world community. War against terrorism. Collateral damage. American interests.

What's so wondrous about Orwellian processes is that they tend to be very well camouflaged -- part of the normal scenery. Day in and day out, we take them for granted. And we're apt to stay away from uncharted mental paths.
In "1984," Orwell wrote about the conditioned reflex of "stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought ... and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction."

Orwell described "doublethink" as the willingness "to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed."
In his afterword to "1984," Erich Fromm emphasized "the point which is essential for the understanding of Orwell's book, namely that `doublethink' is already with us, and not merely something which will happen in the future, and in dictatorships."

Fifty-two years ago, Orwell wrote an essay titled "Politics and the English Language." Today, his words remain as relevant as ever: "In our time, political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible."
Repression and atrocities "can indeed be defended," Orwell added, "but only by arguments which are too brutal for most people to face, and which do not square with the professed aims of political parties. Thus political language has to consist largely of euphemism, question-begging and sheer cloudy vagueness."

National security. Western values. The world community. War against terrorism. Collateral damage. American interests.

AOL's disgusting web of propaganda and spying

Those in the UK will have had the misfortune to see the AOL advert in the UK a few months ago saying in a cruel and twisted piece of double think that the internet is George Orwell's 'Big Brother'.
Their solution seemed to be implying more restriction of the internet.
Annoyingly I cant find a clip of that specific advertisement but here's one very similar:

They're asking if the internet is the ultimate invasion of privacy.
And here is the transcript of the now removed video, from memory I can tell you pictures of Big Brother, Hitler, Bin Laden, nuclear bombs etc. were flashing in the background, things absolutely nothing to do with the subject but used as great psychological triggers of 'evil' and fear.

The transcript is as follows:

"Voice over: Some people think the internet is a bad thing.
Images Blue-print of computer circuit board, close-up of eye.
Voice over Thanks to the internet, your identity can be stolen, your home invaded and your savings robbed without anyone setting foot inside your door.
Images traveling down the line image, stick men, revolving head, hand opening window as old couple and std sit at table in background, blue-print of house, house exploding.
Voice over: The internet is one of the most dangerous weapons every created. A way for the unhinged to spread evil, free of supervision or censorship.
Images Atom bomb, lies transmitter, b/w Nazis (3), skin-heads, KKK, Osama Bin Laden, headlines.
Voice over: A place for mankind to exercise its darkest desires. Images Porn: silhouette, director viewing, close-up , girl looks at camera.
Voice over An open market where you can purchase anything you want. Images Products flash up and then baby with price tag.
Voice over: Orwell was right. Images 1984 footage
Voice over: The internet has taken us to a place where everything we do is watched, monitored and processed without us ever realising.
Images Kid on hobby-horse, surveillance cameras etc. Voice over Some people think the internet is a bad thing. Images View of old man looking at CCTV camera.
Voice over: What do you think?
Super Discuss
Dissolves AOL"

Now on immediate inspection that question is a piece of propaganda, the internet is simply a tool, it is people's, corporation's and government's abuse of this tool that could lead to the loss of privacy...your privacy is only lost when some one attempts to take it, while things like internet cookies are part of the integral structure of the internet it still takes someone to read them, so again you cannot blame a tool for how people use it, the internet is not invading our privacy it is people who abuse it.

Now the next point is that AOL has done a huge amount to monitor and restrict free speech:
"The U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) claims America OnLine is providing the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) "unlimited surveillance" of their members, according to the London-based Financial Reporter newspaper. According to a recently released DOC report, "AOL works 'closely' with the DHS to supply information on any AOL customer. It reportedly allows agents from these entities 'free and unfettered' access to AOL Hq. at Dulles, Va. for the purpose of 'watching over and keeping surveillance' … on the millions of AOL customers."
The recent approval by Congress, of the Patriot Act extensions permitting "warrantless searches of persons and property," have apparently provided legal cover for this cooperation. And the Reporter notes, "[w]hile information gleaned from delving into personal computer messages is supposed to be kept confidential, it appears that the DHS has exceeded their brief and obtained what appears to be strictly personal information which is then circulated to entities outside the DHS."
It also quotes the DOC report as stating that since "news of this surveillance has leaked out" it is "causing serious concern in the American and European business communities." However, the DHS has downplayed privacy concerns and claims companies are merely worried that their information will end up in the hands of competitors."

Now with that considered there is a webpage that is impossible to refute, aol on one of its OWN web pages admits it works closely with international law enforcement and intelegence agencies to 'keep us safe'.
Have a look for yourself:

"Our Commitment
AOL UK is committed to helping its members understand the potential dangers of the Internet, as well as its many benefits. To this end, AOL joined the Virtual Global Taskforce safety initiative – an alliance of international law enforcement agencies working together to make the Internet a safer place.
This is in addition to a number of innovative safety and security features that are included in the AOL subscription, such as Parental Controls, spam-blocking tools and moderated chat rooms for kids and young teens.
In addition, AOL provides extensive advice to members at AOL Keyword: Safety and within other areas of the AOL service.
AOL UK also works closely with government, industry and law enforcement agencies on the issue of online safety.
For more information about AOL’s safety and security features, please call our Member Services team on 0870 320 2020. Please note that the AOL Member Services customer and technical support line is charged for. Please see AOL Keyword: Support Me for details of call charges on this number."

Now lets see what's on the 'Virtual Global Tyran...i mean Task force' website.
The first thing that strikes you is the staggering illuminati symbology of this, anyone with the slightest knowlege of occult symbology would be staggered at this:

As you can see the company who's logo is famously an eye of horus/lucifer has joined forces with an organisation of law enforcement that has a logo of a pyramid/triangle with a giant eye on top and the eye is the sun!

Interpreted upside down its a snake head with one eye sticking its tongue out.

Thirdly it could be a man with his hands behind his head as the police order you to do before you're arrested, considering its a law enforcement agency this fits very well. Possibly the lack of a face signifies he's been beaten or discearn.

Going further into the website you see all the usual rhetoric about saving and helping the children, a very tired excuse these days, it seems if they want to make any restriction on us its 'for the children' which makes it easier to force people into agreeing, ' you're not for hurting children are you? then you must support us'.
Looking at the police forces involved you see:
*interpol: an organisation historically under nazi control at one point and the second largest organisation in the world spanning 184 countries, think of the surveilence capability AOL has with that.
*Royal Canadian Mounted Police
*U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement: the largest investigative arm of homeland security and has all manner of tools at its disposal including unmanned surveilence drones
*Australian High Tech Crime Centre
*Paedophile Online Investigation Team- UK
*UK national crime squad

Other corporate members incluse
* the uk football association
*british telecom
*telstra big pond (australian isp and email provider)

I have listed the corporations so you can discearn whether you want to have dealings with these companies that work with international law enforcement to watch your communications.

Now i distinctly remember a few years back when i had an AOL account that the end user licence agreement said the FBI can pop in any time it likes and have a look at my email.
Well now ther'ye not hiding that kind of thing away, there openly lording the fact that they have a partnership with organisations like interpol and homeland security to look at your communications...and they have the nerve and the sheer two facedness to say that the internet could be bad because it is an invasion of privacy!
That the internet is Orwell's big brother?
The internet is a tool for instant world wide communications and global free speech, if it does become used like Orwell's Big Brother it will be because huge corporations are teeming up with international law enforcement and spying on people's communications.

Big Brother from 1984 was the symbolic figurehead of a society of mass surveilence, propaganda, double think and control...and what's AOL doing? It's taking part in mass surveilence, its putting out propaganda pieces suggesting that the last tool for free speech we have is big brother while simultaniously suggesting the internet should be controlled as it breeds terrorists.

And in fact carrying this policy out, calling thsemselvs (this mass surveiling, propagandising, double thinking orwellian scum who are very close to having big brother type power while having links to interpol ...a world police) our 'protectors' while claiming the last outlet of free speech we have is big brother!!!
It's a real masterpiece of orwellian call freedom big brother, and to call the people who acting like big brother (themselvs) our protectors.

Just plain open in-you-face double or even tripple think, and worryingly people are responding to the polls and the message boards, so many people must think it's a valid debate to begin with thus accepting the double think.
For example at the time of writing this 74% in the poll think the internet aids terrorism. :-S

after edit:

"The internet is one of the most dangerous weapons every created. A way for the unhinged to spread evil, free of supervision or censorship."
balderdash! spreading evil? news flash!!! this is free speech, all these people have done is voice their opinion whether you think its 'evil' or not.

"A place for mankind to exercise its darkest desires"
You'd rather these things festered and the people actually acted on them?
As long as these 'dark desires' harm no one theres no problem...and if they do they don't disappear when the internet does, its not the internet's fault that perverts exist.

"open market where you can purchase anything you want"
er and?

'orwell was right'?

well he's right about dictatorships forming and huge powerful entities like international law enforcement spying on us through our isp's, mr creepy aol voice over man.
but does a society of free speech, free action and free trade sound like 1984 to you??? no that sounds like the internet to me.

Does surveilence by a taskforce of hugely powerfull international law enforcement with propaganda designed to promote our increased surveilence for our 'safety' sound like 1984?
Yes it does, and thats exactly what AOL is doing...if the internet mutates into a big brother system its coz organisations like aol have made it that way!


My myspace page

Dang the post i wrote got deleted, it was very well written too.
Anyhow this will be written poorly but i was saying that recently the owner of which used to be a haven for free speech has sold his website (and his soul) to the fox network.
And in true fascist (government influenced media/corporations) style they have deleted 200,000 profiles under the far sweeping cover all guise of 'hate speech' or 'innapropriate content' which is a thin viel for dissent.
I believe fox's purchasing of this website is a further attack on our internet is the last bastion of real free press.
The criminals that run the government have noticed that people are waking up to this agenda and that they are engaged in an all out information war which we will win because the truth always does.
Now the internet is the last free open source sea of information so they are putting out as much propaganda and as many attacks on cyber-liberty (my new term) as possible, and myspace is a huge network used by many to blog and so forth.
I find it disgusting that the owner sold out to the disgusting, war hungry, bush worshipping, brainwashing neocon FOX (666)network.
This man should be utterly ashamed of himself...if i had a website of such free speech and unfettered diversity i would not sell it for a million dollars, i would rather die than put the freespeech of millions of people in the hands of such evil corporate slimyness as FOX.
He will certainly reep what he sows here, he has contributed to tyranny everywhere.

I happened to have a myspace profile and i will not be scared into submission.

To this ends i have directly voiced my opinion on fox in no uncertain terms.
If my profile disapeares i will use every media outlet at my disposal to get the word out of this assult on my right to free speech.

----edited out----
the content was as follows
" Fox has bought myspace and has deleted over 200,000 profiles for political content

Myspace recently has been bought by rupert murdock and the fox network, and politically motivated profiles/blog entries or anti fox network profiles are being deleted...infact so far 200,000 have disappeared for political content.So i will openly state here that i oppose the fox network and fox news...its news reports are mostly completely fabricated lies and they just seem to be a propaganda mouthpiece for the bush administration and if my profile disappears you know why...and if it does i would ask you to reconsider your membership to an organisation that would deny you the right to put whatever you like in your blog.

They seem to think that the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent iraqis is a good thing, that unquestioning belief of the government line on 9/11 is a good thing and i even saw a show where the newscaster actually said 'anyone who disagrees with the president is and enemy of the state' and that it should be illegal to criticise the murder of hundreds of thousand of people.
Fox is the most disgusting example of government propaganda i've ever seen and its not without consequence, when you convince people to look the other way when the military kills innocent children or when the ballots are fixed by machines without any vote record or when the government carries out terrorist attacks to blame their enemies and oppress the people you are openly perpetuating this hellish situation.

When we deny what is going on in the world and become apathetic and self centred in our view of the world and the plight of the millions of people that die because of the evil scum running the world we allow these things to continue.Myspace recently has been bought by rupert murdock and the fox network, and politically motivated profiles or anti fox network profiles are being deleted...infact so far 200,000 have disappeared for political content.So i will openly state here that i oppose the fox network and fox news...its news reports are mostly completely fabricated lies and they just seem to be a propaganda mouthpiece for the bush administration.

They seem to think that the killing pf hundreds of thousands of innocent iraqis is a good thing, that unquestioning belief of the government line on 9/11 is a good thing and i even saw a show where the newscaster actually said 'anyone who disagrees with the president is and enemy of the state' and that it should be illegal to criticise the murder of hundreds of thousand of people.

Fox is the most disgusting example of government propaganda i've ever seen and its not without consequence, when you convince people to look the other way when the military kills innocent children or when the ballots are fixed by machines withot any vote record or when the government carries out terrorist attacks to blame their enemies and oppress the people you are openly perpetuating this hellish situation.

When we deny what is going on in the world and become apathetic and self centred in our view of the world and the plight of the millions of people that die because of the evil scum running the world we allow these things to continue.
The crimes of nazi germany partly rest if the shoulders of those who didnt say anything because it wasn't their family that was being persecuted and it didn't really interfere with their lives so they didn't really care.However your family is in danger and your survival is in danger when you live under a government that will kill hundreds of thousands of people and then lie to you about the reasons for doing it, or a government that wants laws so it can imprison without trial and deport people for torture.
Just because it isn't happening to you it doesn't mean you're safe, none of us are safe when we have a government that will do such disgusting things...if they'l do it to other people im sure they'l have no trouble doing it to you, and one day when the tyranny has gotten so bad and we're nothing more than barcoded cattle we're all going to wish that we stood upto this system of evil and did all we could to get informed and then informed others.

Just because you can for the moment tell yourself this isn't happening and carry on in your little complacent bubble of media, consumption and self pleasure it doesn't mean this is going to go away.
You know deep down that something extremely dangerous is going on, that we have governments that are killing en masse, that are passing even more draconian laws that take away our freedom.
Im just here to say that if you stay in this little distanced bubble most are in the real worldisn't going to go away and if we don't get out of this brain deadening world of self pleasuring mass media like tv, music, advertising and consumption and oppose what's happening to us we're going to dig our own of tyranny and opression only work because most of the public pay no attention to the world they're in and so when the time comes to put them on a national id card database, put a microchip under their skin or take them off to a camp under the excuse of bird flu or staged biological attack they will willingly concent to this tyranny and willfully believe whatever lie they're tolf to get them there.
Tyranny can only prosper with our willfull concent either by our willfull lazyness and complacency not to inform ourselvs or simply by our spinelessnes of going along with whatever authority says.Theres only a few thousand people that run these whole systems and it can only suceed if we all let it.You think that a government that gets away with taking more liberties and gaining more power is going to stop once they know they can get away with it?
Liberty isn't just some concept, liberty is the basic natural right to live in the way you wish, when you lose liberty it directly affects your life.Most people think theyre free because they go about their everyday activaties and didn't notices any problems with their tiny range of activaties.i mean you coul still go to work and get home and eat your dinner in nazi germany withour noticing anything you can do today.Most people assume that therye free when they don't test this theory but you try to protest within 1km of parliament you will be arrested...this man faces jail for drinking tea near parliament

In america now any activaty can have homeland security knocking on your door and under the patriot act, the domestic security enhancement act, victory act 1 2 you can be secretly arrested and executed and under national security they can order your neibours and the press not to even talk about you disappearing...and this isn't even for if you've commitied a crime its completely on their say so.
So understand that the loss of liberty isn't just some philosophical mumbo jumbo it means the loss of your basic right to exist and it will affect you and its a matter of simple survival to defend your freedom because without it the state can and will rule your life and even take it if they want.
Back to my first point i detest fox news because it perpetuates this disgusting idea that the state taking our freedom is good, that killing thousands of innocent people is good, blindly following an all powerful leader is good, that not questioning obvious events of government terrorism is good by doing this they create a populous of people that will unquestioningly walk strait into the metaphorical sheep pen.
Fox is the most disgusting outlet of propaganda i have ever seen and i will not be scared into shutting up by this band of neocon fasctist propagandists.I find it disgusting that they are deleting profiles for political content, this has the hallmarks of tyranny as the restriction of free speech always does.
I am only posting here again as a message to these tyrants that there are more and more people that you can't shut up and eventually you will be seen by everybody as the frauds and tyrannical propagandists you are...and god help you on that day.
I have not broken any of the agreements i signed when i joined myspace so if my profile disappears is is purely for political content."

If my space tries to deny the existence of my profile i have a screen shot of it here:

i have that text in full on the front page and blog.
If my page is deleted i will make it my personal mission to disgrace the name of fox and myspace...i may not have many connections but i have great strength of spirit as many will tell you.
I will press my cause untill i'm heard.

I havnt been censored yet because i only just voiced my opinion...but if i am they'l wish they never did, i will call up every talk show i can find, email every news network, every newspaper, tell all my friends etc.
These bullies only get away with all they do because we collectively let them...if alll 200,000 of them had done as i will do fox and myspace would be in a public relations nightmare.

If you have experienced the tyrannical hands of myspace email

The bentham predicted

The Panopticon: A Mass Surveillance Prison For HumanityLatest trends in Big Brother outstrip Orwell's worst nightmare
Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson January 11 2006
The Panopticon is defined as a prison so constructed that the inspector can see each of the prisoners at all times, without being seen. This is an accurate description of the accelerating movement by western governments to erect giant, powerful, all-pervading mass surveillance, tracking and control grids that will keep all populations firmly under the baleful and watchful gaze of Big Brother.
We are still debating the NSA listening to foreign calls from the US when the NSA admitted twenty years ago that they were listening to domestic US calls under the Echelon program. This is de-classified and public but the media acts like they don't know about it.
Why is there even a debate about if they are tracking and tracing us when RFID transponders are going in cars nationwide to follow our every movement?
This system has already been partly implemented in Britain with barely a whimper of dissent.
You can call your cell phone company, ask them where you are and they will tell you down to a few feet. That is a federal operation that's hooked into the NSA right at this moment and about to be hooked into every major police department and squad car.
Your name, everything about you, what you're doing, where you're going and the cop can punch in a few keys and use your phone as an audio sensor.
Major cities such as Austin, Texas installed gunshot detection microphones. The government assured us that they respect our privacy but the very companies installing them bragged about how they can listen to a kid on the street talking to his friend two hundred yards away.
And now, from Rochester New York to Austin Texas to Chicago, the government has announced that they are being used as microphones and they will be used to listen to us.
Consider today's BBC report concerning CCTV surveillance systems in an area of London which is planned to be expanded to include, just on its first implementation, tens of thousands of other citizens in other areas.
The government funded program, called ASBO TV, invites residents to pay £3.50 and have access to a TV channel that enables them to monitor 400 different CCTV surveillance cameras and report on suspicious or anti-social behavior, comparing suspects to an on-screen rogues gallery.
This combined with the government's encouragement for Londoners to report their neighbors for suspicious activity, of which potential signs of terrorism include owning a vehicle, living in a house or getting a refund on a credit card, fuse the infrastructure of a classic total surveillance state, with civilian tattle-tale squads forming the modern say Stasi. Meanwhile, posters at bus terminals inform Londoners that they are 'secure beneath the watchful eyes' of Big Brother.

The exact same program was announced for the US years ago in the New York Times. The difference is that in the US they plan to force people to watch the system either over their computer or cable system. It will be classified as 'public service' to pay for speeding tickets and eventually as a mandatory function of your civil defense Homeland Security draft duties.
Starting at two hours a week and, if you wish to be paid, upwards of twenty hours a week, you will monitor the cameras for signs of terrorism and also, as admitted in the New York Times piece, for crime.
The latest artificial intelligence systems, for example DARPA's gait analysis program, which made headlines in 2003 for claiming to be able to identify terrorists by the way they walk, are not yet perfected and the involvement of the general population gives Big Brother the added advantage of pounding into people the feeling that their behavior is being monitored at all times and that if they step out of line in any way they will face the consequences. This in turn makes people self-regulate their actions to the point where exercising even basic freedoms becomes a potential precursor to being disappeared. In addition, using a method called the Delphi Technique, the general public are more likely to support the idea because they are hoodwinked into believing that they are involved in it and are part of the power structure. Therefore they feel their time is invested in the common security of everyone.
In effect, by an incessant demand that people report any suspicious behavior, they’re creating terrorist cadres that don’t exist to justify police state legislation under the guise of protecting the public.
And they’re shifting the surveillance grid into areas where its not mechanized, to become self-regulating.
Because if you pound it into people that everything they’re doing is constantly being monitored, which is part of the motivation behind the NSA spying furor, it has the effect of making the people regulate their own behavior and have absolutely no confidence to exercise their innate freedoms.

By announcing all this they’re shaping individual behavior, which means that they don’t have to worry as much about what slips past their surveillance grid, because people are cowering in fear of speaking out or being active in any way.
And for the elite that self-regulatory little brother syndrome is going to be ultimately more successful for them, because a dictatorship by fiat rather than force is something that’s far easier to package and sell to the wider population.
The government has been caught using chemical and biological weapons on the American people ad on the British people. They cannot be trusted to do anything and they have no moral authority. We have former and current Bush administration advisors advocating torturing children. Statistically, governments have been found to engage in more criminal activity than the general member of the public. It is not because we have something to hide that we don't want this. It is because we don't trust the government on the basis that history and common sense shows that they do this to enslave and abuse populations. Corrupt people want more power and control.
A government engaging in escalating criminal actions and becoming more and more secretive should not be watching and tracking us as if we're all criminals. The same goes for CCTV surveillance. That's not freedom. Would you let a convicted murderer and pedophile watch your child 24/7?
The often peddled mantra of 'why should you care if you have nothing to hide?' is manifestly ridiculous in light of the fact that we have a government that has everything to hide and yet we're the ones under suspicion.
We are told by the government to make our lives completely transparent or go to jail while the government itself becomes more secretive than ever before.
Why should they know everything about us when they won't tell us anything about them?
Would you walk up to a gang of criminals and give them your credit card and PIN number?
The British government told us that the ID card would make our information more secure. Blair said this would protect, not infringe our liberties. And how did they propose paying for it? By selling the information of 44 million British citizens to private companies. How secure is that?
High level dictators will put in thousands of viceroys and minions who will all set up their own petty little empires in your neighborhood and make your life a living hell.
This control grid is being implemented not just so it is there in place but so they can abuse us further. The more we put up with and become acclimatized to it, even more control will be layered on top. This control grid is being constructed so they can enforce mandatory psychological testing and drugging, now a proposed federal law, to be done nationwide under the New Freedom initiative. It is so they can enforce conscription and the national draft, it is so they can enforce their feudal land grabs under zoning laws.
They did not ask us if we wanted any of this. They install the surveillance grid and then claim that we agreed to it. They were erecting license plate readers in Indiana six years ago and now they are going in nationwide. London is already fully covered with an automatic tracking and taxation camera control grid.
Small towns in Florida were already running scans on cars three years ago and that program has vastly expanded across the country. They put the system in place and then announce it. Notice how they put the cameras in first and stated that they were just for traffic. Then they announce that squad cars were going to be hooked into the cameras and now it's happening.
They did not ask us, but retroactively, when we do hear about it in polls, almost everybody is against it but they just don't care. In Texas we beat the law that would have put RFID tags in inspection stickers, after polls showed a 95 per cent plus opposition to the plan. And what happens? The Texas Department of Transportation announce that they are going to put two million in this year without even asking. The law was defeated but they are just going to go ahead and do it anyway because they are criminals.
There are no ifs, ands and buts about it. We have criminals announcing that they are watching us and that they want to institute yet more expansive and wide ranging systems of surveillance.
GPS surveillance systems in cars are about to become mandatory and are in all new cars as standard. The British government has announced a taxation by mile program that will track every car on every British road. The exact same systems are going in the UK, the US, Germany and western Europe, betraying the organized global design of this movement.
They have told us that our digital cable boxes and TIVO systems are recording what we watch to create psychological algorithms which are stored on government databases. These systems track what we watch, for exactly how long we watch it, and what our psychological score is based on those factors.
Imagine having millions of your choices over the years stored on centralized government databases. It's already happening.
Similarly, supermarket loyalty cards hold the same data and Walmart in league with the Defense Department has ordered all major supermarket chains to switch from barcode to RFID tracking so that every purchase you make emits a radio frequency from the store shelf, to your home, to the landfill.
The introduction of the national ID card and blanket surveillance and recognition systems in the UK and US is one step further towards the mandatory implantation of ID chips in all citizens. Does this sound outlandish? Implantable chip technology has been in existence for a decade and discussions on ID chipping humans is in the news regularly. Tommy Thompson, the former Health and Human Services Secretary in the Bush administration, promised to have a chip implanted and is now touring the country lauding the virtues of ID chips. During the the confirmation hearings for John Roberts Jr., George W. Bush's nominee for Supreme Court chief justice, Roberts was questioned by Senator Joseph R. Biden on whether he would rule against a mandatory implantable microchip to track American citizens.
No matter how diabolical and unbelievable it appears to the rational thinking person, the government's of the west are doing it.
Cameras in school bathrooms, security blimps in major cities watching us as we step out of the door. Surveillance systems used on insurgents in Iraq are here.
This is systematic. They built the electrically wired cage around us and then they turned it on. The state is doing all this for the moment when they take your pension funds, private property, and guns because you won't be able to resist. Big Brother will be two steps ahead at all times and there will be nowhere to hide.
A once free people are being totally enslaved and they have no idea as it brazenly unfolds in front of their very eyes.


lol bizarre wartime propaganda

donald duck fighting hitler


Woman tortured by police for not getting out of a car...warning may disturb

i heard an interview with her later..they tasered her 3 times in a row and then demanded she put he arms behind her back when she didnt (tasers paralyse you so you cant) she got charged with resisting arrest.
she did not at any point attack a police officer.

police brutality is a good signifier of a country slipping into brutal nightmarish fascism
more police brutality
i know for a fact those anarchists were delta force

Bill could make bush president for life

for those who dont know the constitution of their own country the 22nd amendment says:

Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this Article was proposed by Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.

Section 2. This Article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission to the States by the Congress

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


"GPS for your own good
ZD Net June 15 2005
Last year, a UK insurance company tested a "pay as you drive" insurance system that uses a GPS receiver package to track exactly what distance a car is driven and set each month's premium accordingly. It's a sensible idea: If you leave your car in the garage for a month, there's no reason why you should be charged the same as someone who drove 500 miles over the same period. Even better, because the instruments are transmitting (not just recording), if your car is stolen it can easily be tracked and the miscreants apprehended.
So what?
The system has some interesting potential side effects. For one thing, the police (or an estranged spouse) could easily subpoena your "travel records" for use in an investigation. The insurance company could also start charging based on where your car spends time: Long periods in high-crime neighborhoods would affect your premium accordingly. Even more provocative, companies could begin collecting data on their customers' driving habits: when and how much they speed, how often they change lanes, their tendency to accelerate rapidly or slam on the brakes, and other features of their driving performance that could (potentially) correlate with accident data.
Really good analytics might even indicate when someone is driving in an impaired state (such as he just saw his latest premium notice and is in shock). But the most intriguing and perhaps lifesaving possibility comes when you hook the insurance company's server to a SPAM phone dialer and arrange for a deep, authoritative, machine-generated voice to call and remonstrate with customers who are speeding or otherwise driving recklessly. (Of course, you'll be able to cut the irony with a knife if answering the phone distracts you so much that…you get the idea."

Yeah so what eh?, its all fun n that...n you've got nothing to hide have you?
and its for your own good...the state loves you and wants you to be safe.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

'Big Brother' becomes big business

CNN April 7, 2005

Paul Eden loves his job. It takes him into people's homes and offices and allows him to film their daily lives.

Eden heads Ogilvy Field Brand Investigation (FBI), a division of Ogilvy & Mather, one of the world's largest advertising agencies.

He's commissioned by companies to provide video research of consumers, providing vital insights into their likes and dislikes.

Since launching the research unit in London five years ago, Eden says interest among big corporations has spiraled.

"The real bonus for clients is that they can eyeball the people who are important to them," Eden told CNN.

"This is the way we can invite the consumer into the boardroom. These natural social environments are natural brand environments. Respondents are more willing to talk truthfully about themselves and we're offered the opportunity of seeing them interact with brands and play with brands too which is of course enormously appealing."

There's nothing underhand about Eden's work. All his interviewees are willing participants who have given their consent to be filmed. But that's a legal requirement that is being pushed to the limit by new technologies.

A retail outlet in Belgium recently became the first company in Europe to run a pilot system developed by Sony which uses in-store cameras to film customers for consumer analysis.

The surveillance system allows observers to keep track of how many people are in the store, but also follow their routes, check what they're looking at and what they're ignoring.

Together that information would help retailers identify "hot spots" and "cold spots," giving them vital information for maximizing revenue potential.

As with existing CCTV security systems, stores are obliged to put up clearly displayed notices informing customers that they are being watched.

But marketing analyst Alysen Stewart-Allen of International Marketing Partners said companies using surveillance technology still risked alienating their customers.

"One of the things that any brand needs to consider when they're using this kind of market research tool is how is the consumer going to respond if they are told they are being videoed," said Stewart-Allen.

"If you're a retailer and you're using video taping and they learn somehow that you're filming them and many other people, they could be put off from ever visiting your store again."

But in a culture of CCTV, speed cameras and reality television shows, perhaps it's the case that we're all now more comfortable with the idea of being watched -- something that marketing executives are only now waking up to.

"I think reality television has had an impact in as much as people have become more and more accustomed to cameras in their lives," said Eden.

"And they've also become more and more accustomed to the fact that people are watched for entertainment and for commercial purposes. It's become part of the fabric of our existence."

I'm drawing your attention to this article because it requires some debunking.
The bit highlighted in red is balderdash...CCTV cameras ever since they've been in shops have been used for market research.
I studied advanced business for a year when i was a good little NWO slave and one module was on marketing.
My marketing teacher (who had been in market research for 30 years) openly told us that CCTV cameras aren't really for making sure no one steals, they are to get market research for almost no cost.
Normally research with paid participants costs thousands, however research like this saves them a huge amount of money...they're not looking for if you're stealing stuff in a supermarket, most people assume they would'nt get away with it so they dont even try, and of a small percentage that would try it the loss of a few items is economically nothing compared to what an honest market research project would cost.
And now most if not all supermarkets have magnetic tags on the expensive items like spirits and electronic goods which set off an alarm when you leave, they have no real need for CCTV cameras in a security capacity...most people would find it very hard to steal from a supermarket and my marketing teacher also told me that supermerkets are designed with specific psychological techniques to create a situation where the urge to steal in most of the population is gone.
The rates of theft are so so low that if those cameras really were for people stealing stuff they wouldnt even break even with the cost of hiring someone to watch the camera along with the electronic equipment itself.
Do you really believe that so many big corporations would all make such poor finantial moves? Of course not..because the cameras are there for watching what demographic buys what, how long they look at the label, what they're looking for, how they make the decision, if they hesitate etc.
They can then track you to the checkout and if you use a loyalty card they have that information along with the data they got with the video camera...precise things like how long it took you to make a decision, what you read on the product packaging, did you look at the price or the brand, were you swayed by the position of another item, your body language, your facial expressions, did you immediately pick out a widely advertised brand etc etc etc ad infinitum.
Plus the loyalty card gives them another set of many times you've bought that particular product...and if the really want they can go to the companies that souly exist to gather profiles on you from the internet, surveys, other loyalty cards you have, your tastes from datamining cookies on the internet etc.

This was openly taught to me in marketing class by a man who did this professionally.

Think about it do you really think they set up elaborate cctv systems to catch people stealing bread or sweets? coz the expensive things are tagged and set off those alarms if you steal them.

Lets get real folks.
Also now consider the ramifications that a national id card would have...all this information merged into one huge file...with all the market research done on every person the government could merge that with all the stuff on the id card...criminal records, dna, fingerprint, holiday locations...the forms you fill out at the airport as to where you're going and what you're doing aren't thrown away you know :-P
Think of the even further surveilence if you had an RFID/GPS chip...which is going into car inspection stickers in some US the uk theres talk of it going into the id cards.

Think about're watched and scientifically catalogued when you're shopping..soon id cards(certainly in the UK) you'l have a gps chip on your card (which can tack you where ever you go), you're followed by public camera into your car, your car could have a camera watching your face as the previous article shows, you get home and the data mining cookies track where you go...Do you think tv isnt tracked?
Do you remember when janet jackson got her boobs out and TIVO said it was a record pause and rewind statistic? How do you think they knew that? hmm?

I also studied advanced IT and on the digital box we have in our house its very obviously a 2 way thing...i mean its got an ethernet connection on the back and a usb port, i can send and recieve emails on it and play games...dont think for one second that it cant report back to the cable company with your viewing habits.
There are now helecopters too that see through walls and its been admitted that cell phones can be used to track you and thats infact how they caught some guys in the war in afganistan.

There was a news story here of a girl who was kidnapped and they found her by triangulating her phone...its pretty simply geometry really.
Every so often your cell phone sends a signal back to the tower, you just calculate the distance from the tower by the time it takes for the signal to get to the tower.
Its now even been admitted that phones can listen in even if theyre not on...the lithium batteries in them aren't just for memory folks.
There was a new thing in london of microphones on the lamp posts.

Every area of your life its being scientifically studied to get a psychological profile on you...i'd say they know more about some people than their own family do.

I have to say that this is even further than 1984...a shouting telescreen is one thing...even winston smith had a corner he could sit in unseen...but you go outside especially in england and theres no where you can go without being watced.
The telescreens described sound innefficiant compared to the cameras we have today with their face recognition software and the likes.

I dont think the situation we're in has any comparison anymore to any past dictatorship or work of fiction...we've surpassed them all.

oh my god

im starting to think there are a number of people in this world who lack a soul.
i find it hard to believe that people can do the things they do...and that the leaders at the very top can knowlingly orchestrate whole systems of evil and have a soul.
i hate to say it but i believe our society may be churning out people that somehow at some point lost their soul...i believe there is a darkness on the world...and some people just become consumed with it...and it fills them.

"A Kansas City abortionist is out of business after investigators discovered a grisly house of horrors at his clinic – with fetuses kept in Styrofoam cups in his refrigerator and one employee accusing him of microwaving one and stirring it into his lunch.

The unsanitary conditions in Krishna Rajanna's clinic prompted legislative approval of new abortion regulations in Kansas, a bill that was vetoed by the governor. Rajanna's activities have reportedly been the subject of law-enforcement investigations for nearly two years.

Rajanna first came to the attention of police in September 2003 when he called police to investigate alleged employee theft.

Detective William Howard of the Kansas City Police Department responded.

"I thought I had heard and seen every vile, disgusting crime scene, but was in for a new shock when I started this investigation," he would say later. Howard turned the matter over to the local district attorney and three state agencies.

Topping the list of horrors was an employee's account that she and others witnessed Rajanna "microwave one of the aborted fetuses and stir it into his lunch," as Howard recalled earlier this year when testifying before a Kansas House committee.

Rajanna denied the accusation. But he did keep fetuses in Styrofoam cups in the refrigerator along with food and drink.

"Dr. Rajanna lacked personal hygiene," testified Howard. "His hair was messy, hands dirty, and his clothing was wrinkled and stained. He put on old, used foot booties while we were there."

Howard testified the clinic was dark, dingy, had poor lighting and smelled musty. There were dirty dishes in the break-room sink and on the table, trash everywhere, and roaches crawling on the countertops. Howard was afraid to sit down.

Howard noted there were no hazardous waste containers anywhere. (An employee later testified Rajanna took home all contaminated, medical and biohazard waste for residential trash pick-up.)

As for the "procedure room," Howard's partner spotted dried blood on the floor and said the room looked "nasty."

Two dishwashers located next to the staff toilet served as sterilizers, according to employee testimony. Photographs show the toilet was bloody and functioned as a human waste disposal in the literal sense.

On Saturday, the State Board of Healing Arts voted unanimously to revoke Rajanna's license.

In March, a board inspector made two surprise visits to Rajanna' clinic. He reported the facility was unclean and that he found syringes of medications in an unlocked refrigerator. The inspector also reported finding a dead mouse in the hallway.

Rajanna said in his 10 years of performing abortions in Kansas City, no patient has complained about care.

Rajanna can appeal the decision to district court. He argued that he had not been given an opportunity to meet with the inspector to correct the deficiencies. But board members concluded that Rajanna's clinic represented a danger and said that as a doctor, he shouldn't have needed the board's prodding to keep a clinic clean and safe.

Board members also noted that Rajanna had been previously disciplined, in 2000 and 2001, for not properly testing his patients for their blood types and for improperly labeling medications. Also, in February, Rajanna signed an agreement to improve his clinic's conditions and paid a $1,000 fine.

With Rajanna's case pending, abortion opponents won legislative approval of a bill requiring abortion clinics to obtain an annual license from the Department of Health and Environment, hire surgeons as their medical directors and report patient deaths to the state within a day. The measure also mandated that the department set standards for equipment, medical screenings, ventilation and lighting.

But Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, an abortion-rights advocate, vetoed the measure, saying medical professionals – not legislators – should set standards.

im not a christian but i believe evil or 'the beast' exists. what mainly stops me being a christian is the story of jesus, the same story is repeated many times in anchient babylon, egypt etc and originates frm the babylonian mystery schools.
but i do acceot the basic values of a TRUE christian..respect for life, value god given freedom, be free of hate, greed, jealousy etc and love everybody 'love thy neibour'...
i believe god is in all of everything...i believe everything is a physical manifestation of devine energy and ultimately everything is one...a vibratory field in an infinite mind of which we are all part.

i do however think there are cerrtain people who just shut out this attunement to the goodness that exists in all of us and become consumed with whatever bizarre perverted rush they get out of darkness.

i believe 'the beast' of the bible is this system we're in, its is this slave is the ultimate form of evil...our natural state is being part of nature free from any man ruling over another.
these systems are human created, out natural state which christians would say that god intended is complete freedom and harmony with the rythms of nature.
i grow increasingly sick of these created systems...i want to return to how i should be..i have a constant tangible feeling of sickness; like a fish out of water from being in this unatural slave system.

people think theyre free but they judge it by the system theyre in...not considering the potential we really have for being free and how far away we are from our natural state.
we could be living out in nature in harmony...and it can be can learn what to eat and move around so as not to use up resources, completely free from any other person imposing their will on even if you believe we're in a fair democracy how is that free compared to what you could have?
even if we really have an open democrazy you still cannot decide what to put into your body, you cannot just gain food from the land as you would naturally but you must use most of your life working trying to gain what is naturally everbody's.
and to get that money you invariable have to serve your bosses in a precise ways...its is slavery by any other name.
compared to our true nature we have been in slavery ever sinse governments soon as one man started exerting power over another we lost out freedom.
what we have today is that times a trillion, the very elite at the top are consumed with power.
my arm is hurting now so i will stop, but as yourself are you really happy with this?
do the trinkets and consumables that come with your 10 hours of servitude a day really fullfill you?
what do you have at the end?
you simple slave all your life...just to stay alive.
is that really a life?

would you not rather have lived as is natural, become one with your personal demons, learned the balance of the world and made peace with everything?
that is a rich life...trinkits dont follow you into the next world but experience and wisdom do.

have we lost our souls?

oh god...i do some people live at night?

Scientists mess with things way over their head

"First Goat Kids With Human Genes Born in Belarus
Created: 10.04.2006 18:40 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 10:36 MSK, 13 hours 40 minutes ago


The first two kids have been born into an experimental herd of goats with a transplanted human gene in Belarus, the head of a Russian-Belarussian transgenic research project said on Monday.

Alexander Budevich who is also a staff member of the Belarussian Cattle Breeding Research Institute said the kids “do not show any signs of ailment or abnormal development. Yet scientists must still verify that the kids are transgenic,” Interfax news agency quoted him as saying.

Russian genetics experts will come to the Belarussian institute on Tuesday to take samples of skin from the kid’s ear for a gene test. The test will show whether the kids are transgenic, he said.

“The probability of the appearance of transgenic animals is very small. Only two or three transgenic kids may be born to 100 goats into which human genes were transplanted,” he said.

Last May, proteins of human origin were transferred into the goats’ DNA. Woman’s lactoferrin was brought into the DNA of over 100 animals from an experimental herd belonging to the Belarus institute."

mark my words genetic engineering is a mistake, the fact that science believes 95% of our DNA is 'junk' is cause enough to not let these control freaks anywhere near genetic material.
As if we evolved to this level of sophistication but 95% of our body was still 'junk'.
Its a highly arrogant attitude, i suggest this so called junk DNA is simply too complex for them to understand but they assume themselvs to be the kings of knowlege and so its the DNA thats wroing and not them :-P

I also believe that once you do the highly crude genetic engineering theyre doing here the creature begins producing proteines and amino acids and hormones that have never existed in that creature spin a wheel of fortune in regards to the outcome.
The experimental method is all well and good when you're using inanimate chemicals...but once you begin experimenting with the fabric of life itself...something that is infinately more complex than we could ever understand, you open up a dangerous pandoras box.

Wht cant they just leave it alone? i get extremely frustrated in these people's persistance in trying to become masters of nature and in their insistence in medling in something so complex.

in the same way you wouldnt let a child mess about with the inside of a super computer...keep scientists away from your genes!

ive seen grotesque creatures half man half pig...what is the point of that?
animals have gotten where they have by an intricate and complex natural system of evolution and fine tuning by nature, if that werent so they wouldnt be as they cant just slap bits of different creatures together, i dont know if there is a god or if were all one mind but if god does exist i know he'd be horrified at such a decimation of his creatures.

And for those of you saying 'well i support knowlege so im for this'...
let me get this strait, that is not knowlege of the world, that is simply medling in what is already there.
The same way subliminal messages and brainwashing aren't knowlege theye simply things invented by man that exploit whats already there.
Finding the existence of a subconscious is knowlege...creating ways to exploit it is simply abusing that knowlege for artifical man made purposes.

the same way here...knowing a genetic code exists is knowlege, alering it is not the persuit of knowlege its just messing with whats already there.

Dont believe the us government would use RFID to track you?

one tiny example of RFID being used in peoples cars to track and tax long before we have then under our skin?

theres literally thousands of news stories going on about how wonderful RFID is and how amazing this 'new technology' is and how our lives will be so much easier.

forgetting to mention that we'll be in a surveilence grid nightmare that outdoes 1984 by miles

Alex Jones waking life speech

"You can't fight city hall." "Death and taxes." "Don't talk about politics or religion." This is all the equivalent of enemy propaganda, rolling across the picket line. "Lay down, GI! Lay down, GI!". We saw it all through the 20th Century. And now on the 21st Century, it's time to stand up and realize, that we should NOT allow ourselves to be crammed into this rat maze. We should not SUBMIT to dehumanization. I don't know about you, but I'm concerned with what's happening in this world. I'm concerned with the structure. I'm concerned with the systems of control. Those that control my life, and those that seek to control it EVEN MORE! I want FREEDOM! That's what I want, and that's what YOU should want! It's up to each and every one of us to turn loose of just some of the greed, the hatred, the envy, and yes, the insecurities, because that is the central mode of control, make us feel pathetic, small, so we'll willingly give up our sovereignty, our liberty, our destiny. We have GOT to realize we're being conditioned on a mass scale. Start challenging this corporate slave state! The 21st Century's gonna be a new century! Not the century of slavery, not the century of lies and issues of no significance, of classism and statism, and all the rest of the modes of control... it's gonna be the age of humankind, standing up for something PURE and something RIGHT! What a bunch of garbage, liberal, Democratic, conservative, Republican, it's all there to control you, two sides of the same coin! Two management teams, bidding for control of the CEO job of Slavery Incorporated! The TRUTH is out there in front of you, but they lay out this buffet of LIES! I'm SICK of it, and I'M NOT GONNA TAKE A BITE OUT OF IT! DO YA GOT ME? Resistance is NOT futile, we're gonna win this thing, humankind is too good, WE'RE NOT A BUNCH OF UNDERACHIEVERS, WE'RE GONNA STAND UP, AND WE'RE GONNA BE HUMAN BEINGS! WE'RE GONNA GET FIRED UP ABOUT THE REAL THINGS, THE THINGS THAT MATTER-- CREATIVITY, AND THE *DYNAMIC* *HUMAN* *SPIRIT* THAT REFUSES TO *SUBMIT*! WELL THAT'S IT, that's all I've got to say. It's in your court now

Transcript of Alex Jones weekly show

i hand typed this myself.
he gave a powerfull speech on the state of humanity, he was at one point do i quite often these days...once you realise how evil this system souless and satanic our systems really are and you see the effects of this....governts killing thousandsa of childen..wars that kill a million people, torture and rape openly praised and you see that no one cares its like being stabbed in the heart...
we are one family, we are not seperate and we should all be fighting this horrific creature that is sucking us dry.
dont think youl be safe if you suck up to this system...the servents will be the first to be eaten....what goes around comes around.

heres the quote:

"i see new articles every day where the government grabs poor peoples children and they take them to private facilities and they inject them and they make them drink pesticides, and psychotropic drugs and in many cases the children start throwing up, theyre put in bed and theye still given the drugs...they actually die, they put little kids in bags, they take
them out, they put them in poppers graves or they sell their little bodies for medical experiments i mean what the hell??? i mean...its in major newspapers its not even hidden anymore.

they tell us what they do to us now, and you dont're worried about your job at advanced micro're worried about your job at motorola, you're worried about your hair looking cool, you're worried about buying your victoria secret syuff, you're worried about your vacation plans and it...its all real i i i my humanity, my basic programming just screams in pain and frankly its not because im some type of wonderfull humanitarian, frankly its not because im a bleeding basic animal genetics, my basic mammalian fibre lets me know that when my own species is in pens being systematically tortured and killed and i hear their screams...i feel their screams i chronicle their pain, i know that im not safe, i know in a world where this is normal that none of us are safe...i know you reap what you sow, i know none of us are immune, that we're all connected and i know that we've lost our souls and i know that this is more sophisticated than the NAZIs.
i know that its going to get worse and i know that the media illusion and the culture of death is so powerfull and i see our once great country being dismantled right infront of my eyes...and they sell it to us in the name of security and the people want to believe the propaganda; good propaganda is effective because it speaks to our innate slothfullness, and to our innate procrastination and we dont wanna believe this...i dont wanna believe it i try to make excuses for whats happening, i try to rationalise, my subconscious mind trys to deal with it, but i cant deal with it anymore.
my soul burns...theres 36,000 children starving to death everyday and ive got the world bank documents wheres they did it all on purpose...where they ordered it...

*crying* if you love your chldren, you should love THOSE children..OH GOD, THE JUDGEMENT...we're all GOING TO BE UNDER FOR THIS, THE HUMANITY WE'VE LOST.
im selfish i dont do everything i should to fight this.
somebodys gotta stand up for the widows, the children, somebodys gotta stand up for the weak, and i see this decadent cosmetic coated drugged out america talking about how tortures good, talking about nuking cities, DONT YOU PEOPLE KNOW ALL THIS IS FOR YOU?
dont you fools know that these implements of death and destruction and been forged have been created for you too? ont you know the elite running things is totally ruthless? and they have competitions for who can be the most evil and the most dehumanising and doNT you know YOUR WHOLE WORLD IS COMMING DOWN?

we shouldnt hold in our concearn, its normal, its real, ive said many times i dont get excited about your football games...i dont yell and cry and scream about that, i dont get upset i wouldnt jup outta window if the stock market crashed...those things down mean anything to me, they mean something to you because you were taught that your identity was tied to being a preening peacock,a member of this system you were taught that work was about how much money you had and how cool you wreand how much power you had over people and thats not power!

wy even chronicle the evil? why even read the associated press, and the bbc and all these newswires youl never read of where they take small children and give them pesticides and kill them!
right here in texas right up in new york, all over this country.
what are you going to do for those children theyre killing???
you're not gonna do a damn thing are ya?
because you dont care, you only care about yourself, well your neibour doesnt care about you either.

if you wanna believe the lies, if you wanna rationalise and make excuses then thats your life but if you wanna be leaders if you wanna get involved in the fight against tyranny, if you want to stop laughing at the corruption, the yuppie, the trendy, thinks that if they laugh at something or if they deny that its a threat to them, if they just go... 'll join it then,'that that gives them power...and that doesnt give you power over the sitution.

humanity could do anything our potential is unlimited, but the current elite is threatened by any free thinking any free technology they want to hoard it all and dominate it all because they thin some new elite will rise and threaten their monopoly.

its just a ruad theyre a bunch of inbred trash, they can only survive in this system because theyre defective and theyre sadistic and they enjoy what theyre doing, we've got a bunch of serial killers running ther planet, theyre souls are screwed up, and theyre in control.
and its gonna take us taking controll back from them...theyre gonna tear stuff up real badto stop us.
folks 9/11 is just the start, theyre gonna nuke cities,theyre gonna release biologicals, coz they wanna get rid of us, its their own official plans, its part of a long term process, and i just hope you're strong enough to realise it."

took me about an hour but i typed it as he said it.

theres aspelling mistrakes but this dumbass editing thing wont let me edit without it wrting over the text.

ID card bill passed 2 years ago...and no one even got time to read it.

"UPDATE: December 7th at 7:38 p.m.
The U.S. House passed the conference report on the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act by a vote of 336 "ayes" to 75 "noes." Vote Tally


December 7, 2004

If you were a member of Congress, would you vote "yes" on a 3,000 page bill that you never had a chance to read? Most reasonable people wouldn't. Most reasonable people would want to read and study legislation before deciding how to vote; especially legislation as monumental as the intelligence reorganization legislation or the so-called 9/11 bill.

And monumental it is. The legislation would greatly affect various intelligence and military agencies and procedures; financial systems; international relations; not to mention civil liberties. In addition, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that the legislation will cost $14.4 billion to implement between 2005 and 2009. That's $14.4 billion on top of the normal annual budgets for the various governmental agencies involved.

Yet this monumental legislation will be voted on by members of Congress without those members having had time to read, let alone study, the bill. It's just after 2:00 p.m. ET on Tuesday, December 7th. The U.S. House is expected to vote on the 9/11 bill sometime today or tomorrow. But at this moment, there isn't a copy of the final bill available for House members to read.

So, is there a provision in the bill to establish a national ID? No one seems to know. Or at least the people who do know aren't saying. What else is in the bill that the select few in Washington are keeping secret? Who knows? Anything could be...and that's the point.

Remember how passage of the Patriot Act was handled? Members had only two to three hours to read the final 400-page bill before they had to cast their vote. The legislation that created the Department of Homeland Security was handled in the same way.

So, here we go again. Everyone is talking about this monumental legislation as if they've read it. News reporters, commentators, political analysts, think tanks; 9/11 families; and yes, members of Congress are busy sounding off as experts trying to convince the American public that Congress should pass it. Have any of these people actually read it? Their opinions are just based upon someone else's opinions that are based upon other people's opinions and so on.

The House version of the intelligence reorganization bill is in two volumes. Volume 1 is 1,778 pages. Volume 2 is 1,586 pages. How many pages are in the final conference report and what exactly has been added or deleted at the last minute? Well, as of 2:00 p.m. ET, the final report is not available for members to read. But the vote on that enormous bill will be held within hours.

We urge a "no" vote because we believe the bill has a national ID provision in it. In addition, we urge a "no" vote, simply because members of Congress should know what the bill says in print before voting on it."